Friday, April 12, 2013

What's Your Mark

Title: WHAT’S YOUR MARK? Every Moment Counts
Author: Jerry Cowart
Publisher: Zondervan
March 2013
ISBN: 978-0310411093
Genre: Nonfiction

Who was Jesus? What was his story? What mark did he leave? What's your story? What will be your mark?

Join celebrity photographer and social artist Jeremy Cowart as he presents sixteen compelling stories of people who are making their mark today. Their stories are just a sampling of the stories that all followers of Jesus can tell---stories from those in all walks of life whose inspiration is rooted in the truths found in the Gospel of Mark.

You'll be inspired to make your mark---whether through your occupation, your talents or your selfless love and giving to others. Your mark may be teaching children at a school or at home, helping the homeless, or providing food to the hungry. Your mark might be an accidental mark, a reluctant mark, or an intentional mark.

Whatever your mark, you'll be inspired by the stories inside this new book, WHAT’S YOUR MARK? Become a mark-maker today, and make every moment of your life count. This book includes:

* 112 full-color pages of Scripture, stories, and photography by renowned photographer Jeremy Cowart
* 16 photos and stories of people---some names you'll recognize, others not so well known---making their mark
* Scripture text of the Gospel of Mark from the bestselling New International Version (NIV) Bible

I enjoyed reading through WHAT’S YOUR MARK? And as I did I realized that the stories of these social media users, children, artists, and superstars were all following The Great Commission: Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel. God never said you had to preach entirely in words. Sometimes, actions speak much louder than anything you can say. And these people have used their God given talents in many different ways to help proclaim the gospel of truth. If you wonder WHAT’S YOUR MARK? Or wonder how your talent can possibly make a difference, then pick up WHAT’S YOUR MARK? today. You will be inspired to Make Every Moment Count for Christ. $14.99. 120 pages. 

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