Wednesday, January 4, 2012

7 Money Rules for Life

Author: Mary Hunt
Publisher: Revell
January 2012
ISBN: 978-0-8007-2112-1
Genre: Inspirational/personal/finance

Mary Hunt is the founder of Debt-Proof Living and an expert when it comes to money management. But Ms. Hunt wasn’t born with money smarts. Like most of the rest of us, she learned her lessons the hard way. She hadn’t been taught about budging and when she went off to college and got her first account, she went on spending sprees. She didn’t learn her lesson until many years later when she was the bread-winner in the home and faced the hard facts that their spending out weighed their income.

Looking at her bills and the amount of income they had to work with, Ms. Hunt penned down some thoughts that later became the basis for her 7 MONEY RULES FOR LIFE.
These thoughts are:

 Spend less than you earn
 Save for the future
 Give some away
 Anticipate your irregular expenses
 Tell your money where to go
 Manage your credit
 Borrow only what you can pay

I was raised by a mother who budgeted and she made sure I learned these basic rules as I was growing up. But even knowing and doing is a challenge. Like most of America, I live from paycheck to paycheck. And anticipating your irregular expenses—can you really anticipate a two thousand dollar car repair bill or an eight hundred dollar water leak in the same season? Still, there are basic facts in here that every household can take and work with. Even those that are hit hard with the unanticipated irregular expenses.

If you aren’t familiar with budging then this book is a lesson in itself. Ms. Hunt teaches you everything you need to know, including offering suggestions on on-line services that will help track your spending. This book is an invaluable tool for anyone. Recommended. $17.99 hardcover. 200 pages.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Sounds like an interesting book. Great review! Hugs and have a Happy New Year!!! :O)