Friday, May 10, 2013

The Cat That God Sent and The Dog That Talked to God

Author: Jim Kraus
Publisher: Abingdon Press
April 2013
ISBN: 978-1426765612
Genre: contemporary

Meet Petey, your not-so-average cat – on a mission from God

Jake Wilkerson, a disillusioned young pastor who is an expert at hiding his fears, takes on a new assignment at a small rural church in Coudersport, Pennsylvania--which is a far piece from anywhere and full of curiously odd and eccentric people.

His first day on the job, he is adopted by Petey--a cat of unknown origins and breed--but a very sentient cat who believes that he is on a mission from God to redeem Jake and bring him back to the truth.

Jake must confront his doubts early on when he meets Emma Grainger, a single woman and a veterinarian who dismisses all Christians as "those people." Then, Tassy, a young runaway with a secret, arrives at the door of the church looking for a place of refuge. How does Jake deal with this runaway and his interest in Dr. Grainger? More importantly, can Jake rekindle his faith?

THE CAT THAT GOD SENT is the first book that I’ve read by Mr. Kraus. It is a different sort of book, with Jake and Petey (the cat) being the main point of view characters. I can honestly say this is probably only the second adult book I ever read with an animal that has a point of view.

The story is written kind of distant. I didn’t fall madly in love with Jake. I read it more as a dispassionate bystander. Still, the message of redemption and grace was fantastic, and the part that the cat played—and I did enjoy his point of view. And except of The Dog that Talked to God is included at the end of the book. 3.5 stars, rounded up to 4. $14.99. 336 pages.

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Author: Jim Kraus
Publisher: Abingdon Press
March 2012
ISBN: 978-1426742569
Genre: contemporary

Recently widowed Mary Fassler buys a Miniature Schnauzer, Rufus, and her world is turned sideways in the midst of her grief.  It seems that Rufus speaks. And not just to her. He also talks to God. When Rufus begins sharing advice that could result in major changes, Mary gets the feeling the pooch might not be steering her in the right direction. Or, is she just afraid to take the leap and discover something she desperately needs? Only Rufus...and God...knows.

This is the second book I’ve read by Mr. Kraus. I read The Cat that God Sent first, which is fine, as the books are stand alone.

Mary is a widow who has also lost her child. She has no relationship with God—and if she’d known that she was buying a papered Miniature Schnauzer who talked to God she would’ve walked away and not looked back. Because the dog not only talked to God—but he talked to Mary as well.

Written in both Mary’s and the dog’s point of view, the style is unique at best. There is a lot of author intrusion. The story is very slow moving—and drags a bit, but the message is good—and one that everyone should read. 3.5 stars. $14.99. 336 pages.

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Meet Jim:

Jim Kraus grew up in Western Pennsylvania and has spent the last twenty years as a vice president of a major Christian publishing house. He has written more than twenty books and novels, including the best-sellingThe Dog That Talked to God. He and his family live outside of Chicago with a sweet miniature Schnauzer and an ill-tempered Siberian cat named (of course) Petey.

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