Monday, October 28, 2024

A Healing Touch: (Amish Fiction about a Small Town Community Doctor and an Abandoned Baby) by Suzanne Woods Fisher


A Healing Touch:

(Amish Fiction about a Small Town Community Doctor and an Abandoned Baby) 

October 1, 2024

“A doctor can treat, but only God can heal.” “Faith should infuse grief.”

It was nice to return to Stoney Ridge with Ruth “Dok” Stoltzfus story as a doctor to the Amish community as well as Englishers. Growing up Amish she understood the beliefs of her patients which was a plus. There were a variety of characters with issues in this story that Dok was in touched with. Dok’s own life was challenged in this tale where she had to release her own situations to the Lord knowing best. I would like to see Fisher write Annie’s story who is Dok’s office assistant in this read.

Fisher has a way to draw her readers in from the start till the story is finished. Her creativity with humor, plots, Amish proverbs, strong characters and faith brings life to her books.


“A doctor can treat, but only God can heal.” “Faith should infuse grief.”

It was nice to return to Stoney Ridge with Ruth “Dok” Stoltzfus story as a doctor to the Amish community as well as Englishers. Growing up Amish she understood the beliefs of her patients which was a plus. There were a variety of characters with issues in this story that Dok was in touched with. Dok’s own life was challenged in this tale where she had to release her own situations to the Lord knowing best. I would like to see Fisher write Annie’s story who is Dok’s office assistant in this read.

Fisher has a way to draw her readers in from the start till the story is finished. Her creativity with humor, plots, Amish proverbs, strong characters and faith brings life to her books.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Saved From The Pit By Sharon Musgrove #Devotional


Saved From The Pit

By Sharon Musgrove

“Did you eat from that tree I told you not to eat from?” Genesis 3:11b (MSG)

 When I was a little girl, my family moved into a newly constructed home in which the yard had yet to be landscaped. In fact, we had a large pit in the mud that was our backyard. This was a time before fences divided and the neighbors had sightlines into the business of every home.

Mom laid down the law, stating that we could play anywhere except near that hole. The entire subdivision was my playground... the old weeping willow tree with its tire-swing, the open field of the high school across the street, the heap of rocks belonging to the old couple with the dog... all of this was acceptable territory.

And yet curiosity piqued.

At the bottom of that forbidden cavity a puddle resided. Its shiny surface creating a mirror to the sky above. My young mind did not understand water tables but could conjure up mysteries beyond and below the water’s surface. This very crater could have been the passageway to China!

And while I knew the boundary that had been set by my parents, I wanted to know what secret lay at the bottom of that well. So, one day, alone, I went to peer into the ditch and into it I fell.

I screamed in terror of falling to the other side of the world and forever away from home. Mother came running.

Once saved from the pit, unharmed, her interrogation began. What was I thinking? Why had I disobeyed? Did I not know she was protecting me from harm? Out of the garden and into the shelter of the house I was disciplined. At four years old I had no answers to mother’s questions, but the guilt and shame I felt in my wrongdoing stuck like tar on my skin for years.  

Eventually I understood this to be a “fall of man” experience. I was Adam with clear boundaries, and I was Eve, seduced to take part in the forbidden. And I did the one thing I was told not to do, thinking that somehow the end would justify the means.

Reading mankind’s original sin story found in Genesis 3 of the Bible, is not meant to be an exercise in learning how life could have been if “those people” hadn’t messed up. Rather it’s the telling of our everyday decision-making, and how God interacts with us continually in those choices. Each pass through this scripture gives us opportunity to honestly answer the pointed questions about our behavior.

“God said to the Woman, ‘What is this that you’ve done?’” Genesis 3:12b (MSG)

When we make choices that are counter to God’s caring instructions, He gives us every opportunity to be forthright about where we are and what we’ve done. The questions asked are not asked to induce shame, but to stir up truth. For what does God do when we repent of our sin?

He saves us from the pit and into His loving arms.

If you find yourself battling guilt and shame for decisions you wish you had made differently, all you need to do is cry out to our Heavenly Father and lift your arms up to him for escape. Surrender the striving to get yourself out of the mud and accept that He is the One who puts you back on solid ground. 


Author Bio:


Sharon has been writing and teaching biblically based curriculum, Bible studies, and devotionals since 2007.    


She has had the unique position of writing curriculum and teaching for two private, Christ-based, residential recovery programs. Both programs primarily served women in the homeless community.


Sharon has traveled multiple times to Kenya, serving on medical teams and teaching in the rural Maasai communities. She’s been privileged to speak in Leadership camps intended on encouraging and empowering the impoverished, underprivileged, and often abused young women.


Within these ministries, Sharon has witnessed the transformative power of loving words spoken to the broken-hearted. Sharing God’s love and witnessing its transformative power has become her passion.


