Monday, May 29, 2023

Secret to Happiness (Cape Cod Creamery)


Secret to Happiness 

(Cape Cod Creamery #2) 

May 2, 2023

Sunday, May 28, 2023

You Are Loved Not Lost by Sharon Musgrove #Devotional #SundayThoughts


“God’s love is meteoric,

His loyalty astronomic,

His purpose titanic,

His verdicts oceanic.

Yet in his largeness nothing gets lost;

Not a man, not a mouse,

Slips through the cracks.” 

Psalm 36:5-6 MSG



Sometimes it’s easy to feel as though we’ve slipped through the cracks of “unseen” and “unimportant.”  The one hundredth job application goes unanswered, a social media posts goes unliked, or phone calls are not returned.  Perhaps the doctor forgets to put in that referral, the children don’t come to visit, or the promotion goes (yet again) to someone else.  When, in this world, it seems as though we’re overlooked, a psalmist’s words remind us that no matter how grand the universe, God still sees and cares for every detail.


On a recent trip to Manhattan, New York, I took in the view from the 63rd floor window of my hotel room.  It was magnificent!  From that height I could see over many of the surrounding buildings to both the Hudson River and the East River.  A cruise ship was assisted by a tugboat, pushing it into port.  A helicopter, like a dragonfly, buzzed in circles overhead.  Cars drifted the streets below, iconic yellow cabs standing out like Hawaiian Tang in the stream.  The city was full of energy as thousands of people bustled to their next thing.  


In that moment, the metropolis outside seemed as much God’s creation as the complex inner workings of the human body or the interconnectedness of earth and animals in nature.  Rather than feeling like just an observer, as is my common behavior, I saw myself as a part of the inner workings of this living machine called life. 


God’s grand design, vast as it may seem, includes you!  Instead of making you feel small, the details of this amazing planet are meant to make you feel loved.  God’s faithful love is vaster than you can universe upon universe yet homed in on the tiniest of details of atomic structure.


While mankind cannot keep track of a set of car keys, God has his eye on everything.  So, you are not lost, dear friend, you are God’s most valuable possession, held dear to His heart.  Your life matters to Him and your role in His kingdom has purpose.  Even if you’ve lost sight of it, He hasn’t.


Take a moment today to take in a panoramic view of your surroundings and make note of what brings you pleasure, down to its smallest detail.  God has not forgotten what makes you smile, nor has He ignored your deepest need.  As the words of this Psalm remind, you are known by Him and He is still creating the best life for you.


Author Bio:


Sharon has been writing and teaching biblically based curriculum, Bible studies, and devotionals since 2007.    


She has had the unique position of writing curriculum and teaching for two private, Christ-based, residential recovery programs. Both programs primarily served women in the homeless community.


Sharon has traveled multiple times to Kenya, serving on medical teams and teaching in the rural Maasai communities. She’s been privileged to speak in Leadership camps intended on encouraging and empowering the impoverished, underprivileged, and often abused young women.


Within these ministries, Sharon has witnessed the transformative power of loving words spoken to the broken-hearted. Sharing God’s love and witnessing its transformative power has become her passion.


Sharon and her husband, divide their time between Oregon and Hawaii. They have two grown children. 


Currently, Sharon is encouraging others via her inspirational blog, but prefers sharing face to face. Additionally, she is working towards a degree in Ministry. 



Connect with Sharon:






Friday, May 26, 2023

The Gift of Faith (Unexpected Gifts)


The Gift of Faith 

(Unexpected Gifts) 

April 11, 2023

The rewards of faith are plentiful in this sweet Amish romance from the author of The Gift of Joy.

The quietest of the three Kanagy boys, Daniel, would prefer to spend his time keeping his bees and selling the honey rather than tending his family’s gift shop. But with both his brothers breaking away from the family business, his parents need Daniel more than ever.

Contrary to town gossip, Faith Kemp didn’t jump the fence—she left to track down her twin sister, Mercy. When Faith returns home with a newborn baby, the rumors are tough to set right, and not everyone in the community is welcoming. To help support her family, Faith sells dried flower arrangements to the popular gift shop in town. Each visit, she looks forward to seeing Daniel Kanagy. He doesn’t say much, but his steady strength speaks to her just the same.

With girls buzzing around Daniel and trying to catch his eye, why would he turn his gaze to a quiet, plain girl who has a baby and too many rumors about her?

