Author: Maggie Brendan
Publisher: Revell Books
January 2009
ISBN: 978-0-8007-3335-3
Genre: Inspirational/historical
Crystal Clark has gone to Colorado to stay with her Aunt Kate after her father dies, forcing her to sell the family home in Georgia. Crystal isn’t sure what to think about rough west with its cowboys; it is very different than the life she lived as a Southern Belle.
Luke Weber is a foreman at the ranch, and he is instantly captivated by the lovely Crystal, but doesn’t figure he’ll have much of a chance with her. After all, he hears rumors that she has a beau back in Georgia, and he expects she’ll soon go back to her home state.
When tragedy strikes the ranch, Crystal is determined to hold her own, even though Luke doubts her abilities. But if it means saving the ranch, Crystal is determined to fight. Will it be enough?
NO PLACE FOR A LADY is the debut novel by Maggie Brendan. It is an excellent story, with moments of excitement. The story does start out rather slow, but it is stock full of descriptive terms with makes the reader feel as though they are experiencing the scenery, the weather, and the mountainous heights along with the characters.
NO PLACE FOR A LADY is a gentle romance along the lines of Kim Vogel Sawyer’s books, or Lori Wick’s. Book one in the Heart of the West series, it will make readers want to read the next book, The Jewel of the Heart. A sample chapter is included at the end of the book. Fans of historical romance will not want to miss NO PLACE FOR A LADY. $13.99. 293 pages.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
The Stress Eater Diet
Authors: Robert B. Posner, M.D. and Linda Hlivka
Publisher: Linx, Corp.
ISBN: 978-0-9802118-4-9
Genre: Health
Sometimes it seems as though life is crazy and focusing on yourself is a thing of the past. You have no time to exercise, and sometimes it’s just easier to pour a bowl of cereal or pull through the drive-through for dinner instead of preparing a meal full of nutritional value.
THE STRESS EATER DIET starts out with a quiz to see if you are a stress eater. This quiz is also available at www.stresseaterquiz.com. It will help you to see if you are a stress eater. Once you have identified yourself as a stress eater, you can pick up a copy of this book, and start learning how to substitute healthy things instead of chocolate, ice cream, or French fries when you are stressed.
Included in the book are little blurbs called Stress-Less tips as well as several articles, including ones called Why Less Carbs, Weekends and Weight, and Squeeze Your Stress Away.
Contents also include:
Ø Ways to reduce hunger
Ø Re-learning how to eat
Ø Physical exercises
Ø Towards a stress-free life
Plus much more.
A menu plan and stress reducing foods are included in the book, as well as additional resources.
A very useful blog (www.stresseaterdiet.com/blog) offers up-to-date studies, tips, and information.
I found a lot of valuable information inside the pages of THE STRESS EATER DIET, even though according to this book I am a moderate stress eater. This book would be invaluable to anyone, a stress eater, or a binge eater, or someone who wants to lose weight, to help them towards reaching their goals. $14.00. 215 pages.
Stress Eater Diet on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0980211840
Stress Eater Diet Website: http://www.stresseaterdiet.com/
Stress Eater Diet Blog: http://www.stresseaterdiet.com/blog/
Stress Eater Diet Quiz: http://www.stresseaterquiz.com/ (see HTML Code page to embed directly onto your site)
List of all participating bloggers: http://blogtourspot.com/stresseaterdiet-blog-tour/stresseaterdiet-blog-tour-stops
Authors: Robert B. Posner, M.D. and Linda Hlivka
Publisher: Linx, Corp.
ISBN: 978-0-9802118-4-9
Genre: Health
Sometimes it seems as though life is crazy and focusing on yourself is a thing of the past. You have no time to exercise, and sometimes it’s just easier to pour a bowl of cereal or pull through the drive-through for dinner instead of preparing a meal full of nutritional value.
THE STRESS EATER DIET starts out with a quiz to see if you are a stress eater. This quiz is also available at www.stresseaterquiz.com. It will help you to see if you are a stress eater. Once you have identified yourself as a stress eater, you can pick up a copy of this book, and start learning how to substitute healthy things instead of chocolate, ice cream, or French fries when you are stressed.
Included in the book are little blurbs called Stress-Less tips as well as several articles, including ones called Why Less Carbs, Weekends and Weight, and Squeeze Your Stress Away.
Contents also include:
Ø Ways to reduce hunger
Ø Re-learning how to eat
Ø Physical exercises
Ø Towards a stress-free life
Plus much more.
A menu plan and stress reducing foods are included in the book, as well as additional resources.
A very useful blog (www.stresseaterdiet.com/blog) offers up-to-date studies, tips, and information.
I found a lot of valuable information inside the pages of THE STRESS EATER DIET, even though according to this book I am a moderate stress eater. This book would be invaluable to anyone, a stress eater, or a binge eater, or someone who wants to lose weight, to help them towards reaching their goals. $14.00. 215 pages.
Stress Eater Diet on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0980211840
Stress Eater Diet Website: http://www.stresseaterdiet.com/
Stress Eater Diet Blog: http://www.stresseaterdiet.com/blog/
Stress Eater Diet Quiz: http://www.stresseaterquiz.com/ (see HTML Code page to embed directly onto your site)
List of all participating bloggers: http://blogtourspot.com/stresseaterdiet-blog-tour/stresseaterdiet-blog-tour-stops
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The Edge of Light
Author: Ann Shorey
Publisher: Revell Publishing Group
January 2009
ISBN: 978-0-8007-3330-8
Genre: Inspirational/historical
Molly McGarvie is anxious for her husband, Samuel, to return to their homestead. He said he’d be gone a month, but when Samuel returns home early, sick, Molly is worried, especially when she learns he has cholera.
When Samuel succumbs to the disease, his brother forces Molly to give up the family business and leaves her to fend for herself, or die trying. Molly gets word to her brother, Matthew, praying that he will come and take her and her children home with him. Matthew comes, but it is a long dangerous journey, and Molly loses another family member enroute.
Can Molly find a way to make a living, restore her faith in God, and fend off certain suitors?
As a rule, I don’t care much for books that begin with a death, and this one did. As a result, it took me a while to get into the story. But once I did, I grew to care for Molly, her slave, Betsy, and other secondary characters.
Molly is a capable heroine, but it is hard to be a single mother with children in 1838 and yet find a job to take care of herself and your children, so she is forced to rely on the men in her life for help. Even though some of the men are huge jerks, there were enough that were willing to help. THE EDGE OF LIGHT is a wonderfully written story of hope that will touch the reader’s heart. $13.99. 318 pages.
Author: Ann Shorey
Publisher: Revell Publishing Group
January 2009
ISBN: 978-0-8007-3330-8
Genre: Inspirational/historical
Molly McGarvie is anxious for her husband, Samuel, to return to their homestead. He said he’d be gone a month, but when Samuel returns home early, sick, Molly is worried, especially when she learns he has cholera.
When Samuel succumbs to the disease, his brother forces Molly to give up the family business and leaves her to fend for herself, or die trying. Molly gets word to her brother, Matthew, praying that he will come and take her and her children home with him. Matthew comes, but it is a long dangerous journey, and Molly loses another family member enroute.
Can Molly find a way to make a living, restore her faith in God, and fend off certain suitors?
As a rule, I don’t care much for books that begin with a death, and this one did. As a result, it took me a while to get into the story. But once I did, I grew to care for Molly, her slave, Betsy, and other secondary characters.
Molly is a capable heroine, but it is hard to be a single mother with children in 1838 and yet find a job to take care of herself and your children, so she is forced to rely on the men in her life for help. Even though some of the men are huge jerks, there were enough that were willing to help. THE EDGE OF LIGHT is a wonderfully written story of hope that will touch the reader’s heart. $13.99. 318 pages.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
An Interview with Marion Stroud
Marion Stroud, author of Dear God, It's Me and It's Urgent, has penned the prayerful words to the most common cries of a woman's heart.
What are your own private times with God like?
If I'm totally honest about my quiet time, they can be very erratic when I'm under pressure. In an ideal world I would follow the contemplative tradition where I read, allow time to sit and listen to what I sense God might be saying, write it down in a journal and then pray about it. But, if I follow that pattern there's the temptation to think that if I haven't got, say half an hour, then there's no point in starting. That's wrong of course. I don't refuse to speak to my husband or children if I haven't got the time for a heart-to-heart. So I try to put an hour aside once a week and ideally, half a day, once a month for a longer time of contemplation.
On other days I may use a devotional guide that might give me a short passage or even just a verse to think about. Writing the key point on a card and keeping it in my pocket means that I can remind myself and talk to God about it during moments. Catherine Marshall spoke of nuggets like this as being like vitamin pills that we should take daily with or after meals and that's a goal for me this year! I also try to walk for 30 minutes first thing in the morning on weekdays--the theory being that I get my exercise before my body is awake enough to object! I have five post cards in my pocket on which I've written various topics and people to pray for. Most days I will pray for these things as I walk--but I try to bring praise and thanksgiving to God first.
Women go through so many experiences during the different seasons of life. How can a transparent prayer life with God help them to cope? I remember when my father was dying with cancer. I had five children at home at the time, ranging in ages from 18 to 8. My two older children were doing public exams, which would decide their future academic path. I felt as if I was being torn into a dozen different pieces! I wanted to help my mom, be at home for my husband and children and support my father. A friend pointed out that I didn't need to try and be God's little helper. I couldn't protect the rest of my family, or control the pressures they were facing. What I could do, however, was to take all these pressures and heartaches to the Lord, tell Him how frazzled and unhappy I was feeling (He knew anyway), and leave Him to deal with my needs and feelings and those of the rest of the family. It was like taking a really heavy bag to the foot of the cross and then just leaving it there. It was the "leaving it there" that was the key.The prayers in Dear God It's Me, and It's Urgent! are very real-to-life. It's almost like you can read the minds of other women who run to God with their own urgent life situations (big and small). Why do you think God is pleased to hear these very raw prayers?
Jesus was always very honest when He spoke to people. Jesus knew what was in their hearts and He didn't mince His words. God knows exactly what is going on in our lives and just as we can only really help a loved one if they are honest, so it is with God. He truly knows the best and the worst about us and loves us just the same. God already knows the underlying truth to our raw prayers and it is only when we acknowledge that truth to Him that we are open to hear His response!
How do women's prayers change as the seasons of their lives change?
Older people sometimes find it hard to remember things and my husband reckons that this is because the "bank vault" of our memories is much fuller! It's a bit the same with prayer. When I was young I knew what it was like to have the concerns and joys of being a "'young mum" and sleepless nights and toddler tantrums loomed large in my prayers, while prodigal teenagers only happened to other people! As I've got older I can remember both the tantrums and the teenage stage but am also grappling with caring for the elderly and praying for those with serious illness. So the scope of my prayers widens. I have children and grandchildren, for whom the tantrums and teenaged years are still very much "today," but, I have the concerns of my "today" to pray for as well. I can quite see why older people need more time to pray as they have so many things to pray about!
You can feel incredibly weighed down by all this need. Sometimes I just have to remember to follow the suggestion of a friend of mine. She focuses on just one or two of the most urgent things and then pictures herself putting the rest of her concerns into a basket. She may picture the basket as one of those gondolas attached to a hot air balloon, and as she releases it, it floats away and she has no further responsibility for it--the wind of God's Spirit has taken over. At other times she pictures it as the basket in which Moses was cradled as an infant, hidden in the reeds. She leaves it there, knowing that God might prompt her to do something to provide an answer to her prayer but in the meantime, He has it all in hand.
How can reading prayers be a comfort to women as they deal with their own life issues?
I see these written prayers as providing words where there are no words. When crisis times arise, you may feel that you just can't voice your own feelings. Knowing that someone else has travelled on the same journey and survived, is an inexpressible comfort. It may also give you insights into what friends might be feeling and facing, when you haven't had personal experience of that particular situation, so that you can be more supportive of their needs.
Discuss an example of an urgent time from your own life that became the inspiration for one of these prayers. How did God respond?
There have been an awful lot of urgent prayers in my life. But the one I remember most vividly, perhaps, is when our youngest son ran away from home. His three older siblings, who, the previous year had all been home-based the year before, were now at college university or travelling, and we had gone from a family of seven to a family of three in a few short months. I lay in the bath, with tears pouring down my cheeks, asking the Lord where we'd gone wrong. And God reminded me of the feeding of the 5,000 and the fact that the disciples were told to pick up the fragments of food that remained because nothing is wasted in His economy. Our older children had been relatively easy as teenagers, and without this experience, and the issues and events that surrounded it, I would have had a very different view of raising children. But now I was faced with a challenge. I could allow this experience to crush me, or, I could learn from it and share what I've learned with others. I chose to do the latter. It wasn't easy but it has been a very valuable lesson for the many other crises that have beset my path since.