Sharon and her husband, divide their time between Oregon and Hawaii. They have two grown children. 


Currently, Sharon is encouraging others via her inspirational blog, but prefers sharing face to face. Additionally, she is working towards a degree in Ministry. 



Connect with Sharon:




Saturday, October 26, 2024

One Last Stand: (A Romantic Suspense Alaskan Adventure) by Susan May Warren


One Last Stand: 

(A Romantic Suspense Alaskan Adventure) 

October 8, 2024

Friday, October 25, 2024

Guarding Truth: An Elite Guardians Novel (Elite Guardians: Savannah) by Lynette Eason, Kelly Underwood


Guarding Truth: 

An Elite Guardians Novel 

(Elite Guardians: Savannah) 

October 14, 2024

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Welcome to the Return to the Wilderness Celebration Tour! #giveaway!!


About the Book

Book: Return to the Wilderness

Author: Andrea Byrd

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release date: October 22, 2024

Two outcasts. One marriage of convenience. A love story forged in the fires of adversity.

Muireall Blair has finally found a comfortable life at Fort Harrod—until she experiences a recurring nightmare that warns of impending doom for her sister. Unable to shake the weight of foreboding, Muireall cannot sit idle anymore and risk the dream becoming a reality. With her near-sightedness a closely guarded secret, she seeks the help of Jude, a man with his own hidden past, to reach her sister.

Jude Browne has been gifted with a life of fighting for survival, not one of finding acceptance. Half-blinded as a youth, the scars across his face and the knowledge of his illegitimate birth serve as a reminder of his worthlessness. However, when his mother falls ill, she finally lays bare all the secrets she has kept all his life. Secrets that point to his one chance of finding who he truly is.

Jude and Muireall soon realize that a marriage of convenience is the key to reaching Pitman Station safely. But when their secrets unravel and danger closes in, will they succumb to the shadows of their pasts, or will they find the strength to forge a new future together?

 Marilyn's thougths:   

This is an easy to read novella set in the rugged terrain of Kentucky during 1784. The tale brought life to the challenges, heartache and desperation to know answers for Muireall and Jude. Their disability hindered in ways but yet they were thoughtful and compassionate toward others. A marriage of convenience gave way to ups and downs as their journey took them through the wilderness. Byrd penned a poignant tale as the couple risked their lives in opening up to their hidden disability with each other, but with a growing faith and trust in God nothing is impossible. There is a beautiful conclusion to the story as well as being the final book in the Frontier Heart series.


I received a complimentary copy of this book from Celebrate Lit and Wild Heart Books. I have shared my own thoughts.

Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Andrea Byrd is a Christian wife and mom located in rural Kentucky, who loves to spend time with her family in the great outdoors, one with nature. Often described as having been born outside her time, she has a deep affinity for an old-fashioned, natural lifestyle.

With a degree in Equine Health & Rehabilitation gathering dust and a full-time job tethering her to a desk eight hours a day, Andrea decided it was time to show both herself and her children that it is truly possible to make your dreams come true. Now with over 1,000 contemporary Christian romance novellas sold, Andrea is pursuing her passion of writing faith-filled romance woven with a thread of true history.


More from Andrea

I love to read books that have historical facts, especially little-known ones, woven into their pages. Within my books, I strive to do the same and Return to the Wilderness is no exception.

This book comes in after the unrest of what some call the “Indian Wars,” in Kentucky. During that time, attacks by the native were frequent and brutal. Many of the Station Masters and long hunters in the area lost family members. If you read, Rescue in the Wilderness, you have seen a glimpse of this time and how devastating it could be.

Due to these attacks, stations and settlements were often abandoned. Sometimes the families returned after this time period came to an end and sometimes the buildings were simply left to deteriorate and become shells of a past time. I do not want to give any spoilers, but if you decide to read Return to the Wilderness, you will find out just how this little piece of history impacts the main character, Muireall (the sister from Redemption in the Wilderness).

Blog Stops

Life on Chickadee Lane, October 22

lakesidelivingsite, October 22

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, October 23

Lighthouse Academy Blog, October 24 (Guest Review from Marilyn)

Texas Book-aholic, October 25

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 26

Books You Can Feel Good About, October 27

Book Looks by Lisa, October 28

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 29

For Him and My Family, October 30

An Author’s Take, October 31

Cover Lover Book Review, November 1

Holly’s Book Corner, November 2

Pause for Tales, November 3

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, November 4 (Author Interview)

Jeanette’s Thoughts, November 4


To celebrate her tour, Andrea is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Welcome to the A Hope Unburied Celebration Tour! #giveaway!!


About the Book

Book: A Hope Unburied (Treasures of the Earth Book Three)

Author: Kimberley Woodhouse

Genre: Historical Romance

Release date: September 24, 2024

Beyond the perilous landscape lies a love that defies extinction. . . .

