please leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of this bookTitle: EXCEEDING YOUR EXPECTATIONS
Author: Linda A. Olson
Publisher: Guardian Books
ISBN: 978-1-55452-346-7
Genre: personal growth
Discover the spiritual secret to extraordinary living…
Several years ago, a Christian Leader, John Maxwell, surveyed churches across America and discovered that 85% of people serving in church are women.
EXCEEDING YOUR EXPECTATIONS is part of an ongoing series designed to help women meet the demands that are heaped upon them. In fact, to quote the book, this series is “an inspirational, informational, and transformational program designed to embrace, equip, and empower Christian women who want to make a difference.
EXCEEDING YOUR EXPECTATIONS is the first of a series of six books. The others are:
Part II: Made for More Blessing
Part III: Made for More Influence
Part IV: Made for More Stories
Part V: Made for More Dreams
Part VI: Made for More Success
In this series, the author says that she hopes to equip and empower others to increase their influence by:
1. Grasping the key to a greater influence
2. Recognizing the power in applying leadership principles that make a difference
3. Developing power tools for extraordinary living through turbulent times
EXCEEDING YOUR EXPECTATIONS is a friendly written book, that will reach women on all levels. I easily read through the book in a day, but I recommend that readers take it much slower, taking time to absorb each aspect that Ms. Olson is trying to teach. There are plenty of lines included for your answers and personal observations.
The book is ideal for personal study, friendship coffees, family time, small groups, seminars, and other outlets. If you are looking for a way to increase your leadership abilities, then I recommend EXCEEDING YOUR EXPECTATIONS. While written for women, I feel that this book could also be helpful to some men in ministry. $14.95. 74 pages.
About the Book
Exceeding Your Expectations: Learning the Ten Leadership Principles that Guarantee Results by Linda Olson (Guardian Books)
Is it possible that no matter how many times you’ve failed at getting ahead, that the secret to finally breaking through could be … Easy?
The Answer is Yes…No matter how many times you have tried to get ahead and failed, even if you have had little breakthroughs and then were set back again – you can learn to rise above your circumstances and enjoy the life you deserve.
Linda Olson is best known for her work in equipping and empowering women. She knows how discouraging in can be to work hard at getting a breakthrough only to be set back one more time. She also knows that getting the big breakthrough is possible regardless of how many setbacks, how many people tell her to give up, or discourage her from moving ahead. Linda has learned to exceed her expectations wherever she goes.
Exceeding Your Expectations offers timeless principles in an easy to follow format where readers can journal their insights about the material. Applying the principles will work in any situation, for any generation, and are guaranteed for a lifetime.
Anyone reading the book will benefit by:
1. learning the secret to connecting with others wherever you go
2. recognizing the power available through relationships
3. following the actions steps that position you to exceed your expectations
Exceeding Your Expectations, a must-read in this economy, teaching how to rise above your present circumstances and learn to exceed your expectations.
About the Author
Linda's infectious storytelling ability, along with her passion for giving to others, captivates audiences wherever she goes. Linda believes in living life and living it to the fullest.
From a farm in Midwest Canada to the desert in Southern California, Linda has embraced every part of her journey. She has learned strong work ethics, the power of perseverance, and finds her strength through her personal faith in God. Her leadership journey began at the age of twenty-one and has included everything from teaching troubled teens to surviving on an island. She has enjoyed the college life as Dean of Women, counseling men, women, and families in her private therapy practice, empowering women through service in Women’s Ministry, to inspiring women to preserve their photos and memories through Creative Memories. She has also worked as a counselor and program coordinator at a Domestic Violence Shelter, as a social worker with Visiting Nurses in the Hospice department, and has volunteered many years in children’s and women’s ministry at her church. Linda has encouraged people from all walks of life, equipping them to fulfill their innermost dreams.
Her formal education includes a Master’s in Marriage & Family Therapy, and one in Christian Education. She’s a Certified Life Coach, a member of Toastmaster’s, and has over thirty-five years experience as an entrepreneur and leader–all of which have equipped her to train and inspire leaders to become who they were meant to be. Linda has empowered audiences throughout the United States and Canada since 1973 with her inspirational stories, leadership principles, vulnerability, and call for action.