My thoughts:  THE GIFT OF FAITH is the first book I've read by this author, but it won't be the last.  I enjoyed reading about Daniel and Faith and their up and down romance complicated by rumors, a baby, other girls and a possible arranged marriage.  Faith has a lot to deal with, and through it all, Daniel is there, holding her hand and keeping her strong. A sweet romance that fans of Amish fiction will devour.  I was given a copy free and all opinions are my own.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Winning the War in Your Mind for Teens: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life


Winning the War in Your Mind for Teens: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life 

April 4, 2023

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Amish Spinster's Dilemma: An Uplifting Inspirational Romance (Love Inspired)


The Amish Spinster's Dilemma: An Uplifting Inspirational Romance 

(Love Inspired) 

May 23, 2023

The Amish Spinster’s Dilemma is a beautiful second chance at love filled with humor and heartfelt moments. Author Jocelyn McClay penned a delightful tale between widower Thomas Reihl and spinster Emma Beiler. Add in an Englisch granddaughter antics and love to explore over to Emma’s place brought moments of laughter, tears, heart beats increasing with the twists and turns when dangerous situations arose.


The characters are true to life, descriptive scenery for Miller’s Creek and happenings gave way to a tale that I couldn’t stop reading. I felt, smelled, saw and heard all the happenings transpiring between the characters. I could see Emma stitching her hats at her home while watching for Cilla to see what her next adventure might include. The change in chemistry between Thomas and Emma gave way to more smiles and tears.


I highly recommend The Amish Spinster’s Dilemma to fans of older characters finding a fresh love despite feelings and heartbreaks of the past.


I received a complimentary copy of this book without any obligation to write a review. I have expressed my own thoughts.


Part 2 of an Interview with Kristen Hatton, Author of Parenting Ahead


Part 2 of an Interview with Kristen Hatton,
Author of Parenting Ahead

A counselor to teens and parents, Kristen Hatton helps moms and dads make that connection between their current parenting and future outcomes. By evaluating their parenting, they will see where their own fears, desires, and insecurities lie and how to pivot to practices of faith and trust in God. The redemptive approach to parenting will help parents and children be better prepared for engaging in the realities of peer pressure, decision-making, and recognizing the connection between behavior and the heart. 

In Parenting Ahead, Hatton shares practical examples, helpful scripts, and role plays to teach parents how to proactively parent during one season to prepare for the next.

Q: In what ways do both overparenting and under-parenting bring about unintended results? You write that there’s no perfect formula to parenting, but can you share some helpful guidelines for finding balance between the two ends of the spectrum?

Let me first explain what I mean by both overparenting and under-parenting. Overparenting could be synonymous with helicopter parenting. Parents in this category tend to be warm, supportive, and responsive, which is great, but when these qualities are coupled with a high level of control, parents exhibit too much responsiveness and overinvolvement for what is appropriate for their child’s age. 

My use of the term under-parenting does not mean neglectful or uninvolved parents, but rather overly permissive parents. These parents are also warm and responsive. Their desire is for their kids to be happy, and they want to have a good relationship with them. But with these goals, permissiveness is exhibited through failure to exert parental authority, set and enforce limits, and an overall abdication of shepherding their kids.

It is interesting that though these parenting styles are very different, research shows that the young adult children from both these types of parents struggle in the same ways—anxiety, depression, low self-efficacy, dissatisfaction, and entitlement, to name a few.

I discovered the commonality when I was in a counseling research class and got curious about a mitigating link between helicopter parents and permissive parents that was leading to the developmental challenges of young adults. My hypothesis was that fear was the common link. Of course, fear will look very different between the two types of parents. Helicopter parents fear anything that might cause adversity in their children’s lives, whereas permissive parents may fear their children not liking them, among other things. In addition to fear, or maybe beneath the fear, I see both parents fall into maladaptive thinking patterns or wrong thinking. Just as our kids create false narratives in their heads about what is true, so do we as parents—and when those narratives become more real to us than God’s Word or what is really happening, our idol of fear can escalate.

Rather than looking for some perfect balance between hovering and permissiveness, at the core of what I address is seeing our need for Jesus when we struggle with fear, the temptation to control, or the desire to be the cool parent. Parenting starts with our hearts, and what we do will flow from it.

Q: Tell us about the self-evaluation tools in Parenting Ahead that help parents gauge whether they are over- or under-parenting?

In lieu of the typical end-of-a-chapter questions, I included a self-assessment at the end of Part One of the book. This may frustrate some readers, but I did not include any kind of scoring system with it. Rather the assessment is intended to help the reader take inventory of their tendencies. The purpose is to grow in awareness of self and better evaluate why you do or don’t do certain things. In a very real sense, this assessment prepares us to further evaluate at a heart level what’s beneath our overparenting or under-parenting and shines a flashlight to see how, or if,  our values are aligned with the gospel.

For example, one line item on the assessment is “I stick with the boundaries I set for my child.” If in answering that question I realize I don’t frequently stick with boundaries, I might further probe my heart to see why that is the case.

Q: How can we recognize the idols that often arise in the course of parenting? In what ways do we try to justify them? What should we do to overcome them and remember God is in control and his provision is best?

