Saturday, September 1, 2018

Homespun: Amish and Mennonite Women in Their Own Words

Homespun: Amish and Mennonite Women in Their Own Words 

Ebook, paperback, hardcover

by Various (Author), Lorilee Craker (Editor)

  • Paperback: 192 pages
  • Publisher: Herald Press 
  • (August 7, 2018)
  • ISBN-13: 978-1513803166
About the book:

Straight from the pens of Amish and Mennonite women . . .

Ever wish you could visit with a group of Amish or Mennonite women over a cup of coffee? In the pages of Homespun, Amish and Plain Mennonite women swap stories and spin yarns while we listen in. Lorilee Craker, bestselling author of Money Secrets of the Amish, collects these personal writings about hospitality, home, grief, joy, and walks with God. Hear from one woman who struggles with feeling inferior to her sister, from another about her longing for a baby, and from a third who accidentally bought stretchy material to sew her husband’s pants. Each woman’s story is a testament to the grace of God and the blessings of community.

Behind Amish romance novels and tourist spots and television shows stand real people, with longings and loves just like the rest of us. Every Amish and Mennonite woman has a story. In Homespun, you get to hear some of them.
  • Introductions by Lorilee Craker, bestselling author of Money Secrets of the Amish
  • Essays by well-loved Amish and Mennonite writers such as Sherry Gore, Linda Byler, Lovina Eicher, Dorcas Smucker, and Sheila Petre
  • Authentic perspectives on life from Amish and Mennonite women themselves
  • True stories from Amish and Mennonite communities on topics such as family, faith, and home
  • A collection of columns from two magazines of Amish and Mennonite women writers
My thoughts: HOMESPUN is not a memoir (I was kind of afraid it would be) but it is a collection of essays written by Amish or Mennonite writers.  I am only somewhat familiar with two of them. I admit I went into this with somewhat low expectations--as in maybe they were trying to sneak a memoir past unsuspecting readers who dislike memoirs, but this greatly exceeded my expectations. Not only is it not a memoir, but it is readable! Friendly! Relatable! Even funny at times. Tear-jerking at others. And even thought provoking at times. 

I read two stories out loud to my family. One "Bone-Opp-a-Deet!" and the other "Stretched" because they were funny. The rest were devoured in an evening and a home-sick-from-church Sunday with no internet to distract me. I couldn't even listen to the sermon on-line. But that has nothing to do with my review. :) 

I'd planned to give this copy to the local library, but I'm not sure it'd be a good fit. I'm thinking instead of giving it to my daughter as she would likely enjoy it as much as I did and pass it on to her more conservative friends (not quite Amish or Mennonite, but a very very very conservative Baptist, which is technically the same, minus head-coverings.) 

If you are interested in different aspects of the Amish or Mennonite lives, such as family, unexpected diseases, relying on God to supply, and ever so much more you will definitely want to read this book. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I was given this copy free. All opinions are my own.  

About the editor:

Editor Lorilee Craker is the author of thirteen books, including Money Secrets of the AmishAnne of Green Gables, My Daughter, and Me; My Journey to Heaven with Marv Besteman; and the New York Times bestseller Through the Story with Lynne Spears. Connect with her at

1 comment:

Marilyn R. said...

I'm reading this book currently along with a couple others. The format is easy to read a few stories and then set it aside. Your review beautifully describes this book. Thank you for sharing.