Sunday, October 20, 2024

The First Five Seconds by Becky Van Vleet #Devotional


The First Five Seconds

He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty,
And he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.

Proverbs 16:32 (NKJV)


I’ve always appreciated this quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, our thirty-second president’s wife: Anger is only one letter short of danger.

How fast can we become angry? Maybe five seconds. But it will only take about five seconds to whisper a prayer to God for help before our anger escalates and we sin. The last statistic I heard is that one out of five Americans has an anger management problem. Thankfully for believers, the Holy Spirit is our ultimate anger management counselor.

Like cream, emotions rise to the top. And I’m not talking about becoming angry when a fly lands in our cooking. I’m talking about anger and destruction and explosions out of control, affecting others. God knows all about our emotions--He created them. Even Jesus displayed righteous anger in the temple. But God makes it clear we need to keep our offensive emotions in check so they don’t erode our spirits.

Anger is one of the most volatile and dangerous emotions. “Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; do not fret—it only causes harm.” (Psalm 37:8 NKJV) Let’s train ourselves to be alert to the first sign of anger and cover it in prayer in the first five seconds.

What actions can we take to be more Christ-like and slow to anger? I believe it’s prayer. Ask God to reveal any areas of your life where you are succumbing to anger. And then ask for help to receive and demonstrate the fruit of the spirit—self-control.


Becky Van Vleet

Becky Van Vleet is a retired teacher and principal and award-winning multi-genre author. She has been published in Guideposts, The Country Register, and Christian Devotions Ministry. Her children’s picture books are the recipients of the 2020 Excellence in Editing award as well as the Purple Dragonfly award in 2020 and 2021. She and her husband make their home close to Colorado Springs where she enjoys gardening, hiking, oil painting, power walking, and spending time with her family, especially reading books to her grandchildren.

Becky is the author of Unintended Hero, a true story about her father’s battles, experiences, and adventures in WWII aboard the USS Denver. She is passionate about sharing the values from the Greatest Generation and enjoys speaking to high school classes about patriotism.

A member of ACFW and Allauthor, Becky has devoted her website to creating and preserving family memories and sharing family stories for the next generations through her monthly blogs. 

You can find her at: She would love to hear from you, especially if you have a family story to share!


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