Paul Tripp gives a great analogy to help identify idols. It’s the open hand/clenched fist analogy. In evaluating whether something has risen to idol status, we may imagine it being in the palm of our hand. If we are able to keep it in an open hand, then it’s not ruling us in an idolatrous way. But if we are holding on tight, clenching our fist around it because it is something we have to have, there is an idol there. Another helpful way for recognizing idols is evaluating our emotions, our thoughts, our time, our habits, where our money is spent, what we talk about, and what we spend time on. With emotions, for example, you can ask yourself why you responded the way you did to a certain situation. Why were you so angry? Teasing out the answers can help us determine if there is a ruling idol beneath.

Now certainly we don’t like to see our sin—our idols—so we might work hard to justify them. This can play out in many different ways. For example, I might justify my perfectionism or need to control as just how God made me or I’m just trying to be a good mom. Or the ruling idol of comfort that led to an anger outburst could be justified by blame-shifting to the person who disrupted my plans. Just like Adam and Eve did in the garden, we attempt to cover our shame.

Because we are still in the process of sanctification and still struggle with sin, this side of heaven we will never be completely free from idols. But the more we see our sin (our idolatry) for what is and remember what Jesus has done for us and that God delights in his children running to him, the more quickly we will come to confess and repent. When we as parents do this, our children will learn they can be honest about their sin too.

Q: In a world where truth is relative and anti-biblical views are even accepted and embraced by Christians, how can we be good examples of standing firm against the culture? How can we prepare our children to wear “gospel glasses?”

First and foremost, God’s Word is the eternal, unfailing, never changing, absolute truth. In our society, we don’t believe that anymore. Even among Christians, we have big discrepancies about how we see and interpret Scripture. So, teaching the authority of God’s Word is foundational.

We have to know his Word is true and what that Word is if we are going to be able to discern what’s false. Much of what we are hit with today are half-truths. Things that sound right are being embraced by others—Christians even—but, if we held them up to the light of God’s Word, we would see they really do not align. Therefore, not only is the authority of God’s Word foundational, but so is getting his story straight. God’s Word is his unfolding story of redemption. He is the main character, and in reading his story, we learn who he is and we learn who we are. Our children need to know the story because it points us to our condition and need of a Savior, as well as teaching them the glories of the One who came.

Regarding standing firm, we need God’s help. Swimming upstream in our culture is not easy. It is lonely and requires an endurance mindset to keep from throwing in the towel. I would say our motivation stems from knowing the steadfast love of the Lord and his goodness to us, so we want to live in a way that is honoring him. If that serves as encouragement to other Christians to also stand firm, that is a wonderful side benefit. But as we shepherd our children, if we make their behavior about being a good example to others, we don’t necessarily reach their hearts to help them develop their own convictions for living in light of God’s truth.

Q: Why is it important to be honest with our children about our shortcomings and sins?

If our children do not see that Mom and Dad need a Savior too, they will never feel like they can be honest about their sins. They will either think we have it all together and feel judged because they can’t measure up, or they will see us justifying our sin or sweeping it under the rug, viewing us as hypocrites. But when our children see the pattern of redemptive living modeled for them (including confession, repentance, forgiveness, and grace), they will learn they can be honest about their sin too.

Furthermore, not only how we handle our sin but also our children’s sin paints a picture for them of who God is. Is he an angry policeman in the sky looking to bust us or a friend to sinners who calls us to come?

Q: What is one single piece of advice that you give new parents who are just starting out on their parenting journey?

The road is long and hard. You will not get it all right, and that’s okay. In fact, if I could free you from thinking you have to be the perfect parent or that you even can be, I would. Rather, know that God loves your children even more than you. And he uses all things, even our sin and struggles and our children’s sin and struggles, to bring us to greater dependence on him. And as for the parenting road ahead, my hope is that by his strength you would be able to patiently endure and intentionally shepherd your children.

Parenting Ahead: Preparing Now for the Teen Years
by Kristen Hatton
Print ISBN: 978-1-64507-278-2
April 17, 2023 / Retail Price: $18.99
RELIGION / Christian Living / Parenting

About the Author

Kristen Hatton, MA, is a counselor and author passionate about helping families. She is the author of Get Your Story StraightFace TimeThe Gospel-Centered Life in Exodus for Students, and Parenting Ahead.

It was from Hatton’s experience parenting teens, speaking to parents, and counseling that she became passionate about encouraging and equipping parents, leading her to start the Redemptive Parenting Instagram account and podcast.

Hatton lives with her pastor-husband, Pete, in Dallas, Texas. Together they have three young adult children and a son-in-law. In her off time, she loves travel, fitness, the outdoors, reading, party planning, and gathering with friends.

Learn more at, and follow her on Facebook (@kristenhattonauthor)Instagram (@redemptiveparenting), and Twitter (@hattonkb).

Missed Moments #devotional by Julie Arduini

Missed Moments Julie Arduini   But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you . M...