You've written quite a few books that have been read by women both in Great Britain and America. How do you find writing for American women different from British women? What are some similarities and universal truths that bond women from these two different continents together?
My American friends tell me that we Brits are more polite; I think that we're more cynical! But when all is said and done, we're all sisters under the skin! Britain is a much more secular society than America, and so what I write for a British audience would assume less faith or even familiarity with God and what He offers. But we share a common need for food, shelter, belonging and living a life that has meaning and purpose. We all love our families and struggle to be the best person we can be. We all realize that this is a tough call because we're so aware of our weaknesses and failures.
Obviously there are a number of cultural differences. Even the words we use can mean different things on either side of the ocean. This is why a wise editor included a glossary in Dear God It's Me. One of the words in the glossary refers to "Marmite." Perhaps this is just as well. I shall always remember when a visiting American friend picked up a pot of Marmite. Marmite; a dark savoury spread, and spread it thickly on her toast, thinking that it was chocolate spread. Her horrified expression as the yeast extract hit her taste buds will remain with me forever!
About the Author:
Marion Stroud lives in Bedford, England. She is a wife, mother of five adult children and grandmother to eleven grandchildren. She is an established, popular author and sought-after speaker whose books have been translated into 14 languages. In her spare time she enjoys walking, supporting and encouraging missionaries and traveling. Listeners enjoy her British accent and request readings just to hear her speak.
What are your own private times with God like?
If I'm totally honest about my quiet time, they can be very erratic when I'm under pressure. In an ideal world I would follow the contemplative tradition where I read, allow time to sit and listen to what I sense God might be saying, write it down in a journal and then pray about it. But, if I follow that pattern there's the temptation to think that if I haven't got, say half an hour, then there's no point in starting. That's wrong of course. I don't refuse to speak to my husband or children if I haven't got the time for a heart-to-heart. So I try to put an hour aside once a week and ideally, half a day, once a month for a longer time of contemplation.
On other days I may use a devotional guide that might give me a short passage or even just a verse to think about. Writing the key point on a card and keeping it in my pocket means that I can remind myself and talk to God about it during moments. Catherine Marshall spoke of nuggets like this as being like vitamin pills that we should take daily with or after meals and that's a goal for me this year! I also try to walk for 30 minutes first thing in the morning on weekdays--the theory being that I get my exercise before my body is awake enough to object! I have five post cards in my pocket on which I've written various topics and people to pray for. Most days I will pray for these things as I walk--but I try to bring praise and thanksgiving to God first.
Women go through so many experiences during the different seasons of life. How can a transparent prayer life with God help them to cope? I remember when my father was dying with cancer. I had five children at home at the time, ranging in ages from 18 to 8. My two older children were doing public exams, which would decide their future academic path. I felt as if I was being torn into a dozen different pieces! I wanted to help my mom, be at home for my husband and children and support my father. A friend pointed out that I didn't need to try and be God's little helper. I couldn't protect the rest of my family, or control the pressures they were facing. What I could do, however, was to take all these pressures and heartaches to the Lord, tell Him how frazzled and unhappy I was feeling (He knew anyway), and leave Him to deal with my needs and feelings and those of the rest of the family. It was like taking a really heavy bag to the foot of the cross and then just leaving it there. It was the "leaving it there" that was the key.The prayers in Dear God It's Me, and It's Urgent! are very real-to-life. It's almost like you can read the minds of other women who run to God with their own urgent life situations (big and small). Why do you think God is pleased to hear these very raw prayers?
Jesus was always very honest when He spoke to people. Jesus knew what was in their hearts and He didn't mince His words. God knows exactly what is going on in our lives and just as we can only really help a loved one if they are honest, so it is with God. He truly knows the best and the worst about us and loves us just the same. God already knows the underlying truth to our raw prayers and it is only when we acknowledge that truth to Him that we are open to hear His response!
How do women's prayers change as the seasons of their lives change?
Older people sometimes find it hard to remember things and my husband reckons that this is because the "bank vault" of our memories is much fuller! It's a bit the same with prayer. When I was young I knew what it was like to have the concerns and joys of being a "'young mum" and sleepless nights and toddler tantrums loomed large in my prayers, while prodigal teenagers only happened to other people! As I've got older I can remember both the tantrums and the teenage stage but am also grappling with caring for the elderly and praying for those with serious illness. So the scope of my prayers widens. I have children and grandchildren, for whom the tantrums and teenaged years are still very much "today," but, I have the concerns of my "today" to pray for as well. I can quite see why older people need more time to pray as they have so many things to pray about!
You can feel incredibly weighed down by all this need. Sometimes I just have to remember to follow the suggestion of a friend of mine. She focuses on just one or two of the most urgent things and then pictures herself putting the rest of her concerns into a basket. She may picture the basket as one of those gondolas attached to a hot air balloon, and as she releases it, it floats away and she has no further responsibility for it--the wind of God's Spirit has taken over. At other times she pictures it as the basket in which Moses was cradled as an infant, hidden in the reeds. She leaves it there, knowing that God might prompt her to do something to provide an answer to her prayer but in the meantime, He has it all in hand.
How can reading prayers be a comfort to women as they deal with their own life issues?
I see these written prayers as providing words where there are no words. When crisis times arise, you may feel that you just can't voice your own feelings. Knowing that someone else has travelled on the same journey and survived, is an inexpressible comfort. It may also give you insights into what friends might be feeling and facing, when you haven't had personal experience of that particular situation, so that you can be more supportive of their needs.
Discuss an example of an urgent time from your own life that became the inspiration for one of these prayers. How did God respond?
There have been an awful lot of urgent prayers in my life. But the one I remember most vividly, perhaps, is when our youngest son ran away from home. His three older siblings, who, the previous year had all been home-based the year before, were now at college university or travelling, and we had gone from a family of seven to a family of three in a few short months. I lay in the bath, with tears pouring down my cheeks, asking the Lord where we'd gone wrong. And God reminded me of the feeding of the 5,000 and the fact that the disciples were told to pick up the fragments of food that remained because nothing is wasted in His economy. Our older children had been relatively easy as teenagers, and without this experience, and the issues and events that surrounded it, I would have had a very different view of raising children. But now I was faced with a challenge. I could allow this experience to crush me, or, I could learn from it and share what I've learned with others. I chose to do the latter. It wasn't easy but it has been a very valuable lesson for the many other crises that have beset my path since.
You've written quite a few books that have been read by women both in Great Britain and America. How do you find writing for American women different from British women? What are some similarities and universal truths that bond women from these two different continents together?
My American friends tell me that we Brits are more polite; I think that we're more cynical! But when all is said and done, we're all sisters under the skin! Britain is a much more secular society than America, and so what I write for a British audience would assume less faith or even familiarity with God and what He offers. But we share a common need for food, shelter, belonging and living a life that has meaning and purpose. We all love our families and struggle to be the best person we can be. We all realize that this is a tough call because we're so aware of our weaknesses and failures.
Obviously there are a number of cultural differences. Even the words we use can mean different things on either side of the ocean. This is why a wise editor included a glossary in Dear God It's Me. One of the words in the glossary refers to "Marmite." Perhaps this is just as well. I shall always remember when a visiting American friend picked up a pot of Marmite. Marmite; a dark savoury spread, and spread it thickly on her toast, thinking that it was chocolate spread. Her horrified expression as the yeast extract hit her taste buds will remain with me forever!
About the Author:
Marion Stroud lives in Bedford, England. She is a wife, mother of five adult children and grandmother to eleven grandchildren. She is an established, popular author and sought-after speaker whose books have been translated into 14 languages. In her spare time she enjoys walking, supporting and encouraging missionaries and traveling. Listeners enjoy her British accent and request readings just to hear her speak.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
How to be a Homeschool Mom and Write & Contest info
1. From the Inside…Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You
Blurb: Have you always wanted to write a novel, but didn’t know where to start? This book is for you. With proven techniques, easy to understand explanations and practical steps, From The Inside...Out will teach you how a story is structured then take you through the process of creating and marketing your novel. Topics include: Character-driven plotting, How to HOOK your reader, The elements and flow of SCENES, How to build STORYWORLD, Secrets to Sizzling Dialogue, Proven Self-Editing techniques, Synopsis and Query letter writing, How to manage your writing career ...and everything in between!
Link to buy the book: http://stores.lulu.com/mybooktherapy
2. Blog-A-Book!
Blurb: Write a book with My Book Therapy Voices in 2009!
Remember those games you used to play where your friend started the story, and you finished it? Or the “Choose your own ending” books? Ever wanted to be a part of the story process, giving input on the character’s decisions, learning how to write a book as you go? Me too!
Here at My Book Therapy, we love to write, and we love to teach writers how to find their voice. So, in 2009 we’ll be writing a book together! Starting in January, we’ll create characters, a plot, develop conflict, the black moment, the epiphany and finally…the happy ending. Then, week by week, you’ll be a part of the creation process, voting on the next step of our hero’s journey, watching the book take life, and learning the nuances of crafting a story. You’ll Blog-A-Book with the My Book Therapy authors and get tools to help you how to write your own novel.
And, at the end of the year, we’ll have a book we’ve all created, something that we’ll publish! And, best of all, the proceeds will go to support IJM, an organization that fights human trafficking around the world.
I’m really excited about our new project, and can’t wait to see what the collective mind put together.
So, Come and Blog-A-Book. Learn. Fellowship. Bless.
My Book Therapy…Discover the writer in you.
3. My Book Therapy Therapists and Services:
The site is: My Book Therapy http://www.mybooktherapy.com/
The Therapists are: Susan May Warren, Rachel Hauck and Sarah Sumpolec
Writing a Book while working a full-time job?
Q: Do you think it is possible to write a book if you are a homeschooling mom?
A: I was a homeschooling mom for eleven years, during which I wrote 24 books, so I know how overwhelming it can be. I was fortunate – my children supported me and frankly, after spending six hours with me in school, they were ready to let me have my time alone! However, admittedly it isn’t easy, and there are definitely some techniques to help make this an easier task.
Here are some of the things I do to carve out productive time.
Establish a set time every day, or every other day to write and keep this time sacred. Block it out on your calendar. If you only write “when you can,” then there will always be things that will get in the way…from walking the dog to making chocolate chip cookies… Set a time, and keep that appointment with yourself, telling yourself you are investing in your dreams.
Keep a writing Journal and every day log what you have done, and establish your goals for the next day. You will access different sides of your brain as you are writing than you do when you are working, and instead of always keeping both sides active, if you write down where you were and where you want to go each day, you can let your creative side “rest” while you are teaching, knowing you can pick right back up when you return to your writing enclave.
Keep a notepad handy. Even though you have made notes for yourself to keep your creative side from overloading, your subconscious will still be working…and I guarantee that you will be right in the middle of lesson, or an email, or even lunch, and suddenly you will hear/see/dream up your next scene. Quick – grab your notebook before you lose your thought and write down just enough words to trigger the memory again, later. Then, you won’t have lost it, but will have put it into its appropriate place to be pulled out during your writing time.
Involve your family in your dream. I created mini-celebrations – when I finished a chapter, or a scene, or even a book, we’d have mini-party – ice-cream, or cookies, or a trip to the park. Also, I promised my children that if/when I ever sold a book, I’d take them to Disney world! And I kept that promise. Involving them in the process allowed them to invest in the dream with me, and made them a vital part of my writing life. And, most of all, they didn’t feel left out.
It’s not easy to homeschool and write – many were the days when I held my two year old on my lap and typed around him. But the reward is when they introduce you to others as, “my mom (or dad) the author!”
God Bless you on your writing journey!
Susan May Warren
Founder, http://www.mybooktherapy.com/
Enter the contests for the LOVE TO WRITE blog tour! http://www.litfusegroup.com/latest/current-blog-tours/71-the-love-to-write-blog-tour-for-my-book-therapy
You have two chances to win!
Want to win a copy of From the Inside…Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You (http://www.lulu.com/content/5272647) for your very own? Leave a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) and tell us what kind of novel you have in YOU.
Do you already have your novel down on the page? Does it need a little THERAPY? Enter to win 10% off a Book Therapy Session (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=188 ) (that’s a savings of $30+) by leaving a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) telling us a brief synopsis of your story!
All winners will be chosen at random. Contest ends 2/28 and the winners will be announced on March 2nd!
