Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Knit with Love

Title: KNIT WITH LOVE: Stories to Warm a Knitter’s Heart
Author: Lisa Bogart
Publisher: Revell
October 2011
ISBN: 978-0-8007-1970-8
Genre: Inspirational

Knitting is something that I long wanted to learn. My mother was an avid knitter. My attempts were pathetic, but under Mom’s gentle tutorage I kept on. And my projects did turn out to be what they were supposed to be, but they were full of uneven stitches and mistakes. So I’m not going to claim to be a knitting expert here.

KNIT WITH LOVE is full of warm, encouraging stories about knitters. It also shows how knitting can help to reduce stress and depression, and also can help with other illnesses. And not only that but the author uses verses and brief knitting stories to use as a short devotional, something for you to consider as you go about your day.

Not only that but it shares stories about how knitting projects can be used for charity. A hat for a cancer patient (thank you to those who knit them for me). A scarf for a homeless person. A sweater for a child. And on and on. Some of the ideas presented in the book are really unique.

If you love knitting then KNIT WITH LOVE is definitely a book you’ll want for yourself—and a copy for a knitting friend. There are also online resources included in the book for you to find help or inspiration for your next project. $12.99. 171 pages.

1 comment:

Pegg Thomas said...

As an avid knitter since I was 9 years old... I may have to order this one. :) Better yet... methinks a good Christmas list idea for the hubster!

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