Monday, April 30, 2018

The Rescue

Jim Cymbala, with Ann Spangler
Religion / Christian Life / Spiritual Growth
ISBN 978-0-310-35117-7
177 pages
$16.99 (Hardback with dustjacket)

By New York Times bestselling author and pastor Jim Cymbala, The Rescue tells the powerful, true stories of men and women whose lives should have ended badly but miraculously didn't. Something unexpected happens to each of them and their incredible stories will take you by surprise and restore your hope.

(reviewed by Steve) 

“Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.”
Genesis 18:14 (KJV)

We read stories like that in the Bible and say to ourselves (and to one another), “Yes, but things were DIFFERENT         back then.  When was the last time YOU saw something like that?”

Well, Jim Cymbala and Ann Spangler may not have witnessed a miraculous pregnancy, but they have seen God work miraculously in the lives of seven people.  They saw God working so powerfully, that they just had to write a book about it.  They called this book . . .

The Rescue.

Short.  Sweet.  And definitely to the point.  There is no other word for it . . . these individuals were rescued from circumstances that defy the imagination.  And they share their stories to remind you that God is still in the life-saving business . . . and that there really is nothing too hard for God.

The stories are written in the first person, and the “writers” don’t pull any punches.  They are brutally – sometimes graphically – honest with their experiences, so you might want to keep that in mind when considering younger readers.  And for those who have been technologically blessed (which is about everyone these days!) you can watch 5 of the stories contained in the book online at

Think you’ve strayed too far from God to be rescued?  These seven testimonies just might change your mind.

5 stars for a testimonial to the rescuing power of the one true God.

1 comment:

Marilyn R. said...

I always enjoy reading stories about God's amazing and powerful miracles He has performed in lives.