Susan has created a video trailer JUST for the book: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbfR__NsnBQ
Blurb: Have you always wanted to write a novel, but didn’t know where to start? This book is for you. With proven techniques, easy to understand explanations and practical steps, From The Inside...Out will teach you how a story is structured then take you through the process of creating and marketing your novel. Topics include: Character-driven plotting, How to HOOK your reader, The elements and flow of SCENES, How to build STORYWORLD, Secrets to Sizzling Dialogue, Proven Self-Editing techniques, Synopsis and Query letter writing, How to manage your writing career ...and everything in between!
Link to buy the book: http://stores.lulu.com/mybooktherapy
2. Blog-A-Book!
Blurb: Write a book with My Book Therapy Voices in 2009!
Remember those games you used to play where your friend started the story, and you finished it? Or the “Choose your own ending” books? Ever wanted to be a part of the story process, giving input on the character’s decisions, learning how to write a book as you go? Me too!
Here at My Book Therapy, we love to write, and we love to teach writers how to find their voice. So, in 2009 we’ll be writing a book together! Starting in January, we’ll create characters, a plot, develop conflict, the black moment, the epiphany and finally…the happy ending. Then, week by week, you’ll be a part of the creation process, voting on the next step of our hero’s journey, watching the book take life, and learning the nuances of crafting a story. You’ll Blog-A-Book with the My Book Therapy authors and get tools to help you how to write your own novel.
And, at the end of the year, we’ll have a book we’ve all created, something that we’ll publish! And, best of all, the proceeds will go to support IJM, an organization that fights human trafficking around the world.
I’m really excited about our new project, and can’t wait to see what the collective mind put together.
So, Come and Blog-A-Book. Learn. Fellowship. Bless.
My Book Therapy…Discover the writer in you.
3. My Book Therapy Therapists and Services:
The site is: My Book Therapy http://www.mybooktherapy.com/
The Therapists are: Susan May Warren, Rachel Hauck and Sarah Sumpolec
Writing a Book while working a full-time job?
Q: Do you think it is possible to write a book if you are a homeschooling mom?
A: I was a homeschooling mom for eleven years, during which I wrote 24 books, so I know how overwhelming it can be. I was fortunate – my children supported me and frankly, after spending six hours with me in school, they were ready to let me have my time alone! However, admittedly it isn’t easy, and there are definitely some techniques to help make this an easier task.
Here are some of the things I do to carve out productive time.
Establish a set time every day, or every other day to write and keep this time sacred. Block it out on your calendar. If you only write “when you can,” then there will always be things that will get in the way…from walking the dog to making chocolate chip cookies… Set a time, and keep that appointment with yourself, telling yourself you are investing in your dreams.
Keep a writing Journal and every day log what you have done, and establish your goals for the next day. You will access different sides of your brain as you are writing than you do when you are working, and instead of always keeping both sides active, if you write down where you were and where you want to go each day, you can let your creative side “rest” while you are teaching, knowing you can pick right back up when you return to your writing enclave.
Keep a notepad handy. Even though you have made notes for yourself to keep your creative side from overloading, your subconscious will still be working…and I guarantee that you will be right in the middle of lesson, or an email, or even lunch, and suddenly you will hear/see/dream up your next scene. Quick – grab your notebook before you lose your thought and write down just enough words to trigger the memory again, later. Then, you won’t have lost it, but will have put it into its appropriate place to be pulled out during your writing time.
Involve your family in your dream. I created mini-celebrations – when I finished a chapter, or a scene, or even a book, we’d have mini-party – ice-cream, or cookies, or a trip to the park. Also, I promised my children that if/when I ever sold a book, I’d take them to Disney world! And I kept that promise. Involving them in the process allowed them to invest in the dream with me, and made them a vital part of my writing life. And, most of all, they didn’t feel left out.
It’s not easy to homeschool and write – many were the days when I held my two year old on my lap and typed around him. But the reward is when they introduce you to others as, “my mom (or dad) the author!”
God Bless you on your writing journey!
Susan May Warren
Founder, http://www.mybooktherapy.com/
Enter the contests for the LOVE TO WRITE blog tour! http://www.litfusegroup.com/latest/current-blog-tours/71-the-love-to-write-blog-tour-for-my-book-therapy
You have two chances to win!
Want to win a copy of From the Inside…Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You (http://www.lulu.com/content/5272647) for your very own? Leave a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) and tell us what kind of novel you have in YOU.
Do you already have your novel down on the page? Does it need a little THERAPY? Enter to win 10% off a Book Therapy Session (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=188 ) (that’s a savings of $30+) by leaving a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) telling us a brief synopsis of your story!
All winners will be chosen at random. Contest ends 2/28 and the winners will be announced on March 2nd!
Susan has created a video trailer JUST for the book: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbfR__NsnBQ
Monday, February 23, 2009
Writing the Story of Your Heart by Susan May Warren (and contest info)
1. From the Inside…Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You
Blurb: Have you always wanted to write a novel, but didn’t know where to start? This book is for you. With proven techniques, easy to understand explanations and practical steps, From The Inside...Out will teach you how a story is structured then take you through the process of creating and marketing your novel. Topics include: Character-driven plotting, How to HOOK your reader, The elements and flow of SCENES, How to build STORYWORLD, Secrets to Sizzling Dialogue, Proven Self-Editing techniques, Synopsis and Query letter writing, How to manage your writing career ...and everything in between!
Link to buy the book: http://stores.lulu.com/mybooktherapy
2. Blog-A-Book!
Blurb: Write a book with My Book Therapy Voices in 2009!
Remember those games you used to play where your friend started the story, and you finished it? Or the “Choose your own ending” books? Ever wanted to be a part of the story process, giving input on the character’s decisions, learning how to write a book as you go? Me too!
Here at My Book Therapy, we love to write, and we love to teach writers how to find their voice. So, in 2009 we’ll be writing a book together! Starting in January, we’ll create characters, a plot, develop conflict, the black moment, the epiphany and finally…the happy ending. Then, week by week, you’ll be a part of the creation process, voting on the next step of our hero’s journey, watching the book take life, and learning the nuances of crafting a story. You’ll Blog-A-Book with the My Book Therapy authors and get tools to help you how to write your own novel.
And, at the end of the year, we’ll have a book we’ve all created, something that we’ll publish! And, best of all, the proceeds will go to support IJM, an organization that fights human trafficking around the world.
I’m really excited about our new project, and can’t wait to see what the collective mind put together.
So, Come and Blog-A-Book. Learn. Fellowship. Bless.
My Book Therapy…Discover the writer in you.
3. My Book Therapy Therapists and Services:
The site is: My Book Therapy www.mybooktherapy.com
The Therapists are: Susan May Warren, Rachel Hauck and Sarah Sumpolec
Thoughts from Therapist Susan May Warren: Writing the story of your heart
Q: Have you ever had a story that you wanted to write, a spiritual message you wanted to share, but it won't let you just yet?A: Yes, I have a couple stories sitting in my heart that I haven’t had the opportunity or perhaps the divine timing to write yet.
I’m a firm believer that God will work out the story in the right time, so I continue to collect ideas, impressions, do research and let those ideas soak, waiting for the right timing. But sometimes I’m not ready – emotionally, or even professionally to write it. Maybe I don’t have the skill level yet. And I certainly don’t want to waste my swan’s song on mediocre writing! So, in the meantime, I move onto the stories I have the ability to write right now.
This is what happened with my “Josey” series. The story of my hilarious happenings in Russia simmered in my heart YEARS before God opened the door to write it. And when he did, the timing was perfect. (My first book in that series, Everything’s Coming Up Josey was a Christy finalist). The same thing happened with “Nothing but trouble.” I cooked up my heroine PJ Sugar four years before I saw it come to publication. And I’m glad I waited – I hope I did Sugar justice! (Nothing But Trouble hits the stands May 2009! Read a preview at http://gotsugar.susnamywarren.com/)
I think a lot of writers believe they have to write the stories on their hearts…but perhaps they’re also not ready to write that story yet. I think it’s wise to ask God if it’s time…or if there is another story that could hone your skills in the meantime, in preparation for that heart story.
So, don’t give up on your heart story. Wait on Him, and be open to working on something else in the meantime.
God Bless you on your writing journey!
Susan May Warren
Founder, http://www.mybooktherapy.com/
Enter the contests for the LOVE TO WRITE blog tour! http://www.litfusegroup.com/latest/current-blog-tours/71-the-love-to-write-blog-tour-for-my-book-therapy
You have two chances to win!
Want to win a copy of From the Inside…Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You (http://www.lulu.com/content/5272647) for your very own? Leave a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) and tell us what kind of novel you have in YOU.
Do you already have your novel down on the page? Does it need a little THERAPY? Enter to win 10% off a Book Therapy Session (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=188 ) (that’s a savings of $30+) by leaving a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) telling us a brief synopsis of your story!
All winners will be chosen at random. Contest ends 2/28 and the winners will be announced on March 2nd!
Susan has created a video trailer JUST for the book: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbfR__NsnBQ
Blurb: Have you always wanted to write a novel, but didn’t know where to start? This book is for you. With proven techniques, easy to understand explanations and practical steps, From The Inside...Out will teach you how a story is structured then take you through the process of creating and marketing your novel. Topics include: Character-driven plotting, How to HOOK your reader, The elements and flow of SCENES, How to build STORYWORLD, Secrets to Sizzling Dialogue, Proven Self-Editing techniques, Synopsis and Query letter writing, How to manage your writing career ...and everything in between!
Link to buy the book: http://stores.lulu.com/mybooktherapy
2. Blog-A-Book!
Blurb: Write a book with My Book Therapy Voices in 2009!
Remember those games you used to play where your friend started the story, and you finished it? Or the “Choose your own ending” books? Ever wanted to be a part of the story process, giving input on the character’s decisions, learning how to write a book as you go? Me too!
Here at My Book Therapy, we love to write, and we love to teach writers how to find their voice. So, in 2009 we’ll be writing a book together! Starting in January, we’ll create characters, a plot, develop conflict, the black moment, the epiphany and finally…the happy ending. Then, week by week, you’ll be a part of the creation process, voting on the next step of our hero’s journey, watching the book take life, and learning the nuances of crafting a story. You’ll Blog-A-Book with the My Book Therapy authors and get tools to help you how to write your own novel.
And, at the end of the year, we’ll have a book we’ve all created, something that we’ll publish! And, best of all, the proceeds will go to support IJM, an organization that fights human trafficking around the world.
I’m really excited about our new project, and can’t wait to see what the collective mind put together.
So, Come and Blog-A-Book. Learn. Fellowship. Bless.
My Book Therapy…Discover the writer in you.
3. My Book Therapy Therapists and Services:
The site is: My Book Therapy www.mybooktherapy.com
The Therapists are: Susan May Warren, Rachel Hauck and Sarah Sumpolec
Thoughts from Therapist Susan May Warren: Writing the story of your heart
Q: Have you ever had a story that you wanted to write, a spiritual message you wanted to share, but it won't let you just yet?A: Yes, I have a couple stories sitting in my heart that I haven’t had the opportunity or perhaps the divine timing to write yet.
I’m a firm believer that God will work out the story in the right time, so I continue to collect ideas, impressions, do research and let those ideas soak, waiting for the right timing. But sometimes I’m not ready – emotionally, or even professionally to write it. Maybe I don’t have the skill level yet. And I certainly don’t want to waste my swan’s song on mediocre writing! So, in the meantime, I move onto the stories I have the ability to write right now.
This is what happened with my “Josey” series. The story of my hilarious happenings in Russia simmered in my heart YEARS before God opened the door to write it. And when he did, the timing was perfect. (My first book in that series, Everything’s Coming Up Josey was a Christy finalist). The same thing happened with “Nothing but trouble.” I cooked up my heroine PJ Sugar four years before I saw it come to publication. And I’m glad I waited – I hope I did Sugar justice! (Nothing But Trouble hits the stands May 2009! Read a preview at http://gotsugar.susnamywarren.com/)
I think a lot of writers believe they have to write the stories on their hearts…but perhaps they’re also not ready to write that story yet. I think it’s wise to ask God if it’s time…or if there is another story that could hone your skills in the meantime, in preparation for that heart story.
So, don’t give up on your heart story. Wait on Him, and be open to working on something else in the meantime.
God Bless you on your writing journey!
Susan May Warren
Founder, http://www.mybooktherapy.com/
Enter the contests for the LOVE TO WRITE blog tour! http://www.litfusegroup.com/latest/current-blog-tours/71-the-love-to-write-blog-tour-for-my-book-therapy
You have two chances to win!
Want to win a copy of From the Inside…Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You (http://www.lulu.com/content/5272647) for your very own? Leave a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) and tell us what kind of novel you have in YOU.
