Thursday, May 2, 2013

Gift of a Servant

Author: Tamara Amos
Illustrator: David W. Luebbert
Publisher: Mystical Rose
March 2013
ISBN: 978-0-9857405-0-4
Genre: Children / Christmas

 Santa Reveals His Mission Of Love!

            A father waits up on Christmas Eve night to demand retirement from the hero of his childhood, Santa Claus. The same saint who used to symbolize Christmas spirit is now plastered on advertisements everywhere, driving shoppers into holiday hysteria!  Dear old Dad makes a mistake, however, by forgetting what every child knows:  When Santa comes in the night with a bag full of surprises, he always leaves the perfect gift.

            Gift of a Servant is a glimpse into the soul of one of the most celebrated and beloved saints of our time.  It is a journey into the heart of his mission to bestow God's love upon His children, and an invitation to join him on this holy quest. 

            Enter in with an expectant heart to receive the gift Santa Claus has prepared for you!

GIFT OF A SERVANT is a cute story written in poem form that shares one father’s dismay of the commercialism of Christmas and how Santa Claus doesn’t have the same jolly as good old St. Nick. I wondered at first where it was going to go, but I was appreciative that the author took the time to show that the story isn’t about the presents underneath the tree—its about the cross, though he didn’t spell out the salvation message.
After the cross, the story veers to giving Santa Claus the position that Christ held – Let the little children come unto me, and do not refuse them…

GIFT OF A SERVANT is attractively done in hardcover with beautifully done pictures  This is a book any child would love to look at and have read to them, and if you are shopping for Christmas in advance, it’s a book to consider for this upcoming holiday season.  Don’t miss GIFT OF A SERVANT.  Recommended.  $4.99 (kindle) $19.95 hardback. 40 pages. 

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