Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Stone Destiny

Author: Jim Ware
Publisher: David C. Cook
March 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4347-6464-5
Genre: Young Adult / Fantasy

Morgan Izaak is obsessed with his father’s ancient books about the legendary Philosopher’s Stone; he’s even got a little alchemy lab set up in the church tower next door. And when Morgan and his best friend, Eny, find out about another mysterious stone that may be hidden in their own town—the Irish Stone of Destiny, called Lia Fail—he’s determined to find it because he thinks it’s the last hope for someone he holds dear. But Morgan’s not the only one looking for the Stone, and by the time the two middle schoolers realize there’s trouble afoot, Morgan has betrayed their friendship, strange creatures are loose in the land, and the Stone is lost … perhaps forever. Can Morgan find a way to help those he loves?

THE STONE OF DESTINY turned up in my review pile and when I set it out to read, my eleven year old daughter snagged it and started reading it. I told her that if she reads the book, she writes the review. It’d be more honest from her anyway, as the book is intended for her age group, and not forty-something year old Moms who don't like fantasy. So I am letting my daughter write the review from here on out.

THE STONE OF DESTINY is the first book I’ve read by Jim Ware and it is hard to describe, it’s so great. I loved everything about it. It is totally awesome, a must have. Mr. Ware writes great books. Morgan was mostly honest, but sometimes he didn’t tell the truth. He had a friend Eny which is American for Eithne and she has mismatched eyes, one blue eye and one brown eye. She is totally honest and never told a lie at all. She claims she went to Sidhe and everyone believes her because she never lies. Morgan has doubts about it and he keeps going to this woman named Madam Medea and she’s kind of like an enemy to the Danaan people and she has these giants and one of them doesn’t have an eye any more, because one got hit by a stone in a sling, kind of David and Goliath. She teaches the Danaan people to sling rocks. A glossary and an interview are included at the end of the book. Awesome book! $4.00. 352 pages. 

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