Do you already have your novel down on the page? Does it need a little THERAPY? Enter to win 10% off a Book Therapy Session (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=188 ) (that’s a savings of $30+) by leaving a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) telling us a brief synopsis of your story!
All winners will be chosen at random. Contest ends 2/28 and the winners will be announced on March 2nd!
Susan has created a video trailer JUST for the book: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbfR__NsnBQ
Sunday, February 22, 2009
How Do You Plot? by Susan May Warren (and contest info)
1. From the Inside…Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You
Blurb: Have you always wanted to write a novel, but didn’t know where to start? This book is for you. With proven techniques, easy to understand explanations and practical steps, From The Inside...Out will teach you how a story is structured then take you through the process of creating and marketing your novel. Topics include: Character-driven plotting, How to HOOK your reader, The elements and flow of SCENES, How to build STORYWORLD, Secrets to Sizzling Dialogue, Proven Self-Editing techniques, Synopsis and Query letter writing, How to manage your writing career ...and everything in between!
Link to buy the book: http://stores.lulu.com/mybooktherapy
2. Blog-A-Book!
Blurb: Write a book with My Book Therapy Voices in 2009!
Remember those games you used to play where your friend started the story, and you finished it? Or the “Choose your own ending” books? Ever wanted to be a part of the story process, giving input on the character’s decisions, learning how to write a book as you go? Me too!
Here at My Book Therapy, we love to write, and we love to teach writers how to find their voice. So, in 2009 we’ll be writing a book together! Starting in January, we’ll create characters, a plot, develop conflict, the black moment, the epiphany and finally…the happy ending. Then, week by week, you’ll be a part of the creation process, voting on the next step of our hero’s journey, watching the book take life, and learning the nuances of crafting a story. You’ll Blog-A-Book with the My Book Therapy authors and get tools to help you how to write your own novel.
And, at the end of the year, we’ll have a book we’ve all created, something that we’ll publish! And, best of all, the proceeds will go to support IJM, an organization that fights human trafficking around the world.
I’m really excited about our new project, and can’t wait to see what the collective mind put together.
So, Come and Blog-A-Book. Learn. Fellowship. Bless.
My Book Therapy…Discover the writer in you.
3. My Book Therapy Therapists and Services:
The site is: My Book Therapy www.mybooktherapy.com
The Therapists are: Susan May Warren, Rachel Hauck and Sarah Sumpolec
Therapist Thoughts from Susan May Warren: How do you plot?
I am often asked: When you plot your stories do you plot the spiritual journey, then overlay the general plot?
Here’s a quick overview of how I plot (and how I teach others to plot in From the Inside…Out: discover, create and publish the novelist in you).
My plotting is more organic than structured. I think it’s easier to start with the inside, and work outward when developing a character.
So, I start with an identity of a character, and then I ask him/myself why he calls himself this…and I keep asking why until I get down to a couple foundational thoughts:
1. What lies has he believed that has brought him to the place he is today.
2. What are his values?
3. What does he most want in life, and why?
Answering those questions usually brings me to some spiritual vacancy my h/hn has in his life. From there, I try and determine what verse/scripture will set him free from that lie. (sometimes that comes as I’m writing the book – I often write a tandem bible study for personal use as I’m writing the book, and this helps me discover the truth pertinent to my character).
I then overlay the emotional and physical plot to see how they will trigger or deepen his spiritual issues. Generally, plotting for me is like weaving together the three threads, and I work with all three at the same time.
Want to know more? Join us at http://www.mybooktherapy/ Blog-a-Book discussion and write a book online with the My Book Therapy Voices! See how a book comes together, and add your voice!
God bless you on your writing journey!
Susan May Warren
Founder, http://www.mybooktherapy.com/
Enter the contests for the LOVE TO WRITE blog tour! http://www.litfusegroup.com/latest/current-blog-tours/71-the-love-to-write-blog-tour-for-my-book-therapy
You have two chances to win!
Want to win a copy of From the Inside…Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You (http://www.lulu.com/content/5272647) for your very own? Leave a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) and tell us what kind of novel you have in YOU.
Do you already have your novel down on the page? Does it need a little THERAPY? Enter to win 10% off a Book Therapy Session (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=188 ) (that’s a savings of $30+) by leaving a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) telling us a brief synopsis of your story!
All winners will be chosen at random. Contest ends 2/28 and the winners will be announced on March 2nd!
Susan has created a video trailer JUST for the book: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbfR__NsnBQ
Blurb: Have you always wanted to write a novel, but didn’t know where to start? This book is for you. With proven techniques, easy to understand explanations and practical steps, From The Inside...Out will teach you how a story is structured then take you through the process of creating and marketing your novel. Topics include: Character-driven plotting, How to HOOK your reader, The elements and flow of SCENES, How to build STORYWORLD, Secrets to Sizzling Dialogue, Proven Self-Editing techniques, Synopsis and Query letter writing, How to manage your writing career ...and everything in between!
Link to buy the book: http://stores.lulu.com/mybooktherapy
2. Blog-A-Book!
Blurb: Write a book with My Book Therapy Voices in 2009!
Remember those games you used to play where your friend started the story, and you finished it? Or the “Choose your own ending” books? Ever wanted to be a part of the story process, giving input on the character’s decisions, learning how to write a book as you go? Me too!
Here at My Book Therapy, we love to write, and we love to teach writers how to find their voice. So, in 2009 we’ll be writing a book together! Starting in January, we’ll create characters, a plot, develop conflict, the black moment, the epiphany and finally…the happy ending. Then, week by week, you’ll be a part of the creation process, voting on the next step of our hero’s journey, watching the book take life, and learning the nuances of crafting a story. You’ll Blog-A-Book with the My Book Therapy authors and get tools to help you how to write your own novel.
And, at the end of the year, we’ll have a book we’ve all created, something that we’ll publish! And, best of all, the proceeds will go to support IJM, an organization that fights human trafficking around the world.
I’m really excited about our new project, and can’t wait to see what the collective mind put together.
So, Come and Blog-A-Book. Learn. Fellowship. Bless.
My Book Therapy…Discover the writer in you.
3. My Book Therapy Therapists and Services:
The site is: My Book Therapy www.mybooktherapy.com
The Therapists are: Susan May Warren, Rachel Hauck and Sarah Sumpolec
Therapist Thoughts from Susan May Warren: How do you plot?
I am often asked: When you plot your stories do you plot the spiritual journey, then overlay the general plot?
Here’s a quick overview of how I plot (and how I teach others to plot in From the Inside…Out: discover, create and publish the novelist in you).
My plotting is more organic than structured. I think it’s easier to start with the inside, and work outward when developing a character.
So, I start with an identity of a character, and then I ask him/myself why he calls himself this…and I keep asking why until I get down to a couple foundational thoughts:
1. What lies has he believed that has brought him to the place he is today.
2. What are his values?
3. What does he most want in life, and why?
Answering those questions usually brings me to some spiritual vacancy my h/hn has in his life. From there, I try and determine what verse/scripture will set him free from that lie. (sometimes that comes as I’m writing the book – I often write a tandem bible study for personal use as I’m writing the book, and this helps me discover the truth pertinent to my character).
I then overlay the emotional and physical plot to see how they will trigger or deepen his spiritual issues. Generally, plotting for me is like weaving together the three threads, and I work with all three at the same time.
Want to know more? Join us at http://www.mybooktherapy/ Blog-a-Book discussion and write a book online with the My Book Therapy Voices! See how a book comes together, and add your voice!
God bless you on your writing journey!
Susan May Warren
Founder, http://www.mybooktherapy.com/
Enter the contests for the LOVE TO WRITE blog tour! http://www.litfusegroup.com/latest/current-blog-tours/71-the-love-to-write-blog-tour-for-my-book-therapy
You have two chances to win!
Want to win a copy of From the Inside…Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You (http://www.lulu.com/content/5272647) for your very own? Leave a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) and tell us what kind of novel you have in YOU.
Do you already have your novel down on the page? Does it need a little THERAPY? Enter to win 10% off a Book Therapy Session (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=188 ) (that’s a savings of $30+) by leaving a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) telling us a brief synopsis of your story!
All winners will be chosen at random. Contest ends 2/28 and the winners will be announced on March 2nd!
Susan has created a video trailer JUST for the book: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbfR__NsnBQ
Saturday, February 21, 2009
The Word of Promise: Next Generation
The Word of Promise: Next Generation New Testament Dramatic Audio Bible
Thomas Nelson
Sometimes our tweeners and teenagers don’t want to take the time to read through the Bible, so Thomas Nelson has come up with a new project, the Bible on three MP3 CDs, which includes over 23 hours of the New Testament reading. There is also a guide, so your teen (or you) could listen to the entire New Testament in 40 days.
The Bible is read by an all-star cast, including Sean Astin as the Narrator, Cody Linley as Jesus. Some of the other readers are: Corbin Bleu, Andrew Lawrence, Martin Jarvis, Jordin Sparks, Emily Osment, and several others. Introductions are read by Max Lucado and Jenna Lucado.
A promotional DVD is also included, giving the behind the scenes look at the making of The Word of Promise: Next Generation. It also introduces you to the cast and gives brief insights into their lives.
The New Testament is read with some sound effects, including soft music, wailing, crowd noises, etc. Also, as people speak, a different reader takes each character. For instance, Marshall Allman is the voice of Paul. Emily Osment is the voice of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Annasophia Robb is the voice of Mary Mardalene.
Young people, as well as those who don’t care much for the poetic-ness of the King James Version, will love this new version of the Bible, and the ease in listening to it. All you need is an MP3 CD player and you can listen to the Bible anytime you want. In the car. On walks. At work. As you shop. You won’t want to miss this. $34.99. Three MP3 CDs and one DVD.
Thomas Nelson
Sometimes our tweeners and teenagers don’t want to take the time to read through the Bible, so Thomas Nelson has come up with a new project, the Bible on three MP3 CDs, which includes over 23 hours of the New Testament reading. There is also a guide, so your teen (or you) could listen to the entire New Testament in 40 days.
The Bible is read by an all-star cast, including Sean Astin as the Narrator, Cody Linley as Jesus. Some of the other readers are: Corbin Bleu, Andrew Lawrence, Martin Jarvis, Jordin Sparks, Emily Osment, and several others. Introductions are read by Max Lucado and Jenna Lucado.
A promotional DVD is also included, giving the behind the scenes look at the making of The Word of Promise: Next Generation. It also introduces you to the cast and gives brief insights into their lives.
The New Testament is read with some sound effects, including soft music, wailing, crowd noises, etc. Also, as people speak, a different reader takes each character. For instance, Marshall Allman is the voice of Paul. Emily Osment is the voice of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Annasophia Robb is the voice of Mary Mardalene.
Young people, as well as those who don’t care much for the poetic-ness of the King James Version, will love this new version of the Bible, and the ease in listening to it. All you need is an MP3 CD player and you can listen to the Bible anytime you want. In the car. On walks. At work. As you shop. You won’t want to miss this. $34.99. Three MP3 CDs and one DVD.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Four Keys to a Writer's Life (Excert From the Inside: Out
1. From the Inside…Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You
Blurb: Have you always wanted to write a novel, but didn’t know where to start? This book is for you. With proven techniques, easy to understand explanations and practical steps, From The Inside...Out will teach you how a story is structured then take you through the process of creating and marketing your novel. Topics include: Character-driven plotting, How to HOOK your reader, The elements and flow of SCENES, How to build STORYWORLD, Secrets to Sizzling Dialogue, Proven Self-Editing techniques, Synopsis and Query letter writing, How to manage your writing career ...and everything in between!
Link to buy the book: http://stores.lulu.com/mybooktherapy
2. Blog-A-Book!
Blurb: Write a book with My Book Therapy Voices in 2009!
Remember those games you used to play where your friend started the story, and you finished it? Or the “Choose your own ending” books? Ever wanted to be a part of the story process, giving input on the character’s decisions, learning how to write a book as you go? Me too!
Here at My Book Therapy, we love to write, and we love to teach writers how to find their voice. So, in 2009 we’ll be writing a book together! Starting in January, we’ll create characters, a plot, develop conflict, the black moment, the epiphany and finally…the happy ending. Then, week by week, you’ll be a part of the creation process, voting on the next step of our hero’s journey, watching the book take life, and learning the nuances of crafting a story. You’ll Blog-A-Book with the My Book Therapy authors and get tools to help you how to write your own novel.
And, at the end of the year, we’ll have a book we’ve all created, something that we’ll publish! And, best of all, the proceeds will go to support IJM, an organization that fights human trafficking around the world.
I’m really excited about our new project, and can’t wait to see what the collective mind put together.
