Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Couple After God's Own Heart

Title: A COUPLE AFTER GOD’S OWN HEART (and workbook)
Authors: Jim & Elizabeth George
Publisher: Harvest House
January 2013
ISBN: 978-0-7369-5120-3 (book)
           978-0-7369-5520-1 (workbook)
Genre: Marriage

It’s time to invest in your marriage

New from bestselling authors Jim and Elizabeth George! Jim and Elizabeth come together to share from 40-plus years of marital wisdom and experiences to help couples grow closer to each other and to God.

Husbands and wives will discover how they can enrich their marriages by looking at the lives of key couples in the Bible. As they observe the strengths and weaknesses of couples like Abraham and Sarah, Boaz and Ruth, Joseph and Mary, and others, they will...

  • learn the essentials necessary for enjoying an exciting life together
  • develop better ways to communicate and make solid decisions
  • realize the need to draw upon God for unity and strength in hard times

An outstanding resource that will lead husbands and wives to enjoy a richer and deeper union!

If you want a marriage that lasts, a marriage where you work together,  where you can embrace goals to help you function as a team,  and to understand the need to pray for your marriage, then A COUPLE AFTER GOD’S OWN HEART is a book that you need. Written by 40-year marriage veterans, Jim and Elizabeth George, they know something about what they are talking about.

They wrote A COUPLE AFTER GOD’S OWN HEART in one voice, as a couple, with slight off-shoots when he addressed men and she addressed women. Each chapter of the book focuses on one Biblical couple, and if you use the workbook with it, you can use it as a devotional, taking five days per chapter, answering discussion questions, and praying together.

I can’t really say I learned anything new, but it is written in a friendly style and I think that when the marriage is new, or going through the inevitable rough spots, then it would be good to have and read—or reread. Recommended.  Book is $13.99 and 247 pages.
Workbook is $11.99 and 137 pages.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Thanks for your review Laura. This might be a book worth checking into!

Judy B