Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Haunted Dream / Nathan Quist and the Curious Affair of the Crescent Earrings

Two books for Tweeners

Author: Angela Flatt
Publisher: Baker Trittin Press
ISBN: 978-0-9814893-6-0
Genre: Youth/fantasy

Ruth’s best friend is diagnosed with cancer, and Ruth is lost without Bethany by her side. Ruth and Bethany’s brother, David, travel down to the hospital to visit Bethany, but when Ruth gets home she discovers that no one is home. She goes to bed early and starts dreaming about looking for Bethany.

Finding herself in an alternate reality, she hopes that this strange new world will provide the answers she desperately needs. But feeling alone, surrounded by dark shapes with no faces or form, Ruth imagines a parrot, Parabola, into existence. Together they set off on a quest of discovery. Will Ruth learn the lessons needed about pain, faith, and friendship?

HAUNTED DREAM is the fifth book in the Tweener Time Championship Series. I am not really found of fantasy, and this book seemed a lot darker than the others in the series I’ve read. I did feel sorry for Ruth and hoped that she would find the strength she needed to be a friend to Bethany and to support her through the illness.

If your tweener likes to read fantasy, then HAUNTED DREAMS is a book that will not only appeal to them, but will teach them a few lessons about friendship and faith along the way. Plus, Angela Flatt wrote this when she was only fourteen, so that will appeal to tweeners too, and maybe encourage them to enter the contest for young writers this year. HAUNTED DREAMS is available at www.bakertrittinpress.com or www.tweenerministries.org. $10.95. 79 pages.

Author: Adam Stuck
Publisher: Baken Tritten Press
ISBN: 978-0-9814893-3-8
Genre: Youth/mystery

Daniel Reimer is kind of an average kid. He isn’t very good at sports, he lives in Indiana where “nothing ever happens,” and he loves to read. But when the new school year starts, Daniel meets a foreign exchange student named Nathan Quist. Nathan also loves to read, but not only that but he has an extraordinary talent for noticing things.

When a girl that Daniel likes is found unconscious in the janitor’s closet, the school is stunned. Even more scary, is that Laura was in a coma and for over a month she never woke up. Daniel believes that with Nathan Quist’s talent for noticing things, then he should be able to catch the person who did this to Laura. Nathan isn’t so sure. After all, how can he get grownups to give him access to information related to the case? And what is to keep this person from acting again?

NATHAN QUIST AND THE CURIOUS AFFAIR OF THE CRESCENT EARRINGS is book four in Tweener Times Championship Series. I have enjoyed reading the books in this series, all written by teenagers, and some of them are extraordinarily good.

NATHAN QUIST is a book that flowed smoothly and held my interest all the way through and I know young people will enjoy reading it. There are some words in the book not common in our American language, but Daniel always asked Nathan to reword so the reader (if they need vocabulary help) will know what is being said. (This book will be a help to improve a child’s vocabulary.) There also are some – well several – contrived moments in the book, that wouldn’t really happen, but it is fiction and it helped it come to a more timely conclusion.

All in all, NATHAN QUIST is an enjoyable book, and I recommend it. Available from www.bakertrittinpress.com or www.tweenerministries.org. $10.95. 89 pages.

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