So, Come and Blog-A-Book. Learn. Fellowship. Bless.
My Book Therapy…Discover the writer in you.
3. My Book Therapy Therapists and Services:
The site is: My Book Therapy www.mybooktherapy.com
The Therapists are: Susan May Warren, Rachel Hauck and Sarah Sumpolec
An inside look at From the Inside…Out: discover, create and publish the novel in you, by award-winning, best-selling authors Susan May Warren and Rachel Hauck…
Four Keys to a Writer's Life
As you prep for our journey, I want you to start exercising! We're going to get in shape! Work off the dust of our minds and tighten the flab of our daily schedules so we can utilize the writing time we have in our days.
Writing is much like every other discipline. It takes commitment. After all, as much as we'd like it to happen, those books don't just download from our brains automatically! It takes nurturing. Did you know that your brain has a well of words for each day, and you need to replenish those words after you use them? It takes time (something we're going to figure out how to get!), and it takes a game plan.
Let's start with Commitment. The fact is, writing will take you away from your family, your health club, your church, your social groups, your online gaming, your Sudoku, your television…you get the drift. There are costs. The keys to keeping those costs in line are:
1. Priorities
2. Balance
3. Perspective
Writing should ALWAYS come after spending time with God (that's also the nurturing part!) and rarely above family and church, but sometimes it does come before workouts and social life.
My friend Judy Baer (writing coach, extraordinaire) shared this illustration with me once: “Stand on one foot and balance. You can’t stand perfectly still, but rather, you have lean to different sides to keep your balance.”
Writing and life should be like this -- different sides require attention in different waves. If you are to invest in writing, then know that you might have to give up other things. Don’t worry—it’s not forever!. But for a while. If you were training for the Olympics, you'd have a training schedule, and it would ramp up when you had specific events to meet. Take a look at your life and see if you can carve out one hour per day, or three per week to invest in writing. Then, put that on your calendar in RED. It's an appointment. Be there.
Nurturing: Your brain needs a steady supply of new words, spiritual nourishment, research facts, and good writing to keep it fresh and ready to put prose on the page.
Spiritual Nourishment: Writing is largely a spiritual event. You are connecting on a thematic level with your reader, and that happens in the spiritual realm. Sure, we access many of these metaphors through emotion, but looking past feelings to their deeper meaning and sources helps broaden your understanding of your book, your character’s journey, and most importantly WHY you are spending time writing this book. Make a habit of spending time soaking in God's Word, or a devotional book like Streams in the Desert, or whatever form of spiritual food you need for your diet. I like to read theology books, but sometimes a great devotional book puts my spirit into the right frame to see beyond myself, to tap into the bigger picture and inspires me to write.
Research: make it your goal to keep up with the world. Technology. Medicine. Trends. Don't be afraid to use the Discovery channel for interesting plot ideas! Know what’s happening in culture and politics. Read biographies, current, and past – you’ll be inspired with new story ideas. Subscribe to Reader’s Digest and National Geographic. (At least TiVo the channel!) To communicate to our world, you need to understand it.
Read Up: Fill your mind with great writing. Start your writing time reading the Psalms, or perhaps a book of poetry. Read the classics, yes, but also make it your goal to read in your genre! Most importantly, find authors that are better than you and soak in their words, analyzing why they are fabulous. Feeding your mind and your soul will give you the materials you can draw from as you create.
Time: This is one of the hardest areas for new writers. Most of us don’t have hours in the day to wait for the muse to find us. We have thirty minutes after supper, or perhaps three hours on a Saturday morning.
Here's a few strategies for maximizing that time:
1. Plan ahead for your writing time and get your family to help you protect it. I have a sign on my door that reads, “Cry Me a River.” In short…they’d better have a good reason to come through that door when it’s closed (only if there’s blood or fire is the general rule). When my children were young, I always had an open door policy. However, I asked them to respect my time, just like I respected theirs. That meant that I spent time with them first – reading, helping with homework, fixing dinner – whatever they needed. I also involved them in the writing process. If they allowed me to finish a chapter, we’d celebrate with something fun (yes, there was a lot of ice cream in those early days). And I promised that when my first book got published, I’d take them to Disney World. I kept that promise. Enlisting your family’s help will free you from guilt AND give them an opportunity to share in your victories as you write. Make them your partners.
2. Keep a notebook of ideas that will invariably come to you as you wash dishes, walk the dog, clean the bathroom, drive to work, sit in a boring meeting, or even in the middle of the night. Sometimes you can't dash to your computer to put in that perfect sentence--so put it in your notebook. You'll have a collection of words and sentences to jumpstart your creativity when you sit down to write.
3. Don't clean up your writing space mid-project (okay, I know, that sounds like a messy person's excuse but...) if you simply walk away from your computer after you finish a scene, you'll be able to slip right back into it when you come back. I always suggest having a special room to write in so you can close the door, even if it's a section of your bedroom--something I did for years. I had a little garage-sale chair with a pile of books on the opposite side of the bed--my little alcove. But, if you can't find a separate space, invest in a little basket to throw all your writing gear in (research books, etc), and then set it somewhere where it won't be
“reorganized” (as my husband calls it!). Keeping your research handy helps you maximize your time when you sit down and dive back into your story.
Finally, you need a Game Plan, and I'm not talking plotting versus seat-of-the-pants writing here--I'm talking about a little journal that you keep AFTER your writing session. Write down any thoughts you have for the next chapter, as well as your goal for the next writing session. Maybe you want to go back and revise the previous chapter or fix certain words. Maybe you need more research. Maybe you just want to plow ahead, but have notes for revisions.
Keeping a journal of your writing time helps you focus on each writing session without having to ask, "Now, where was I?" This is especially true if a week or more has gone by in between writing sessions.
Now, for all of you who have little children and think, "Hey, I don't even have time to wash my hair—I can't possibly find time to write,” my words to you are, well, let's see, greasy hair versus seeing your dreams come true. You can wash your hair when your kids go to school. No, I'm not that bad! I like clean hair, but I well remember the days when I typed with my children on my lap, or stayed up late with my laptop while my husband snoozed beside me.
He sure woke up when I got that first contract.
Join me on the journey and learn how to write the novel in you!
God bless you on your writing journey!
Susan May Warren
Founder, http://www.mybooktherapy.com/
Enter the contests for the LOVE TO WRITE blog tour! http://www.litfusegroup.com/latest/current-blog-tours/71-the-love-to-write-blog-tour-for-my-book-therapy
You have two chances to win!
Want to win a copy of From the Inside…Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You (http://www.lulu.com/content/5272647) for your very own? Leave a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) and tell us what kind of novel you have in YOU.
Do you already have your novel down on the page? Does it need a little THERAPY? Enter to win 10% off a Book Therapy Session (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=188 ) (that’s a savings of $30+) by leaving a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) telling us a brief synopsis of your story!
All winners will be chosen at random. Contest ends 2/28 and the winners will be announced on March 2nd!
Susan has created a video trailer JUST for the book: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbfR__NsnBQ
Blurb: Have you always wanted to write a novel, but didn’t know where to start? This book is for you. With proven techniques, easy to understand explanations and practical steps, From The Inside...Out will teach you how a story is structured then take you through the process of creating and marketing your novel. Topics include: Character-driven plotting, How to HOOK your reader, The elements and flow of SCENES, How to build STORYWORLD, Secrets to Sizzling Dialogue, Proven Self-Editing techniques, Synopsis and Query letter writing, How to manage your writing career ...and everything in between!
Link to buy the book: http://stores.lulu.com/mybooktherapy
2. Blog-A-Book!
Blurb: Write a book with My Book Therapy Voices in 2009!
Remember those games you used to play where your friend started the story, and you finished it? Or the “Choose your own ending” books? Ever wanted to be a part of the story process, giving input on the character’s decisions, learning how to write a book as you go? Me too!
Here at My Book Therapy, we love to write, and we love to teach writers how to find their voice. So, in 2009 we’ll be writing a book together! Starting in January, we’ll create characters, a plot, develop conflict, the black moment, the epiphany and finally…the happy ending. Then, week by week, you’ll be a part of the creation process, voting on the next step of our hero’s journey, watching the book take life, and learning the nuances of crafting a story. You’ll Blog-A-Book with the My Book Therapy authors and get tools to help you how to write your own novel.
And, at the end of the year, we’ll have a book we’ve all created, something that we’ll publish! And, best of all, the proceeds will go to support IJM, an organization that fights human trafficking around the world.
I’m really excited about our new project, and can’t wait to see what the collective mind put together.
So, Come and Blog-A-Book. Learn. Fellowship. Bless.
My Book Therapy…Discover the writer in you.
3. My Book Therapy Therapists and Services:
The site is: My Book Therapy www.mybooktherapy.com
The Therapists are: Susan May Warren, Rachel Hauck and Sarah Sumpolec
An inside look at From the Inside…Out: discover, create and publish the novel in you, by award-winning, best-selling authors Susan May Warren and Rachel Hauck…
Four Keys to a Writer's Life
As you prep for our journey, I want you to start exercising! We're going to get in shape! Work off the dust of our minds and tighten the flab of our daily schedules so we can utilize the writing time we have in our days.
Writing is much like every other discipline. It takes commitment. After all, as much as we'd like it to happen, those books don't just download from our brains automatically! It takes nurturing. Did you know that your brain has a well of words for each day, and you need to replenish those words after you use them? It takes time (something we're going to figure out how to get!), and it takes a game plan.
Let's start with Commitment. The fact is, writing will take you away from your family, your health club, your church, your social groups, your online gaming, your Sudoku, your television…you get the drift. There are costs. The keys to keeping those costs in line are:
1. Priorities
2. Balance
3. Perspective
Writing should ALWAYS come after spending time with God (that's also the nurturing part!) and rarely above family and church, but sometimes it does come before workouts and social life.
My friend Judy Baer (writing coach, extraordinaire) shared this illustration with me once: “Stand on one foot and balance. You can’t stand perfectly still, but rather, you have lean to different sides to keep your balance.”
Writing and life should be like this -- different sides require attention in different waves. If you are to invest in writing, then know that you might have to give up other things. Don’t worry—it’s not forever!. But for a while. If you were training for the Olympics, you'd have a training schedule, and it would ramp up when you had specific events to meet. Take a look at your life and see if you can carve out one hour per day, or three per week to invest in writing. Then, put that on your calendar in RED. It's an appointment. Be there.
Nurturing: Your brain needs a steady supply of new words, spiritual nourishment, research facts, and good writing to keep it fresh and ready to put prose on the page.
Spiritual Nourishment: Writing is largely a spiritual event. You are connecting on a thematic level with your reader, and that happens in the spiritual realm. Sure, we access many of these metaphors through emotion, but looking past feelings to their deeper meaning and sources helps broaden your understanding of your book, your character’s journey, and most importantly WHY you are spending time writing this book. Make a habit of spending time soaking in God's Word, or a devotional book like Streams in the Desert, or whatever form of spiritual food you need for your diet. I like to read theology books, but sometimes a great devotional book puts my spirit into the right frame to see beyond myself, to tap into the bigger picture and inspires me to write.
Research: make it your goal to keep up with the world. Technology. Medicine. Trends. Don't be afraid to use the Discovery channel for interesting plot ideas! Know what’s happening in culture and politics. Read biographies, current, and past – you’ll be inspired with new story ideas. Subscribe to Reader’s Digest and National Geographic. (At least TiVo the channel!) To communicate to our world, you need to understand it.
Read Up: Fill your mind with great writing. Start your writing time reading the Psalms, or perhaps a book of poetry. Read the classics, yes, but also make it your goal to read in your genre! Most importantly, find authors that are better than you and soak in their words, analyzing why they are fabulous. Feeding your mind and your soul will give you the materials you can draw from as you create.
Time: This is one of the hardest areas for new writers. Most of us don’t have hours in the day to wait for the muse to find us. We have thirty minutes after supper, or perhaps three hours on a Saturday morning.
Here's a few strategies for maximizing that time:
1. Plan ahead for your writing time and get your family to help you protect it. I have a sign on my door that reads, “Cry Me a River.” In short…they’d better have a good reason to come through that door when it’s closed (only if there’s blood or fire is the general rule). When my children were young, I always had an open door policy. However, I asked them to respect my time, just like I respected theirs. That meant that I spent time with them first – reading, helping with homework, fixing dinner – whatever they needed. I also involved them in the writing process. If they allowed me to finish a chapter, we’d celebrate with something fun (yes, there was a lot of ice cream in those early days). And I promised that when my first book got published, I’d take them to Disney World. I kept that promise. Enlisting your family’s help will free you from guilt AND give them an opportunity to share in your victories as you write. Make them your partners.
