Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Unexpected Adventure

Title: THE UNEXPECTED ADVENTURE: Taking Everyday Risks to Talk with People About Jesus
Authors: Lee Strobel and Mark Mittelberg
Publisher: Zondervan
May 2009
ISBN: 978-0-310-28392-0
Genre: Inspirational/nonfiction/evangelism

Have you ever wondered how to talk to others about Jesus? Do you wonder how to effortlessly guide the conversation to talk about Christ? Or maybe how to take advantage of broad openings to tell others about your Lord? If so, then THE UNEXPECTED ADVENTURE is the book for you.

The book opens up in the introduction, with Mr. Strobel sharing with us how, as a new Christian, God opened the door to speak to his boss about Christ. Mr. Strobel was scared, and nervous, and considered blowing it off, but with the spirit of God guiding him, he took advantage of the opening and shared, thus changing his own life, and potentially, that of his boss.

THE UNEXPECTED ADVENTURE is written for today’s multigenerational, multicultural world. It will help readers take easy steps into a natural evangelistic lifestyle that will energize their own faith while making a difference in the lives of people they encounter.

The book is divided up into a devotional format, with 42 short chapters that readers will easily be able to read in one day, then implicating useful applications which are backed by scripture.

If you are looking for a book to help you share the good news with others, or are paralyzed with fear at the thought of it, then THE UNEXPECTED ADVENTURE is a book you should consider. This book has the potential to change your life. .

Strobel and Mittelberg are inviting churches to visit, and you can download a free videos, and other resources, and receive a free sermon DVD. $14.99 304 pages.

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