Thursday, May 16, 2019

Interview with Kathleen Smith

Today we welcome Kathleen Smith to my blog. Nice to have you stop by, Kathleen. Tell us about the book:

Brooklyn Raised Livin’ Upstate is about me. It’s about what it was like for me growing up in Brooklyn. My little family adventures. My family vacations. What I did with my mom. It’s about me meeting my husband and moving to Upstate after we got married. It’s about how different country life is for me compared to what city life was like. I share about our winters in the country. I talk about the fall colors in Upstate NY. I talk about how our family likes to take day trips to NYC. Sadly it’s also about how I lost my mom to cancer. I share precious memories about my mom and I and how we loved to do things together. I share my thoughts and feelings about the day of my mom’s funeral and how much I didn’t want to bury her and yet I knew I had no choice. Brooklyn Raised Livin’ Upstate is filled with my memories: good, bad, funny and sad.

Why do you write the kind of books you do?

I’ve found writing about my experiences whether it be about growing up in Brooklyn, getting married, losing my mom to cancer or even having miscarriages is something people can relate to in one way or another. I’ve also found putting my feelings into words helps me to get through what I need to get through. It doesn’t matter if it’s the loss of a baby or the loss of a parent. I’ve also noticed that when people find out I’m from Brooklyn they want to know what it was like growing up there. Or they want to know what it’s like moving from the city to the country. And then there are people who know what it’s like because they’ve done it themselves and it gives us common ground to talk about.

What is your current work in progress?

At the moment I am working on getting my books put on audio. This isn’t the easiest thing in the world to do, but I find it to be well worth it. I have one book on audio, my book where I share my experience with miscarriages. I am looking forward to getting my Brooklyn/Upstate book on audio as well. How long it will take, I don’t know? Other then that I continue to do my blog and podcast on a weekly basis.

What three things about you would surprise readers?

Well lets see….. I can’t write fiction for anything.  I can be a very blunt person, but I don’t think people can tell by looking at me. My Brooklyn accent still comes out everyone once in a while and the looks I get from people when they hear it are like “what was that”!

What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?

I love spending time with my family especially my husband. I love traveling  and exploring new things with my husband. I love going for walks.

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?

Sometimes I think I’m my most difficult writing obstacle. If I can’t get my thoughts going correctly in my mind that drives me crazy. If I can’t get them to come out the way I want them to that gets to me. Sometimes overall it’s just what do I write about NOW!

Share your bio:

In the early 70s and 80s, Brooklyn, NY seemed like the perfect place to live for a little girl who could never imagine living ‘upstate’ in the country. Family vacations, helping out her parents, and learning to live through change gave way to the biggest change yet--livin’ upstate and starting a family of her own. This is a snapshot of one girls life as she changes into a woman and a mother and eventually experiences the lose of her own mother.

Social media and buying links

Brooklyn Raised Livin’ Upstate FaceBook page (my book has 2 different titles same book though) 






Barnes and Noble

Podcast Kathleen’s Korner

1 comment:

Marilyn R. said...

Kathleen, Thank you for sharing about your life through your writing. Reading life's experiences of others are nice reads with encouragement if facing something similar.

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