2. Keep a notebook of ideas that will invariably come to you as you wash dishes, walk the dog, clean the bathroom, drive to work, sit in a boring meeting, or even in the middle of the night. Sometimes you can't dash to your computer to put in that perfect sentence--so put it in your notebook. You'll have a collection of words and sentences to jumpstart your creativity when you sit down to write.
3. Don't clean up your writing space mid-project (okay, I know, that sounds like a messy person's excuse but...) if you simply walk away from your computer after you finish a scene, you'll be able to slip right back into it when you come back. I always suggest having a special room to write in so you can close the door, even if it's a section of your bedroom--something I did for years. I had a little garage-sale chair with a pile of books on the opposite side of the bed--my little alcove. But, if you can't find a separate space, invest in a little basket to throw all your writing gear in (research books, etc), and then set it somewhere where it won't be
“reorganized” (as my husband calls it!). Keeping your research handy helps you maximize your time when you sit down and dive back into your story.
Finally, you need a Game Plan, and I'm not talking plotting versus seat-of-the-pants writing here--I'm talking about a little journal that you keep AFTER your writing session. Write down any thoughts you have for the next chapter, as well as your goal for the next writing session. Maybe you want to go back and revise the previous chapter or fix certain words. Maybe you need more research. Maybe you just want to plow ahead, but have notes for revisions.
Keeping a journal of your writing time helps you focus on each writing session without having to ask, "Now, where was I?" This is especially true if a week or more has gone by in between writing sessions.
Now, for all of you who have little children and think, "Hey, I don't even have time to wash my hair—I can't possibly find time to write,” my words to you are, well, let's see, greasy hair versus seeing your dreams come true. You can wash your hair when your kids go to school. No, I'm not that bad! I like clean hair, but I well remember the days when I typed with my children on my lap, or stayed up late with my laptop while my husband snoozed beside me.
He sure woke up when I got that first contract.
Join me on the journey and learn how to write the novel in you!
God bless you on your writing journey!
Susan May Warren
Founder, http://www.mybooktherapy.com/
Enter the contests for the LOVE TO WRITE blog tour! http://www.litfusegroup.com/latest/current-blog-tours/71-the-love-to-write-blog-tour-for-my-book-therapy
You have two chances to win!
Want to win a copy of From the Inside…Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You (http://www.lulu.com/content/5272647) for your very own? Leave a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) and tell us what kind of novel you have in YOU.
Do you already have your novel down on the page? Does it need a little THERAPY? Enter to win 10% off a Book Therapy Session (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=188 ) (that’s a savings of $30+) by leaving a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) telling us a brief synopsis of your story!
All winners will be chosen at random. Contest ends 2/28 and the winners will be announced on March 2nd!
Susan has created a video trailer JUST for the book: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbfR__NsnBQ
Thursday, February 19, 2009
My Book Therapy - article by Rachel Hauck and contest information
1. From the Inside…Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You
Blurb: Have you always wanted to write a novel, but didn’t know where to start? This book is for you. With proven techniques, easy to understand explanations and practical steps, From The Inside...Out will teach you how a story is structured then take you through the process of creating and marketing your novel. Topics include: Character-driven plotting, How to HOOK your reader, The elements and flow of SCENES, How to build STORYWORLD, Secrets to Sizzling Dialogue, Proven Self-Editing techniques, Synopsis and Query letter writing, How to manage your writing career ...and everything in between!
Link to buy the book: http://stores.lulu.com/mybooktherapy
2. Blog-A-Book!
Blurb: Write a book with My Book Therapy Voices in 2009!
Remember those games you used to play where your friend started the story, and you finished it? Or the “Choose your own ending” books? Ever wanted to be a part of the story process, giving input on the character’s decisions, learning how to write a book as you go? Me too!
Here at My Book Therapy, we love to write, and we love to teach writers how to find their voice. So, in 2009 we’ll be writing a book together! Starting in January, we’ll create characters, a plot, develop conflict, the black moment, the epiphany and finally…the happy ending. Then, week by week, you’ll be a part of the creation process, voting on the next step of our hero’s journey, watching the book take life, and learning the nuances of crafting a story. You’ll Blog-A-Book with the My Book Therapy authors and get tools to help you how to write your own novel.
And, at the end of the year, we’ll have a book we’ve all created, something that we’ll publish! And, best of all, the proceeds will go to support IJM, an organization that fights human trafficking around the world.
I’m really excited about our new project, and can’t wait to see what the collective mind put together.
So, Come and Blog-A-Book. Learn. Fellowship. Bless.
My Book Therapy…Discover the writer in you.
3. My Book Therapy Therapists and Services:
The site is: My Book Therapy www.mybooktherapy.com
The Therapists are: Susan May Warren, Rachel Hauck and Sarah Sumpolec
Writing in the midst of a busy life.
By Rachel Hauck
Early on in my writing life, I had to give up the notion that writing time would come easy, be ideal and full of inspiration.
When I signed my first book contract, I was working full time for a software company as a department manager. I’d recently become a worship leader at my church, adding that to my job as youth pastor’s wife. My husband and I also gathered with other area pastors to start a weekly multi-church prayer meeting and I’d become the Vice President of a national writers organization and was coordinating our second annual conference.
Writing? Yeah, like when? Where? And I didn’t even have children to raise. I felt pushed, pulled, torn, frazzled and on the edge. I’d never written a book to be published before. I’d not coordinated a conference and my committee was “out there” across America . If I failed, I’d let so many people down, including myself.
I lay in bed one night praying, trying to decide if I should just work up my courage and resign as Vice President and admit I couldn’t do it all. I didn’t need to be that kind of person. But as my final grasp for God’s grace, I whispered in the darkness, “Lord, you have a conference to coordinate, let me know what you need me to do.”
Peace washed over me. I didn’t resign. The Lord sent me a co-coordinator. The conference was a success.
And, I wrote my first book by June of that year and met my deadline.
A busy life seems impossible to avoid these days. We have so many options and opportunities available to us. Here are a few things I’ve learned along the way.
1. Make sure the jobs or opportunities you embrace are really from the Lord. Don’t say yes out of guilt or even selfish ambition. Know that you know all you’re doing is right and good. Sure I had a full plate that one year, but I knew God had loaded me up for a reason.
2. Give it all back to Him. Ask for wisdom and grace, insight and help.
3. Let go of any and all concept that you have to be perfect. You’ll fail and it’s okay to fail. There were quite a few bloopers at that second annual conference, but we got past them. God’s grace was greater.
4. Get organized. Since I knew my book deadline, I wrote out my writing schedule on a calendar. I had a few extra vacation days so I scheduled them as mega-writing sessions. It’s not unholy, or ungodly to plan. Most of us fail in our sincerest desires because we live by the tyranny of the urgent. We don’t plan so our lives are governed by the moment. If we do plan, we allow ourselves to be knocked off course. Schedule writing time and STICK to it. If it’s one hour a week, then guard it with all your might.
5. Be confident before God. Know that He has good works planned for you to walk in. He loves you. He wants you to succeed.
In the midst of juggling my schedule, I worked hard to maintain my own intimate relationship with Jesus. It wasn’t always easy and I failed to reach my ultimate goal, but by having a goal, I found success. Otherwise, I might have drifted way away from the heart-to-heart relationship I wanted with Him.
There were a few tools I used to help me stay on track with my relationship.
1. I attended corporate prayer meetings.
2. I was faithful to all worship services.
3. I went early to youth church or main church to have prayer times.
Look for ways to fortify your spiritual as well as natural life.
1. Find a buddy to pray with or write with.
2. Ask your family to “do it with you.” As parents we spend time driving our children to school, music or dance, sports events. Wouldn’t they love to help mom or dad meet their writing goal? Bring them into the adventure with you.
3. Pray. Ask Jesus for grace. For help. If all else fails, use my prayer. “Lord, you have a book to write, let me know what I need to do.
If you find you just can’t manage it all, set is aside and wait. Maybe your season of writing is not yet. But keep taking notes, keep praying, keep learning.
God is faithful to keep us in His will. Even when we fail, He will not.
So exhale. Relax. Have fun.
Enter the contests for the LOVE TO WRITE blog tour! http://www.litfusegroup.com/latest/current-blog-tours/71-the-love-to-write-blog-tour-for-my-book-therapy
You have two chances to win!
Want to win a copy of From the Inside…Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You (http://www.lulu.com/content/5272647) for your very own? Leave a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) and tell us what kind of novel you have in YOU.
Do you already have your novel down on the page? Does it need a little THERAPY? Enter to win 10% off a Book Therapy Session (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=188 ) (that’s a savings of $30+) by leaving a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) telling us a brief synopsis of your story!
All winners will be chosen at random. Contest ends 2/28 and the winners will be announced on March 2nd!
Susan has created a video trailer JUST for the book: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbfR__NsnBQ
Blurb: Have you always wanted to write a novel, but didn’t know where to start? This book is for you. With proven techniques, easy to understand explanations and practical steps, From The Inside...Out will teach you how a story is structured then take you through the process of creating and marketing your novel. Topics include: Character-driven plotting, How to HOOK your reader, The elements and flow of SCENES, How to build STORYWORLD, Secrets to Sizzling Dialogue, Proven Self-Editing techniques, Synopsis and Query letter writing, How to manage your writing career ...and everything in between!
Link to buy the book: http://stores.lulu.com/mybooktherapy
2. Blog-A-Book!
Blurb: Write a book with My Book Therapy Voices in 2009!
Remember those games you used to play where your friend started the story, and you finished it? Or the “Choose your own ending” books? Ever wanted to be a part of the story process, giving input on the character’s decisions, learning how to write a book as you go? Me too!
Here at My Book Therapy, we love to write, and we love to teach writers how to find their voice. So, in 2009 we’ll be writing a book together! Starting in January, we’ll create characters, a plot, develop conflict, the black moment, the epiphany and finally…the happy ending. Then, week by week, you’ll be a part of the creation process, voting on the next step of our hero’s journey, watching the book take life, and learning the nuances of crafting a story. You’ll Blog-A-Book with the My Book Therapy authors and get tools to help you how to write your own novel.
And, at the end of the year, we’ll have a book we’ve all created, something that we’ll publish! And, best of all, the proceeds will go to support IJM, an organization that fights human trafficking around the world.
I’m really excited about our new project, and can’t wait to see what the collective mind put together.
So, Come and Blog-A-Book. Learn. Fellowship. Bless.
My Book Therapy…Discover the writer in you.
3. My Book Therapy Therapists and Services:
The site is: My Book Therapy www.mybooktherapy.com
The Therapists are: Susan May Warren, Rachel Hauck and Sarah Sumpolec
Writing in the midst of a busy life.
By Rachel Hauck
Early on in my writing life, I had to give up the notion that writing time would come easy, be ideal and full of inspiration.
When I signed my first book contract, I was working full time for a software company as a department manager. I’d recently become a worship leader at my church, adding that to my job as youth pastor’s wife. My husband and I also gathered with other area pastors to start a weekly multi-church prayer meeting and I’d become the Vice President of a national writers organization and was coordinating our second annual conference.
Writing? Yeah, like when? Where? And I didn’t even have children to raise. I felt pushed, pulled, torn, frazzled and on the edge. I’d never written a book to be published before. I’d not coordinated a conference and my committee was “out there” across America . If I failed, I’d let so many people down, including myself.
I lay in bed one night praying, trying to decide if I should just work up my courage and resign as Vice President and admit I couldn’t do it all. I didn’t need to be that kind of person. But as my final grasp for God’s grace, I whispered in the darkness, “Lord, you have a conference to coordinate, let me know what you need me to do.”
Peace washed over me. I didn’t resign. The Lord sent me a co-coordinator. The conference was a success.
And, I wrote my first book by June of that year and met my deadline.
A busy life seems impossible to avoid these days. We have so many options and opportunities available to us. Here are a few things I’ve learned along the way.
1. Make sure the jobs or opportunities you embrace are really from the Lord. Don’t say yes out of guilt or even selfish ambition. Know that you know all you’re doing is right and good. Sure I had a full plate that one year, but I knew God had loaded me up for a reason.
2. Give it all back to Him. Ask for wisdom and grace, insight and help.
3. Let go of any and all concept that you have to be perfect. You’ll fail and it’s okay to fail. There were quite a few bloopers at that second annual conference, but we got past them. God’s grace was greater.
4. Get organized. Since I knew my book deadline, I wrote out my writing schedule on a calendar. I had a few extra vacation days so I scheduled them as mega-writing sessions. It’s not unholy, or ungodly to plan. Most of us fail in our sincerest desires because we live by the tyranny of the urgent. We don’t plan so our lives are governed by the moment. If we do plan, we allow ourselves to be knocked off course. Schedule writing time and STICK to it. If it’s one hour a week, then guard it with all your might.
