Friday, May 7, 2010


Author: David Platt
May 2010
ISBN 978-1-60142-221-7
Genre: Christian Living

After a life-transforming trip to Asia, and a soul-searching journey through the gospels, author and pastor David Platt began asking a lot of questions in his book, RADICAL.

Thought-provoking questions like, “Do I believe that Jesus is worthy of sacrifice in our lives?”

Easy-to-answer questions like, “Was I going to believe Jesus?”

Tougher questions like, “Was I going to obey Jesus?”

Proclaimed (in the press, no less) “The youngest megachurch pastor in history,” Dr. Platt (David holds two undergraduate degrees and three advanced degrees, including a doctorate from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary) found himself in a quandary. The disparity between the soul-shocking sights, sounds and stories he experienced in Asia, and the multi-million dollar facilities, theater-style lighting, and cushioned chairs of the Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, Alabama was too great to fathom. And the disparity between Pastor David Platt, (“the youngest megachurch pastor in history,” I remind you) and Jesus Christ ( in David’s own words, “the youngest minichurch pastor in history); well that, too, was too great to fathom.

David Platt has covenanted with God to answer all three of the previous questions in the affirmative, and challenged his flock to join him in this RADICAL departure from the usual way “church” is done in 21st Century America. And his invitation is open to all who wish to accept it.

Jesus? or The Great American Dream? Which one is worthy of your time, your energy, your talents, your treasure . . . your life? Are you having trouble with the question? Let me put it in terms that I believe David Platt would appreciate . . . “What has America done for you lately?”

The conclusion that David Platt arrives at is both simple and profound: this RADICAL Christianity that Jesus is calling us to is actually the normative Christianity that he has been preaching all along.

Filled with soul-stirring stories, humorous anecdotes, and down-to-earth doctrine from the Word of God, this book cannot help but transform the way you look at your relationship with God, with Jesus Christ, with the world, and with yourself. You have been warned . . . this book is RADICAL! 219 pages. $14.99 softcover.

You can request a free copy of The Radical Question by going to

read chapter one here at

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