Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Lord's Prayer

Author: R. T. Kendall
Publisher: Chosen
March 2010
ISBN: 978-0-8007-9489-7
Genre: Inspirational/nonfiction/spiritual life

Most of us know The Lord’s Prayer by heart. Some of us say it at least once a week in our church services. But how many of us pray this prayer by rout, without paying much attention to what we are praying?

Dr. Kendall’s book THE LORD’S PRAYER will help transform the way you pray and live. The author takes us line through line of this familiar prayer, exploring what you are saying, what it means, but not only that but when and why you should pray The Lord’s Prayer, and how unanswered prayer could be a sign of God’s favor.

THE LORD’S PRAYER is divided up into five parts.

Part 1: Focusing on God
Part 2: God’s Prayer List
Part 3: God’s Prayer List for Us
Part 4: A Chosen Benediction
Part 5: A Further Reason for the Lord’s Prayer

This is a book that should be read and reread so you can grasp every phrase of this important guideline to prayer. In fact, Dr. Kendall himself suggests that when you read the last page, you close it and start rereading it again.

Dr. Kendall comes with a lot of endorsements, and one of these men mention that many Christians pray only briefly, like when their clergy instigates it during church services. Prayer is something that should be done “without ceasing.” God should be as real to us as the person sitting next to us, or the person you talk to next on the phone.

If you want to transform your prayer life and draw closer to God then THE LORD’S PRAYER is a book to consider. $13.99. 205 pages.

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