Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Rewards of Simplicity

Authors: Pam and Chuck D. Pierce
Publisher: Chosen
March 2010
ISBN: 978-0-8007-9477-4
Genre: Inspirational/nonfiction/Spiritual

Clear out the material and spiritual clutter in your life.

Americans live a cluttered life. Our closets are cluttered, or homes, cars, purses, briefcases, etc., are cluttered, and our lives are cluttered. We don’t have the time to do all the projects we want to do, see all the people we want to see, go everywhere we want to go, and we don’t have time to spend time in reading God’s word and praying.

Mr. and Mrs. Pierce maintain that we need to simplify our lives. In THE REWARDS OF SIMPLICITY the authors will help us

 clear out unnecessary clutter in our homes
 freeing yourself and your family from too much technology and entertainment
 overcoming anxiety
 preserving a Sabbath rest
 freeing yourself from Mammon—the stronghold of materialism—and more

The book is written in two parts, the first portion written by Pam, and the second portion written by Chuck. Pam focuses on Practical and Spiritual Simplicity, and Chuck focuses on Simplifying Life by Overcoming Anxiety.

I know some people who are so stressed out and overbooked that they feel they have to resort to lying to people about why they don’t show up to an event they promised to attend. But even those who keep calendars so we don’t overbook are subject to days when nothing goes as planned and they have to be ten places at once. Not to mention, our jobs, friends, and other important things keep us from tackling the work in our homes and things pile up there which causes more stress and chaos.

I am going to try to implicate some of the ideas found in the pages of this book as I am guilty of letting some things go in order to focus on other “more important” things. This book would be ideal for anyone who has too many “balls in the air” of for those who just want a life filled with simplicity. $13.99. 197 pages.

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