In the bustling world of paleontology in 1916, Eliza Mills defies societal expectations to pursue her passion. Having published her early groundbreaking papers under a false name, she has finally earned her place at the Carnegie Museum and seizes the opportunity to work at Dinosaur National Monument with a renowned paleontologist. But things in Jensen, Utah, aren’t what they appear. When Eliza gets the chance to dig up bones at a ranch with a dark history, it sparks a chain of events that will rock the very fabric of her carefully constructed world.

Devin Schmitt, Eliza’s closest friend since childhood, harbors unspoken feelings for her but knows he will never be able to win her heart. Just as he vows to give her up for good, Eliza begs him to visit her in Utah for another grand adventure. He reluctantly agrees, and within a few days of his arrival, he and Eliza find themselves entangled in a web of danger where the stakes are much higher than they ever anticipated. Together, Devin and Eliza must hold on to God as their hope as they navigate a treacherous terrain of betrayal to unbury the truth and save Eliza from those who wish to see her fail.

 My thoughts: A Hope Unburied is set mostly in Utah.  This is the third book in the series but it easily stands alone. Fans will want to read the first two books though. I enjoyed getting to know the two main characters and learning more about dinosaurs. There is plenty to think about in this book.  .Ms Woodhouse is one of my favorite historical romantic suspense writers and I have read all her books.  I was given a copy for free and all my opinions are my own.

Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Kimberley Woodhouse is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than forty fiction and nonfiction books. Kim and her incredible husband of thirty-plus years live in Colorado, where they play golf together, spend time with their kids and grandkids, and research all the history around them.





More from Kimberley

A couple of years ago, I asked readers on my Facebook page what they were interested in reading in Christian fiction. When one reader and friend suggested I write about the Bone Wars, I was intrigued and instantly excited. I had no idea how much of a blessing writing the Treasures of the Earth series would be.

I traveled all over western Colorado, eastern Utah and southern Wyoming, looking at the incredible displays of bones of magnificent creatures of our past. Stopping at every tiny museum along the way, and even driving miles and miles into the middle of nowhere to find just the right setting for The Secrets Beneath. But it was going to Dinosaur National Monument in Jensen, Utah that truly helped these three books come to life.

The monument was established in October 1915 by President Woodrow Wilson. The 80 acres encompassed the Carnegie Quarry, where paleontologist Earl Douglass was digging, trying to find intact dinosaur skeletons to send back to Carnegie’s museum in Pittsburgh. Eventually, President Franklin D. Roosevelt expanded the park to encompass more than 200,000 acres.

But this monument wouldn’t exist without the determination of one man: Earl Douglass. I had the pleasure of meeting and spending time with Diane Douglass Iverson, his granddaughter, during one of my research trips. She was generous with her time and memories as she shared her grandfather’s journals and memories with me. The longer we talked, the more the idea for what would be the third book of this series took shape. Though Earl is not a primary character in Eliza’s story, his presence and impact on the science of paleontology is felt through the pages.

In fact, each chapter of all three books has a quote from the book his son created out of his journal entries, titled Speak to the Earth and It Will Teach You. I am grateful to Diane for the opportunity to share his struggles, hopes, and dreams with my readers.

With this last book, I hope you enjoy Eliza’s joyful spirit, as well as her struggles to find her place in this world. She’s a spirited young woman with a passion for fossils and how God has created this incredible planet. You’ll get to visit Dinosaur National Monument with her, seeing the founding of this great national treasure through her eyes. I hope you love visiting there in your imagination and that you get the opportunity to visit on your own someday. But even more than that, I pray that, like Eliza, you find joy and confidence where God has placed you in His story.

Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, October 21

Bigreadersite, October 21

lakesidelivingsite, October 22

Where Faith and Books Meet, October 23

Lighthouse Academy, October 23

Daylong Reflections, October 24

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, October 25

For Him and My Family, October 25

Texas Book-aholic, October 26

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 27

Jeanette’s Thoughts, October 27

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 28

Connie’s History Classroom, October 29

Mary Hake, October 29

Holly’s Book Corner, October 30

Cover Lover Book Review, October 31

Pause for Tales, October 31

Book Looks by Lisa, November 1

Lily’s Corner, November 2

Live.Love.Read., November 2

Labor Not in Vain, November 3


To celebrate her tour, Kimberley is giving away the grand prize of a $20 Amazon gift card and a paperback set of the Treasures of the Earth series: The Secrets Beneath, Set in Stone, and A Hope Unburied!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

A Healing Touch: (Amish Fiction about a Small Town Community Doctor and an Abandoned Baby) by Suzanne Woods Fisher

  A Healing Touch: (Amish Fiction about a Small Town Community Doctor and an Abandoned Baby)  October 1, 2024 by  Suzanne Woods Fisher   (Au...