5. Be confident before God. Know that He has good works planned for you to walk in. He loves you. He wants you to succeed.
In the midst of juggling my schedule, I worked hard to maintain my own intimate relationship with Jesus. It wasn’t always easy and I failed to reach my ultimate goal, but by having a goal, I found success. Otherwise, I might have drifted way away from the heart-to-heart relationship I wanted with Him.
There were a few tools I used to help me stay on track with my relationship.
1. I attended corporate prayer meetings.
2. I was faithful to all worship services.
3. I went early to youth church or main church to have prayer times.
Look for ways to fortify your spiritual as well as natural life.
1. Find a buddy to pray with or write with.
2. Ask your family to “do it with you.” As parents we spend time driving our children to school, music or dance, sports events. Wouldn’t they love to help mom or dad meet their writing goal? Bring them into the adventure with you.
3. Pray. Ask Jesus for grace. For help. If all else fails, use my prayer. “Lord, you have a book to write, let me know what I need to do.
If you find you just can’t manage it all, set is aside and wait. Maybe your season of writing is not yet. But keep taking notes, keep praying, keep learning.
God is faithful to keep us in His will. Even when we fail, He will not.
So exhale. Relax. Have fun.
Enter the contests for the LOVE TO WRITE blog tour! http://www.litfusegroup.com/latest/current-blog-tours/71-the-love-to-write-blog-tour-for-my-book-therapy
You have two chances to win!
Want to win a copy of From the Inside…Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You (http://www.lulu.com/content/5272647) for your very own? Leave a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) and tell us what kind of novel you have in YOU.
Do you already have your novel down on the page? Does it need a little THERAPY? Enter to win 10% off a Book Therapy Session (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=188 ) (that’s a savings of $30+) by leaving a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) telling us a brief synopsis of your story!
All winners will be chosen at random. Contest ends 2/28 and the winners will be announced on March 2nd!
Susan has created a video trailer JUST for the book: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbfR__NsnBQ
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
An inside look at From the Inside...Out & contest info
1. From the Inside…Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You
Blurb: Have you always wanted to write a novel, but didn’t know where to start? This book is for you. With proven techniques, easy to understand explanations and practical steps, From The Inside...Out will teach you how a story is structured then take you through the process of creating and marketing your novel. Topics include: Character-driven plotting, How to HOOK your reader, The elements and flow of SCENES, How to build STORYWORLD, Secrets to Sizzling Dialogue, Proven Self-Editing techniques, Synopsis and Query letter writing, How to manage your writing career ...and everything in between!
Link to buy the book: http://stores.lulu.com/mybooktherapy
2. Blog-A-Book!
Blurb: Write a book with My Book Therapy Voices in 2009!
Remember those games you used to play where your friend started the story, and you finished it? Or the “Choose your own ending” books? Ever wanted to be a part of the story process, giving input on the character’s decisions, learning how to write a book as you go? Me too!
Here at My Book Therapy, we love to write, and we love to teach writers how to find their voice. So, in 2009 we’ll be writing a book together! Starting in January, we’ll create characters, a plot, develop conflict, the black moment, the epiphany and finally…the happy ending. Then, week by week, you’ll be a part of the creation process, voting on the next step of our hero’s journey, watching the book take life, and learning the nuances of crafting a story. You’ll Blog-A-Book with the My Book Therapy authors and get tools to help you how to write your own novel.
And, at the end of the year, we’ll have a book we’ve all created, something that we’ll publish! And, best of all, the proceeds will go to support IJM, an organization that fights human trafficking around the world.
I’m really excited about our new project, and can’t wait to see what the collective mind put together.
So, Come and Blog-A-Book. Learn. Fellowship. Bless.
My Book Therapy…Discover the writer in you.
3. My Book Therapy Therapists and Services:
The site is: My Book Therapy www.mybooktherapy.com
The Therapists are: Susan May Warren, Rachel Hauck and Sarah Sumpolec
An inside look at From the Inside…Out: discover, create and publish the novel in you! By award-winning authors Susan May Warren and Rachel Hauck
Introduction page:
If you’ve always wanted to write a novel…This book is for you
We all have goals, right? Dreams, desires, hopes that have been niggling at us for years. For aspiring authors, it’s the dream of writing a novel. You’re a writer if every time you hear an interesting job description or read a compelling story in the newspaper, you think, hey, that would make an interesting premise for a novel. You’re a writer if, when you get introduced to someone new, you can’t help but ask about their lives and can barely resist the urge to take out a pen and paper and jot down some notes. You’re a writer if, when you’re reading a novel, you occasionally take a breath and say, wow, I want to write like that. If you’re a writer, this book is for you.
I remember the day when I decided to write a novel. I was in Siberia, in the middle of a solemn and icy winter. I had four children, all under the age of six, and my husband was gone, again, planting a church. I had read everything in the house at least twice and decided that my own imagination could do at least as well as one of the books I’d devoured in a day. (Boy, did I have much to learn!) I sat down at the computer and said, “I’m writing a book.”
That’s about as far as I got. Because once I actually sat down and stared at the computer, I HAD NO IDEA HOW A BOOK WAS PUT TOGETHER. Where did I start? How did I develop characters? What’s my point? And most importantly – how did I get it from my brain to the computer and into print?
It took me a year of writing, first on Saturdays, and then every day. But I finished my first book. (To all who think that then I ran out and found a publisher – not! 4 books later…)
What I learned through that first novel was that:
1. Writing a good novel was harder than I thought, and I needed a lot of work.
2. I love to write and was willing to make the journey, whatever it took.
3. Even if I never got published, God could use my writing journey for good in my life.
A writer’s life is solitary, hard work, fraught with rejection, frustration, and even envy. BUT, if you look at it as another way that you will grow and experience your world, then it’s a journey that is ripe with rewards.
This is the book I wish I had when I first started. It’s because of those years of angst and study that I started My Book Therapy, a blog about how to write and a fiction editing service to help writers along the way. Because, see, I was in Siberia. As in RUSSIA. Alone. Just me, some novels, and my imagination. I wished I had a reference guide, something to organize all the information I needed in one place, maybe a step-by-step journey, and a companion/encourager to help me complete my dream. Sure, I had writing books, but they made the process so…complicated. I knew it had to be easier. Inside Out is MY writing manual – what I developed and now use to create stories. It’s my successes, my systems…and my secrets. And, as a bonus, you also get the perspective of Rachel Hauck, my pal and My Book Therapy partner, thrown in to add another rich perspective. It’s the manual of writing the books we know how to write.
God Bless you on your writing journey!
Susan May Warren
Founder, www.mybooktherapy.com
Enter the contests for the LOVE TO WRITE blog tour! http://www.litfusegroup.com/latest/current-blog-tours/71-the-love-to-write-blog-tour-for-my-book-therapy
You have two chances to win!
Want to win a copy of From the Inside…Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You (http://www.lulu.com/content/5272647) for your very own? Leave a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) and tell us what kind of novel you have in YOU.
Do you already have your novel down on the page? Does it need a little THERAPY? Enter to win 10% off a Book Therapy Session (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=188 ) (that’s a savings of $30+) by leaving a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) telling us a brief synopsis of your story!
All winners will be chosen at random. Contest ends 2/28 and the winners will be announced on March 2nd!
Susan has created a video trailer JUST for the book: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbfR__NsnBQ
Blurb: Have you always wanted to write a novel, but didn’t know where to start? This book is for you. With proven techniques, easy to understand explanations and practical steps, From The Inside...Out will teach you how a story is structured then take you through the process of creating and marketing your novel. Topics include: Character-driven plotting, How to HOOK your reader, The elements and flow of SCENES, How to build STORYWORLD, Secrets to Sizzling Dialogue, Proven Self-Editing techniques, Synopsis and Query letter writing, How to manage your writing career ...and everything in between!
Link to buy the book: http://stores.lulu.com/mybooktherapy
2. Blog-A-Book!
Blurb: Write a book with My Book Therapy Voices in 2009!
Remember those games you used to play where your friend started the story, and you finished it? Or the “Choose your own ending” books? Ever wanted to be a part of the story process, giving input on the character’s decisions, learning how to write a book as you go? Me too!
Here at My Book Therapy, we love to write, and we love to teach writers how to find their voice. So, in 2009 we’ll be writing a book together! Starting in January, we’ll create characters, a plot, develop conflict, the black moment, the epiphany and finally…the happy ending. Then, week by week, you’ll be a part of the creation process, voting on the next step of our hero’s journey, watching the book take life, and learning the nuances of crafting a story. You’ll Blog-A-Book with the My Book Therapy authors and get tools to help you how to write your own novel.
And, at the end of the year, we’ll have a book we’ve all created, something that we’ll publish! And, best of all, the proceeds will go to support IJM, an organization that fights human trafficking around the world.
I’m really excited about our new project, and can’t wait to see what the collective mind put together.
So, Come and Blog-A-Book. Learn. Fellowship. Bless.
My Book Therapy…Discover the writer in you.
3. My Book Therapy Therapists and Services:
The site is: My Book Therapy www.mybooktherapy.com
The Therapists are: Susan May Warren, Rachel Hauck and Sarah Sumpolec
An inside look at From the Inside…Out: discover, create and publish the novel in you! By award-winning authors Susan May Warren and Rachel Hauck
Introduction page:
If you’ve always wanted to write a novel…This book is for you
We all have goals, right? Dreams, desires, hopes that have been niggling at us for years. For aspiring authors, it’s the dream of writing a novel. You’re a writer if every time you hear an interesting job description or read a compelling story in the newspaper, you think, hey, that would make an interesting premise for a novel. You’re a writer if, when you get introduced to someone new, you can’t help but ask about their lives and can barely resist the urge to take out a pen and paper and jot down some notes. You’re a writer if, when you’re reading a novel, you occasionally take a breath and say, wow, I want to write like that. If you’re a writer, this book is for you.
I remember the day when I decided to write a novel. I was in Siberia, in the middle of a solemn and icy winter. I had four children, all under the age of six, and my husband was gone, again, planting a church. I had read everything in the house at least twice and decided that my own imagination could do at least as well as one of the books I’d devoured in a day. (Boy, did I have much to learn!) I sat down at the computer and said, “I’m writing a book.”
That’s about as far as I got. Because once I actually sat down and stared at the computer, I HAD NO IDEA HOW A BOOK WAS PUT TOGETHER. Where did I start? How did I develop characters? What’s my point? And most importantly – how did I get it from my brain to the computer and into print?
It took me a year of writing, first on Saturdays, and then every day. But I finished my first book. (To all who think that then I ran out and found a publisher – not! 4 books later…)
What I learned through that first novel was that:
1. Writing a good novel was harder than I thought, and I needed a lot of work.
2. I love to write and was willing to make the journey, whatever it took.
3. Even if I never got published, God could use my writing journey for good in my life.
A writer’s life is solitary, hard work, fraught with rejection, frustration, and even envy. BUT, if you look at it as another way that you will grow and experience your world, then it’s a journey that is ripe with rewards.
This is the book I wish I had when I first started. It’s because of those years of angst and study that I started My Book Therapy, a blog about how to write and a fiction editing service to help writers along the way. Because, see, I was in Siberia. As in RUSSIA. Alone. Just me, some novels, and my imagination. I wished I had a reference guide, something to organize all the information I needed in one place, maybe a step-by-step journey, and a companion/encourager to help me complete my dream. Sure, I had writing books, but they made the process so…complicated. I knew it had to be easier. Inside Out is MY writing manual – what I developed and now use to create stories. It’s my successes, my systems…and my secrets. And, as a bonus, you also get the perspective of Rachel Hauck, my pal and My Book Therapy partner, thrown in to add another rich perspective. It’s the manual of writing the books we know how to write.
God Bless you on your writing journey!
Susan May Warren
Founder, www.mybooktherapy.com
Enter the contests for the LOVE TO WRITE blog tour! http://www.litfusegroup.com/latest/current-blog-tours/71-the-love-to-write-blog-tour-for-my-book-therapy
You have two chances to win!
Want to win a copy of From the Inside…Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You (http://www.lulu.com/content/5272647) for your very own? Leave a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) and tell us what kind of novel you have in YOU.
Do you already have your novel down on the page? Does it need a little THERAPY? Enter to win 10% off a Book Therapy Session (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=188 ) (that’s a savings of $30+) by leaving a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) telling us a brief synopsis of your story!
