Thursday, February 16, 2012

Glad Tidings: The First Twenty-five Years of Flanders Family Christmas Letters

Title: GLAD TIDINGS: The First Twenty-Five Years of Flanders Family Christmas Letters
Author: Jennifer Flanders
Publisher: Prescott Publishing Organization
December 2011
ISBN: 978-0-9826269-8-6
Genre: Christmas letters/memoirs

One man. One woman. Twelve children. Twenty-five years.

GLAD TIDINGS is the collection of Christmas letters from the first twenty-five years of Doug and Jennifer Flanders’ marriage. Okay – the first year of their marriage (in August of 1987) they didn’t send out any Christmas letters—they were too busy with other things (any newlywed can relate). But every year there-after is a fun, detailed, newsy letter filled with the Flanders’ life.

I don’t know the Flanders family personally, but I enjoyed reading the information about their life, about the birth of each of their children, Doug going through medical school, Jennifer dropping out of her masters program, and of the remodels, moves, and information about the family as it grew.

I read Jennifer’s other book Love Your Husband, Love Yourself and found it interesting, but this book was even more so. I felt like I got to know the Flanders family pretty well through these letters.

Jennifer shares in the book that she gets letters from complete strangers every year asking to be put on their Christmas letter mailing list, so at Doug’s urging she put the first twenty-five years of letters into book form. If you are a Flanders, related to the Flanders, or are one of those who want (or wanted) to be put on their mailing list, you’ll love this book. If you are someone like me who don’t have a clue who they are, you’ll still enjoy this book. It’s a great read, and recommended. $11.95. 170 pages.

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