Monday, May 29, 2017

The Teacher Who Couldn't Read by June Foster

Years ago as an elementary teacher, I attended a reading conference in Toronto, Ontario. I enjoyed the privilege of hearing John Corcoran when he was the keynote speaker. At the conference, I bought his book, The Teacher Who Couldn't Read and today treasure my autographed copy. It has graced my bookshelf for quite awhile, but when the idea for my novel Misty Hollow came about, I ran to my shelf, grabbed the book, and gave a victory cheer. It was the perfect reference in creating my illiterate Appalachian hero, Joel Greenfield.

Corcoran describes an unbelievable story about how he graduated high school and college and actually taught history for seventeen years. At around fourth grade, he began to fall behind and compensated for his handicap by acting out. In high school, he excelled in athletics and was admired by faculty and friends. So how did he get by as a functional illiterate?

He devised clever ways of deception including cheating and lying. With his charismatic personality, he charmed others into reading books and documents to him. Once in college, he actually passed his test out the window to another student who took the exam for him. A favorite deception was claiming he forgot his glasses at home.

While teaching high school, he utilized discussions and debates where texts were never used. He even asked a student to read the morning bulletin to the class, though at the bottom it read "Please don't let a student read this bulletin."

He eventually married and had a daughter. He would "read" her bedtime stories by looking at the pictures and making up his own version.

Corcoran doesn't place blame on the educational system but on his circumstances. Since he went to school in the 50's, educators have discovered more ways to help students with reading disorders. In his 30's, Corcoran finally finds the courage to sign up for an adult literacy class and learns to read. He now supports literacy through the John Corcoran Foundation.

In writing Joel's character, I borrowed some of Corcoran's methods of compensation. Joel uses the glasses excuse, asks others to read for him, and employs deception such as taking his Bible to church and pretending he's following along. Most valuable in writing his character were Corcoran's descriptions of his emotional journey—the shame, frustration, and fear of being exposed.

For all readers with a heart for literacy, Corcoran's book is a must read. In any case, it's a fascinating tale. Thanks, Mr. Corcoran, for sharing your story with American. Like my fictional character, Joel Greenfield, many have profited by the telling of your journey.

Molly Cambridge arrives in the tiny Appalachian town of Misty Hollow intent upon bringing literacy to the area's uneducated women, only to be met by opposition at every turn by the headstrong, unbending mayor. When she asks for use of Town Hall, he refuses her offer to teach without pay and turns her down flat saying he only allows village business conducted there.

Joel Greenfield, son is a poor dirt farmer, is illiterate. When he admits to his passion to turn the family farm into a dairy business, the obstacles are insurmountable. He couldn't even read the manual on how to use farming machinery, much less generate the necessary capital. His father’s objections further frustrate his desires.

When Joel offers Molly use of the old barn on the Greenfield property, they discover an irresistible attraction for each other. But the mayor has plans of his own to break them up, send Molly back to Nashville, and seize the Greenfield farm for himself. Can Molly and Joel overcome the hurdles to fulfilling their dreams and find their way to each other? Only God has the answers.

When two people are cultures apart, only God can bridge the gap.

June Foster's bio
An award-winning author, June Foster is a retired teacher with a BA in education and MA in counseling. June's book Give Us This Day was a finalist in EPIC's eBook awards and a finalist in the National Readers Choice Awards for best first book. Ryan's Father was one of three finalists in the published contemporary fiction category of the Oregon Christian Writers Cascade Writing Contest and Awards. Deliver Us was a finalist in COTT's Laurel Awards. June has written four novels for Desert Breeze Publishing. The Bellewood Series, Give Us This Day, As We Forgive, and Deliver Us, and Hometown Fourth of July. Ryan's Father is published by WhiteFire Publishing. Red and the Wolf, a modern day retelling of Little Red Riding Hood, is available from The Almond Tree series, For All Eternity, Echoes From the Past, What God Knew, and Almond Street Mission are available at June enjoys writing stories about characters who overcome the circumstances in their lives by the power of God and His Word. Recently June has seen publication of Christmas at Raccoon Creek, Lavender Fields Inn, Misty Hollow, and Restoration of the Heart. Visit June at


June Foster said...

Laura, thank you so much for allowing me to talk about my experience in Toronto, Canada and the amazing John Corcoran who overcame illiteracy in his 30's.

Melissa Henderson said...

Fascinating. :-)

Marilyn R. said...

Amazing post about John Corcoran. I always enjoy reading blog posts, books that shows what determination, faith and hard work can do to overcome. Misty Hollow sounds likes a great story to read, too.

June Foster said...

Melissa, I recommend his book. His experience made me want to laugh one minute and cry the next.

Marilyn R. - Misty Hollow is fictionalized, but I hope some of Joel's journey reflects the struggle many go through because of illiteracy. But of course Joel falls in love with the school teacher!