Saturday, February 11, 2012

Little Mercies

Author: Lynn Coulter
Publisher: Broadman & Holman
April 2011
ISBN: 978-08054-4935-8
Genre: Inspirational/Christian Living

Most Christians know the Psalm “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” But—how can we be happy when we are living in a broken, fallen world. Sometimes we have so much bad news (not necessarily all in the media) that we just want to stick our heads in the sand and hide.

In LITTLE MERCIES, Ms. Coulter answers that we can be glad in Jesus. Even if we’re sitting in the radiology department in the hospital and learn that there’s a suspicious tumor and you need a biopsy. Even if your son feels like arguing and makes you want to scream, you can choose to look for the little mercies that God has given you.

Ms. Coulter is an acclaimed essayist, and she has written sixteen thoroughly engaging essays with titles like “Fly Fishing”, “Singing Behind the Plow”, and “Making Biscuits.”
She uses humor and talent to remind us about the grace of God who is in the details. The one who appears when we ignore some of the clamor around us.

I read through most of LITTLE MERCIES when I was sitting at the hospital today, waiting for blood work and other tests. I finished the rest of the book after I got home. Normally, I drag my way through nonfiction, taking several days—sometimes weeks—to work my way through it. But I can say that I read and was engaged by LITTLE MERCIES enough to want to keep reading it.

If you are looking for a pick-me-up, a reminder that God is good, that He is in the details, and that He knows the plans He has for you, then pick up a copy of LITTLE MERCIES today. You will be glad you did. 192 pages. $14.99.

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