Linda has a special heart for non profit organizations. She loves to “give back” to the organizations whether it’s a church group or a fundraiser in the community. She speaks to both Christian and secular audiences-both men’s and women’s groups-on anything from inspiration and motivation to developing Christian women in leadership. Her husband, Rick, a counselor, Life Coach, and speaker, often joins her at her events. Together they have raised two beautiful daughters, and make their home in Palmale, CA
We are thrilled to have Linda Olson, inspirational speaker, author, and leadership coach with us today. Please find a comfortable seat as you join our visit with Linda introducing her new book, Exceeding your Expectations.
LINDA: Thank you! I’m delighted to be with you and your readers today to share about a topic that is close to my heart and something we all need to hear in light of today’s economy.
Linda, you have a strong leadership background. You have served for more than thirty-five years both in Canada and the United States as Dean of Women, Marriage & Family Therapist, Women’s Ministry Director and a Creative Memories Director. Recently you founded a program called, Made for Something More. Share with us how that came about?
LINDA: I served as Women’s Ministry Director at three churches over a fourteen year period. As I was invited on full time staff to entrepreneur a women’s program with over 5,000 attendees, I knew this was more than a position, it was a calling. During that time I searched for resources to develop my leaders and came up empty-handed. It was at that time God laid on my heart to begin developing a program for Christian Women in Leadership. In the program, Made for Something More, I was developing a five-part series with books, teleseminars, DVD’s and other resources. When it came down to getting my first book published, God laid on my heart a sixth book, Exceeding your Expectations.
Why are you passionate about the message in this book?
LINDA: Like many people today, I didn’t have any dreams or expectations.
Growing up on the farm in mid-west Canada, life was more about surviving than it was thriving. It seemed the biggest expectation was to bring in a big enough crop or sell enough cattle to pay the bills and cover basic living expenses. I learned to survive rather than thrive.
When did that change for you?
LINDA: I entered Bible College as a shy, inhibited teenager seeking God’s direction for my life. It was there that I met students with dreams and aspirations. They were enjoying life and had a purpose. It triggered something in me that made me realize I was made for so much more. During those three years at a dormitory college my life blossomed.
So, how did that change things?
LINDA: I knew God had a special purpose for my life. I had gained confidence, self-esteem and many leadership skills. Big doors began to open. At 21 years of age I was invited to become Dean of Women at Trinity Western University on the west coast of Canada. It was the beginning of a 35-year leadership journey where God has exceeded my expectations beyond my wildest dreams.
We are all affected by our present economy in one way or another. Besides a job and enough money to hang on to our home what are people looking for and how can we help them?
LINDA: Besides the tangible things people are looking for encouragement, hope, peace, health, and security. When the woman at the well said to Jesus, “Sir, you have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep”, she was looking to the well for practical answers. It’s the same thing we do when we look to our circumstances hoping for changes that will transform our life. The answers are not in the well nor are they in our circumstances. They are in the Almighty. We need to look to Him and trust Him to fulfill the many promises He has given us.
What was the turning point for the woman at the well?
LINDA: The turning point occurred when Jesus brought her face to face with her fear. He said, “Go call your husband and come back.” Jesus knew her struggle with relationships, so why would He ask her to call her husband? He needed to know if she was willing to confess her situation and take responsibility. She needed to face her fear and know she could move beyond it.
How can we learn to exceed our expectations?
LINDA: Before Jesus exceeded this woman’s expectation with living water she had to:
1. Recognize her need for change
2. Be willing to take responsibility for herself (take down emotional barriers)
3. Commit herself to Him (believe in Who He was and What He had to offer)
It isn’t any different for us. We need to be open to change (recognize our need for change), be willing to take responsibility and commit our day and our situation to Him (and leave it in His hands). When we do that He will exceed our expectations.
Where do we often fall short?
LINDA: It’s not in having an expectation we go wrong, but rather in hanging on to our expectations. We want something to happen at a particular time and we hang on like it is our right. The other area where we often fall short is NOT being willing to wait silently. If we are willing to submit our expectations to God every morning and wait on Him, He will far exceed them.
“My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my (personal responsibility) expectation (hope) is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense.” Psalm 62:5,6
What resources do you have available for us?
LINDA: There are several things available that you can find on my website which is www.madeforsomethingmore.com.
a. Coordinating Journal, Goliath Challenge – My gift to you.
b. My new book & DVD, Exceeding Your Expectations
c. Capturing your Vision – is a program where I will work
with a leadership team and teach them to Capture their vision, Explode
their influence and Bring $ back to their organization. As part of that
program I speak to their group equipping and empowering women to
recognize their value and their potential.
d. Teleseminar Series – for anyone who wants to go deeper. This series consists of 6 teleseminars as well as time for leaders to ask their personal questions.