Thursday, December 6, 2012

Unfailing Love

Title: UNFAILING LOVE: A Woman’s Walk Through 1 John
Author: Karol Ladd
Publisher: Harvest House
August 2012
ISBN: 978-0736929776
Genre: Christian Life/Women

Are you experiencing true love?

The wellspring of a woman’s heart runs deep. We long to feel the security of faithful love, yet often we try to fill our hearts with unsatisfying pursuits and less-than-perfect lovers. Although it’s easy to talk about filling our hearts with God’s love, it’s another thing to embrace His love, feel it, and allow it to color the fabric of our lives.

UNFAILING LOVE will take you on a journey through 1 John. Ms. Ladd helps you to experience the reality of God’s generous love. As you begin to grasp its height and depth

. you’re transformed, seeing yourself and your circumstances in a fresh new light.

. you get a truer picture of Jesus, God’s Son in a way that helps you navigate the false loves, temporary pleasures, and seductions of today’s culture.

. you’re able to graciously, compassionately, and creatively love others by your words and actions.

UNFAILING LOVE is not a devotional. This is a book for serious study. There is a lot of reading to do, including a personal story, teaching and scripture included, a suggested reading of more scripture, a section that shows you some additional truths, and then questions for you to answer. There are spaces included to write your answers are, but if you don’t like writing in books or can’t write small enough for the space provided, then you might want to keep a notebook handy.

If you are looking for a deeper UNFAILING LOVE in your relationship with God/Jesus then you will want to read UNFAILING LOVE. It will open your eyes and your heart. $12.99. 240 pages. 

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