Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Beautiful Day

Title: A BEAUTIFUL DAY: Treasure Every Moment: 40 Devotions
Author: Gwen Ford Faulkenberry
Publisher: Summerside Press
December 2009
ISBN: 978-1-935416-59-3
Genre: Inspirational/nonfiction/devotional

This beautiful little devotional that is perfect for gift-giving or for carrying in your purse or backpack. The book isn’t just for beautiful days when the sun is shining and a warm breeze is blowing, and all is right with the world, but instead, it is for the days when its cold and rainy and nothing is going right at all.

A BEAUTIFUL DAY will help us change our attitude and help us to find meaning and beauty, regarding of the circumstances, and to help you find God’s peace, faithful love, and presence.

Each devotional starts out with a verse, then a story, and ends with a prayer. This is a book that is not a really deep Bible study, but it is good for when you have a few minutes here, or there, and you want to spend some God-time, focusing your thoughts on Him.

There are forty devotions included in this little book, and everyone of them are upbeat, entertaining, and uplifting. Hardcover, this book is ideal for gift-giving or for keeping in small places (the car, the bathroom, the bedside table, or wherever you read devotions) so it is handy. $12.99 hardcover. 143 pages.

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