Friday, February 1, 2013

Make 2013 a Year of Discovery

Make 2013 a Year of Discovery

Discover Together Bible Study Series Allows Individuals and Groups to Dig Deeper into Scripture

When it’s time to make New Year’s resolutions each January 1, many Christians undoubtedly put at the top of their lists being more diligent with their Bible studies. Sue Edwards and Kregel Publications challenge women not to let this resolution go by the wayside a few weeks in—like their latest diet or exercise program—by inviting them to join in The Year of Discovery an interactive online experience. With the launch of the Edwards’ Discover Together Bible Study Series (in stores January 16, 2013), individuals and groups will be able to participate in their choice of seven different studies that actively dig into six books of the Bible.

The Discover Together Bible Study Series includes six of Edwards’ popular studies (Psalms, Proverbs Volumes 1 & 2, Luke, Ephesians and I Peter) that have been reorganized and revised to be more reader-friendly for both personal and group reflection along with the completely new release on Revelation.  Each of the seven books is divided into weekly lessons and includes new inspirational sidebars and QR codes to take readers to supplemental teaching videos.

Sue Edwards will be kicking off the Revelation study with an online Facebook chat on January 30 at 8:00 PM EST. In the weeks following the chat (February 4 – April 8), Edwards will be posting weekly on the Year of Discovery Facebook page and interacting with groups and individuals around the country going through the devotional at the same time. Women will be able to discuss the study with each other and ask questions via Facebook. Once readers complete the Revelation study, Edwards will be going through the Ephesians study in the same way. (An April 11 Facebook launch party will be followed by an April 15 – June 17 online study.)

Women need Bible study to keep balanced, focused and Christ-centered in their busy worlds. However, many find it difficult to set aside the time and discipline needed for an in-depth study. The Discover Together studies offer tiered questions to allow readers to choose a depth of study that fits with their individual lifestyles or schedules, even if they vary by the week, month or season. Completing each lesson requires about one-and-a-half hours. Readers still receive in-depth Bible study but with a minimum time commitment. For those who desire a more thorough study, including an opportunity to learn more about the history, culture and geography related to the Bible, Edwards has provided “Digging Deeper” questions. Answering these questions may require outside resources such as an atlas, Bible dictionary or concordance and challenge readers to examine complex theological issues and differing views more closely.

While the Discover Together Bible Studies are designed for both individual and group use, readers will benefit most by going through each week’s lesson on their own, then meeting with other women to share insights, struggles and aha moments. Bible study leaders will find free, downloadable leader’s guides for each study, along with general tips for leading small groups,

Through short video clips, Edwards shares personal insights to enrich the Bible study experience. For ease of individual viewing, a QR code, which you can simply scan with your smartphone, is provided in each lesson. Readers can also go to theDiscover Together website and easily navigate and find the corresponding video title. These clips are meant to bless, encourage and challenge participants in their daily walk.

Edwards and Kregel are especially excited about the new Revelation study that has been added to the series. “I have focused on five special chapters—the first three and the last two—passages that I believe are most pertinent for Christians today,” writes Edwards. “I find a thorough investigation of these five chapters the most beneficial as we consider how God wants us to prepare for the end.”

“The first three chapters paint a glorious picture of the resurrected Christ and record his seven letters to first-century churches. These early churches represent the different kinds of churches that have existed through the ages. The letters both commend and point out deficiencies in these churches, providing lessons to help us get ready for our future,” Edwards continues. “The last two chapters unfold with unspeakable energy, beauty and promise, as John describes what Jesus shows him: a new Eden, redemption’s climax and our eternal home. Walk with me through these incredible pages, and experience the blessing that God promised to all who read and heed.”

Psalms: Discovering Authentic Worship ~ ISBN: 9780825443114
Proverbs: Discovering Ancient Wisdom for a Postmodern World, Volume 1 ~ ISBN:9780825443077
Proverbs: Discovering Ancient Wisdom for a Postmodern World, Volume 2 ~ ISBN:9780825443084
Luke: Discovering Healing in Jesus’ Words to Women ~ ISBN: 9780825443107
Ephesians: Discovering Your Identity and Purpose in Christ ~ ISBN: 9780825443091
1 Peter: Discovering Encouragement in Troubling Times ~ ISBN: 9780825443121
Revelation: Discovering Life for Today and Eternity ~ ISBN: 9780825443138
All of the studies are paperback and retail for $12.99 each.

Visit to learn more about the Bible study series, download leader’s guides and watch Sue Edward’s video messages that correspond with each lesson.

Keep up with The Year of Discovery on

About the Author

Sue Edwards is associate professor of Christian education with a specialization is women’s studies at Dallas Theological Seminary where she has the opportunity to equip men and women for future ministry. She brings more than thirty years of experience into the classroom as a Bible teacher, curriculum writer, and overseer of several megachurch women’s ministries. As minister to women at Irving Bible Church and director of women’s ministry at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas, she has worked with women from all walks of life, ages and stages. Her passion is to see modern and postmodern women connect, learn from one another and bond around God’s Word. Her Bible studies have ushered thousands of women all over the country and overseas into deeper Scripture study and community experiences.

Edwards has a doctor of ministry degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Boston and a master’s in Bible from Dallas Theological Seminary. With Dr. Joye Baker, she oversees the Dallas Theological Seminary doctor of ministry degree in Christian education with a women-in-ministry emphasis.

Along with Kelley Mathews, Edwards has coauthored New Doors in Ministry to Women: A Fresh Model for Transforming Your Church, Campus, or Mission FieldWomen’s Retreats: A Creative Planning Guide; and Leading Women Who Wound: Strategies for an Effective Ministry. Edwards and Mathews also joined with Henry Rogers to write Mixed Ministry: Working Together as Brothers and Sisters in an Oversexed Society.

Edwards loves words, but often feels like she is drowning in them. She writes Bible studies to carry women deep into God’s Love Letters, hoping the words turn their lives upside down much the same way they revolutionized her own life. Writing is her way of reaching women that she cannot connect with one-on-one.

Sue has been married to David for more than forty years. They have two married daughters and five grandchildren.

To read more from Sue Edwards, visit the New Doors in Ministry website or her blog on Readers can also keep up with her via Facebook and Twitter.

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