Sunday, September 16, 2018

An Interview with Karin Beery

Today we welcome Karin Beery to my blog. I was Ms. Beery's critique partner way back when she started writing this story and I'm so excited it will finally be published and I can read what happened after Chapter 3. 

Karin, glad to have you stop by. Tell us about the book – a brief blurb:

Elementary school music teacher Callie Stevens thinks she’s finally figured out God’s plan for her life—she even made a list to keep her on track.

Moving in with her brother and reconnecting with her ex-boyfriend are at the top of the list. What’s not on the list is running into her childhood crush, Ryan. God wanted her to connect with Kyle, right?

Trying to figure out God’s plan is hard enough. But a dating-averse older brother, the young blonde who adores him, a pregnant best friend, and Callie’s continual mishaps make her wonder whether her best laid plans were truly God-inspired.

Do you create playlists for each book, write to the same music all the time, don’t listen to anything?

I listen to different things at different times. When I’m writing, I have to turn off my inner critic and get into a zone, so I’ll often watch an action/adventure movie while I type. I watch the same ones over and over again so I can tune them out when I need to, but they also give me something to look at when I need some visual stimulation. My favorite movies for this phase are any of the Marvel/DC movies and Pacific Rim.

When I’m editing, however, I really need to focus, so I either need quiet or instrumental music. If it’s warm enough that I can open my windows, the outside noise is perfect. Otherwise I prefer one of three Pandora radio stations: Chopin, The Vitamin String Quartet, or John Williams.

Where is your favorite place to write? Pictures?

Because I’m a book editor, I spend a lot of time at my desk/computer. When I actually have a chance to work on my own manuscript, I prefer to write anywhere else. I have a smaller, more portable laptop for that. It can be anywhere different, from my kitchen table or bed to a coffee shop or the library.

The wall in Karin's favorite coffee shop.

Will you complete this opening? “It was a dark and stormy night…”

I tried to curl up with my husband, but there were two dogs and a cat between us.

What book do you admire/do you wish you’d written?

I really admire speculative fiction writers. It’s hard enough to write good fiction, but they create whole new worlds and civilizations too! I’ve enjoyed Jill Williamson, Mary Weber, and Sara Ella, and I’m looking forward to reading my first books by S.D. Grimm, Brent Weeks, and more.

How do you find the balance of writing time and family time?

I’m still working on that! It helps that my husband and I are both pretty laid back when it comes to spending time together. One of our favorite ways to spend a night together is in bed with a movie playing while I write on my manuscript and he works on other things online. That lets me write while still getting to cuddle with him. We don’t currently have kids, which makes it easier. I don’t know how so many authors manage to raise families, work, and write – they’re my heroes!

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Born and raised in Michigan, Karin Beery wrote her first novel in high school (mostly during government and psychology classes – sorry Mr. Winkle). Today she writes contemporary stories with a healthy dose of romance. When not writing fiction, she’s editing or teaching others at conferences and through the PEN Institute. When not engaged in writerly pursuits, she enjoys time at home in Northern Michigan with her husband and fur babies.

You can find me online at:

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