Wednesday, June 9, 2010

They Almost Always Come Home

Author: Cynthia Ruchti
Publisher: Abingdon Press
May 2010
ISBN: 978-1-4267-0238-9
Genre: Inspirational/women’s fiction

She would leave her husband—if she could find him.

Libby and Greg are in an unhappy marriage. Ever since their daughter died their marriage has been floundering. Now, Greg fails to return home from a solo canoe trip to the Canadian wilderness. His boss is calling wondering where he is. But when Libby notifies the authorities, she learns that his vehicle is not parked in the lot to the entry to the park. It is located at a hotel in Canada. Where a man who is not Libby’s husband answers the phone.

Libby, her father-in-law, Frank, and Lib’s best friend, Jenika, decide to go off on a wilderness trip on their own. But instead of fishing, they are looking for Greg. If his car was stolen, that must mean that Greg is hurt somewhere in the wilderness—or worse.

Will Libby find her husband, her flagging faith, both, or nothing? What will it take for her to even find a sign?

THEY ALMOST ALWAYS COME HOME is the debut novel by Ms. Ruchti. I was blessed to be Cynthia’s critique partner in the beginning of this project, and it is wonderful to be able to read this book in its final form.

Libby is struggling with the disappearance of her husband and still grieving the death of her daughter, and as a result she has a lot of issues to work though. She is a very realistic and well-developed character and the reader quickly grows to care. I could even feel the mud sloshing in my boots and get grossed out by filtering bugs from the drinking water with their teeth. I still don’t like how the book ends. But otherwise, it is a good read. Discussion questions are included at the end of the book. $13.99. 298 pages.

1 comment:

Darth Mama said...

This books sounds really interesting -- would love to read it. jfsarma at gmail dot com