Sunday, May 30, 2010

Bringing Up Girls

Author: James C. Dobson, Ph.D.
Publisher: Tyndale
May 2010
ISBN: 978-1-4143-0127-3
Genre: Inspirational/nonfiction/parenting

At long last, the author of Bringing Up Boys has written a companion guide for those of us who have girls. Dr. Dobson said he was asked for years to write this book, but he doesn’t go into why he didn’t write the book earlier. Just that it took a long time to write.

Our daughters face so many things, such as peer pressure, eating disorders, decisions about sex, love, and romance. Academic demands. Life goals. And it seems that some of these challenges are hitting younger and younger. As a parent, you want to help your daughter to be all that she can be. You want to support her in her decisions, and help her to make wise choices.

Dr. Dobson address these points (and more) in this book:

 Are girls really fundamentally different than boys?
 Whoever said girls are sugar and spice never met my daughter. I need help!
 Why aren’t I best friends with my daughter?
 What is a dad’s role in his daughter’s life?
 Can grandparents contribute?
 What is the best way to educate girls?
 How are girls affected when parents divorce?

BRINGING UP GIRLS is a book for you to consider reading if you have one daughter, still in diapers and waving rattles, or whether your daughter is in the midst of the turbulent teen years. Bound in an attractive hard cover book, this is excellent for gift giving too. Pick up your copy today. Available at your favorite bookseller. $25.99 hard cover. 285 pages.

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