Friday, November 28, 2014

Hot Words for the ACT

Hot Words for the ACT
High school to Adult. Price $9.99
Barron’s Study Green

Hot Words for the ACT is a professional paperback book that will show high schoolers or adults who want to go to college how to best study volcabulary for the ACT test.

In Hot Words for the ACT Ms. Carnevalee, M.A. provides the tools to instill high school students (and adults) with a lifelong love and understanding of words, without being overwhelming.

This go-to book for college bound students presents and defines more than 250 words that commonly paper in the verbal portion of the ACT exam. The book also includes:

 > Helpful anecdotes illustrating how vocabulary strengthens students’ verbal scores
 > Memory tips amd review exercises
 > An alphabetical word index

Vocabulary enrichment for the ACT Engish, Reading and Writing tests
College bound students who successfully complete the book’s exercises and master these words will expand their lifelong vocabulary, enrich their essay writing and speaking, and improve their chances for acceptance at the college of their choice.

Hot Words for the ACT starts simply enough. A brief selection of words with their definitions, short exercises to show knowledge of the words. I would’ve liked to have seen more than two exercises per section. I did like that they went into detail about the words, different meanings, parts of speech, plus examples.    

Memorizing words is the key in this book, but college-bound students will greatly increase their vocabulary. Learn different ways of saying things and understanding rarely used words will teach the value of a good vocabulary and impress peers and others of your command of the English language. It will also instill self-confidence as well as children and teach them the history of how our English language grew and changed. Recommended. Laura V. Hilton

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