Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Writer's Template

The author is generously offering a copy of this as a giveaway. Leave a copy (with contact information) for a chance to win

Author: Amy Deardon
Publisher: Taegais Publishing, LLC
July 2011
ISBN: 978-0-9818997-3-2
Genre: Writing/plotting/writer’s block

Most people say they want to write a novel or a screen play. But they don’t have any idea where to begin. They write some words, maybe a chapter or two, then they don’t know where to go from there. If you are that person, then THE STORY TEMPLATE is a book you should consider.

THE STORY TEMPLATE is a writer’s conference in one book. It takes you from the beginning, using the plotting method, of planning your novel. Who are your characters? What do they do? What do you want the underlying message of the story to be? Where will it be set? What time period? What do you envision when you think of that area? And it gives you writing exercises, where you describe what you are “seeing,” and what you’re wanting to convey.


 Ascertain the four foundational story pillars, and use the “secret weapon” of the story template to structure your story
 Build character depth with believable change
 Create subplots to raise tension while you deepen and contrast story themes
 Review writing techniques that shape your ideas into a compelling manuscript

THE STORY TEMPLATE is a product of Ms. Deardon’s extensive research when she started writing. It is an invaluable tool for the beginning writer, or even a more accomplished one who is suffering from writers block—or finding themselves facing a tight deadline with no idea where to start. If you are a writer, at any level, then you’ll want a copy of Ms. Deardon’s THE STORY TEMPLATE. $15.95. 239 pages


The Read-a-Writer said...

Well, I'm not sure what to say about this. It'd be great if I could win this book, because my aspirations to write - and my longing to do so - have all come to naught. I know that I need a way to formulate a story from beginning to end, but (I live in Canada) they are hard to come by. :( Particularly in ENGLISH.

Susan said...

Hi, it was nice to "meet" you on your blog...home educator here! Realtor's wife, mom of 3 teens, one in engineering college, aspiring Inspy historical romance writer (1st draft done). Would love to win this book. Thank you.

Ann Lee Miller said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win The Story Template!


Julie Bihn said...

Sounds like a great book! (Given my issues with planning, I could probably really use it.) Thanks for the giveaway!


SilverBill said...

Never can have enough great books on writing.
Blessings, Bill

Amy Deardon said...

Hi Everyone. I was frustrated while writing my first novel, and figured there had to be a better method than trial-and-error. When I looked into it I was amazed at the deep structure of story. This book is a product of my coaching students. The Template is fine if you're a pantser or planner -- it just gives guidance so you don't get stuck. Good luck! Amy

Pegg Thomas said...

I love learning about story planning. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this book.
twinwillowsfarm at gmail dot com

Kathier said...

This book, the Story Template, looks like something I could use.

Kathier said...

The Story Template looks like something I could really use.

Kathier said...

The Story Template looks like something I can really use.

Susan Anne Mason said...

Sounds like a terrific book and a great tool! I'd love a chance to win a copy!


sbmason at sympatico dot ca

Susan Anne Mason said...

This sounds like a terrific book and a great writing tool!

I'd love a chance to win a copy!

sbmason at sympatico dot ca

Unknown said...

This looks great! julie (at) juliejarnagin (dot) com

Mary Marie Allen said...

It looks as if could be a valuable resource for a writer.