All winners will be chosen at random. Contest ends 2/28 and the winners will be announced on March 2nd!
Susan has created a video trailer JUST for the book: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbfR__NsnBQ
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Leading Women Who Wound
Authors: Sue Edwards and Kelley Mathews
Publisher: Moody Publishers
ISBN: 978-0-8024-8153-5
Genre: Inspirational/women’s ministry/people skills
“My mentors equipped me with ministry skills—but not one over taught me to expect conflict. No one ever told me that every ministry leader experiences criticism, personal attacks, and church politics.” –Sue Edwards
Given the nature of humans and the complexities of personalities, conflict is unavoidable. But how do we handle our emotions when other women are insensitive, manipulative, or mean? In LEADING WOMEN WHO WOUND, the authors teach us that we must understand and practice strategies specifically related to women.
Drawing from the Bible as well as their own experiences, the authors will teach women to:
Ø Expect Women Who Wound
Ø Women’s Ways of Whacking
Ø Prepare Personally for Women Who Wound
Ø Spot Women Who Wound
Ø Love Women Who Wound
And much more. There is even a chapter completely written for the male minister, so he can better solve disputes between women instead of expecting them to act like men in their problem solving skills.
There are discussion questions included at the end of each chapter (you could write answers in a notebook) making the book perfect for individual or group studies. They will also help you to be able to get the most from each chapter.
LEADING WOMEN WHO WOUND: Strategies for an Effective Ministry is an excellent guide for women in ministry who will eventually run into difficult women. It is also the perfect guide for pastor’s as a lot of them are fired or forced to resign from their positions, due to a difficult woman. Make sure you pick up a copy today – whether you are a pastor’s family, a church resource member, or just a lay member involved in the church in any form of ministry. $13.99. 177 pages.
Leading Women Who Wound on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0802481531
Kelley Mathews and Sue Edwards’ Website: http://www.newdoors.info/
Kelley Mathews’s Blog: http://www.geaux2girl.blogspot.com/
Kelley Mathews’s Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/people/Kelley-Maranto-Mathews/1645202187
List of all participating bloggers: http://blogtourspot.com/leading-blog-tour/leading-blog-tour-stops
Authors: Sue Edwards and Kelley Mathews
Publisher: Moody Publishers
ISBN: 978-0-8024-8153-5
Genre: Inspirational/women’s ministry/people skills
“My mentors equipped me with ministry skills—but not one over taught me to expect conflict. No one ever told me that every ministry leader experiences criticism, personal attacks, and church politics.” –Sue Edwards
Given the nature of humans and the complexities of personalities, conflict is unavoidable. But how do we handle our emotions when other women are insensitive, manipulative, or mean? In LEADING WOMEN WHO WOUND, the authors teach us that we must understand and practice strategies specifically related to women.
Drawing from the Bible as well as their own experiences, the authors will teach women to:
Ø Expect Women Who Wound
Ø Women’s Ways of Whacking
Ø Prepare Personally for Women Who Wound
Ø Spot Women Who Wound
Ø Love Women Who Wound
And much more. There is even a chapter completely written for the male minister, so he can better solve disputes between women instead of expecting them to act like men in their problem solving skills.
There are discussion questions included at the end of each chapter (you could write answers in a notebook) making the book perfect for individual or group studies. They will also help you to be able to get the most from each chapter.
LEADING WOMEN WHO WOUND: Strategies for an Effective Ministry is an excellent guide for women in ministry who will eventually run into difficult women. It is also the perfect guide for pastor’s as a lot of them are fired or forced to resign from their positions, due to a difficult woman. Make sure you pick up a copy today – whether you are a pastor’s family, a church resource member, or just a lay member involved in the church in any form of ministry. $13.99. 177 pages.
Leading Women Who Wound on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0802481531
Kelley Mathews and Sue Edwards’ Website: http://www.newdoors.info/
Kelley Mathews’s Blog: http://www.geaux2girl.blogspot.com/
Kelley Mathews’s Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/people/Kelley-Maranto-Mathews/1645202187
List of all participating bloggers: http://blogtourspot.com/leading-blog-tour/leading-blog-tour-stops
Monday, February 16, 2009
Waiting for Daybreak
Author: Kathryn Cushman
Publisher: Bethany House Books
ISBN: 978-0-7642-0381-7
Genre: Inspirational/women’s fiction
Paige Woodward has paid for a mistake made in a pharmacy for years. When a dream opportunity opens up at a new pharmacy, Paige keeps quiet about her past to ensure she’ll land the job. She desperately needs the bonus money and pay to help her parents pay for the cancer treatments that might save her mother’s life.
Clarissa Richardson is angry at her grandfather for forcing her to work at a pharmacy miles from her friends and her social life. But she puts in the time, praying that her grandfather will fund her dream business in the building he’s just bought in Nashville.
Sparks fly when Clarissa’s grandfather introduces Paige to Clarissa as the new pharmacist he’s hired. Someone guaranteed to teach her how to show compassion to others who come in. But Clarissa doesn’t want Paige there. So she plots to get rid of her. What ever it takes…
I thoroughly enjoyed WAITING FOR DAYBREAK, and consider it my favorite of Ms. Cushman’s two books. Paige is a totally realistic heroine, struggling for issues that are dear to a lot of us, and just wanting to make it on her own. Clarissa is a bit harder to relate to as she was a spoiled rich girl wanting her life dreams handed to her on a silver-platter. She was putting in the time, and going through the motions, but was very angry about it.
I enjoyed getting to know all the secondary characters as well, especially the elderly Ora who came into the pharmacy. She was a doll. Ms. Cushman is an extremely talented author who makes the story come alive and the characters real. I am looking forward to any subsequent books by this author. Don’t miss WAITING FOR DAYBREAK. It is a wonderful story. $13.99. 315 pages.
Author: Kathryn Cushman
Publisher: Bethany House Books
ISBN: 978-0-7642-0381-7
Genre: Inspirational/women’s fiction
Paige Woodward has paid for a mistake made in a pharmacy for years. When a dream opportunity opens up at a new pharmacy, Paige keeps quiet about her past to ensure she’ll land the job. She desperately needs the bonus money and pay to help her parents pay for the cancer treatments that might save her mother’s life.
Clarissa Richardson is angry at her grandfather for forcing her to work at a pharmacy miles from her friends and her social life. But she puts in the time, praying that her grandfather will fund her dream business in the building he’s just bought in Nashville.
Sparks fly when Clarissa’s grandfather introduces Paige to Clarissa as the new pharmacist he’s hired. Someone guaranteed to teach her how to show compassion to others who come in. But Clarissa doesn’t want Paige there. So she plots to get rid of her. What ever it takes…
I thoroughly enjoyed WAITING FOR DAYBREAK, and consider it my favorite of Ms. Cushman’s two books. Paige is a totally realistic heroine, struggling for issues that are dear to a lot of us, and just wanting to make it on her own. Clarissa is a bit harder to relate to as she was a spoiled rich girl wanting her life dreams handed to her on a silver-platter. She was putting in the time, and going through the motions, but was very angry about it.
I enjoyed getting to know all the secondary characters as well, especially the elderly Ora who came into the pharmacy. She was a doll. Ms. Cushman is an extremely talented author who makes the story come alive and the characters real. I am looking forward to any subsequent books by this author. Don’t miss WAITING FOR DAYBREAK. It is a wonderful story. $13.99. 315 pages.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Where Do I Go?
Author: Neta Jackson
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 978-1-59554-523-7
Genre: Inspirational/women’s fiction
Gabrielle Fairbanks used to be a carefree, spirited woman, but marriage to old Southern money has changed her. Now, her husband, Philip, has moved them to Chicago to start his own business, but seems content to leave their sons in boarding school in Virginia—the school he attended as a child. But Gabby isn’t content with that. She wants her children near her in the Chicago high rise they live in. But when Philip refuses to listen to her, Gabby attempts to find her own life.
When Gabby literally stumbles over a homeless woman, Gabby’s life suddenly has purpose. Despite Philip’s objections, Gabby goes down to the shelter she sends the old woman to on the guise of checking on her. What Gabby does instead is stumble into a job. Philip is less than pleased, as he simply wants a trophy wife, always at his beck and call.
When Gabby starts bucking Philip, sparks fly. Will Gabby’s marriage have a chance at happily-ever-after, or will she be forced to find her own path?
I was so excited when I received this first book in Neta Jackson’s newest series, A Yada Yada House of Hope, to review. Neta Jackson is a very talented author, and fans of her Yada Yada series will want to read WHERE DO I GO? All of the characters from the Yada Yada series make an appearance at some point in this story, though some are more prominent than others.
I couldn’t help but fall in love with Gabby, and the people she came in contact with, and applaud her for trying to find her place in the new world she found herself in. The book doesn’t exactly have a satisfactory ending, so I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series, Who Do I Talk To?, coming in September 2009. Discussion questions, and a preview of Dave Jackson’s new series The Yada Yada Brothers are included at the end of the book. Make sure you buy a copy of WHERE DO I GO? today. $14.99. 372 pages.
Author: Neta Jackson
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 978-1-59554-523-7
Genre: Inspirational/women’s fiction
Gabrielle Fairbanks used to be a carefree, spirited woman, but marriage to old Southern money has changed her. Now, her husband, Philip, has moved them to Chicago to start his own business, but seems content to leave their sons in boarding school in Virginia—the school he attended as a child. But Gabby isn’t content with that. She wants her children near her in the Chicago high rise they live in. But when Philip refuses to listen to her, Gabby attempts to find her own life.
When Gabby literally stumbles over a homeless woman, Gabby’s life suddenly has purpose. Despite Philip’s objections, Gabby goes down to the shelter she sends the old woman to on the guise of checking on her. What Gabby does instead is stumble into a job. Philip is less than pleased, as he simply wants a trophy wife, always at his beck and call.
When Gabby starts bucking Philip, sparks fly. Will Gabby’s marriage have a chance at happily-ever-after, or will she be forced to find her own path?
I was so excited when I received this first book in Neta Jackson’s newest series, A Yada Yada House of Hope, to review. Neta Jackson is a very talented author, and fans of her Yada Yada series will want to read WHERE DO I GO? All of the characters from the Yada Yada series make an appearance at some point in this story, though some are more prominent than others.
I couldn’t help but fall in love with Gabby, and the people she came in contact with, and applaud her for trying to find her place in the new world she found herself in. The book doesn’t exactly have a satisfactory ending, so I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series, Who Do I Talk To?, coming in September 2009. Discussion questions, and a preview of Dave Jackson’s new series The Yada Yada Brothers are included at the end of the book. Make sure you buy a copy of WHERE DO I GO? today. $14.99. 372 pages.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Of Ice and Icing
Author: Cassie Vlk
Artist: Hannah England
Publisher: Baker Trittin Press
ISBN: 978-0-981489322
Genre: youth
Fifteen year old Bromm has lived with his aunt and cousin since his parents were killed in an automobile accident when he was a baby. He knows little about his parents or the business his aunt owns, but finds it amusing that his aunt doesn’t know how to cook yet she runs a gourmet food service.
Now, Bromm is a hockey star, and the fan of an over-zealous girl at school who is stalking him. He thinks his life is over when he’s assigned to sit next to Gayle in Biology. But instead, he discovers that Gayle knows secrets about his life that Bromm doesn’t know.
When Bromm and Gayle start investigating Bromm’s aunt’s business, they discover that B’s Gourmet Foods has a lot of mystery surrounding it. Why is Bromm’s aunt so secretive?
OF ICE AND ICING is a fun mystery written by a new author, Cassie Vlk. Cassie was one of the young author finalists in Baker Trittin Press’ 2007 writing contest. Number three in the Tweener Time Championship Series, it easily stands alone.
OF ICE AND ICING is sure to appeal to tweeners (ages 8 – 12) who love hockey, or just plain love to read. The story has a lot of interesting twists and turns, and while I figured out where it was going fairly early on, I was still surprised by some of the events in the book. Make sure you pick up OF ICE AND ICING for your favorite tweener. $10.95. 100 pages.
Author: Cassie Vlk
Artist: Hannah England
Publisher: Baker Trittin Press
ISBN: 978-0-981489322
Genre: youth
Fifteen year old Bromm has lived with his aunt and cousin since his parents were killed in an automobile accident when he was a baby. He knows little about his parents or the business his aunt owns, but finds it amusing that his aunt doesn’t know how to cook yet she runs a gourmet food service.
Now, Bromm is a hockey star, and the fan of an over-zealous girl at school who is stalking him. He thinks his life is over when he’s assigned to sit next to Gayle in Biology. But instead, he discovers that Gayle knows secrets about his life that Bromm doesn’t know.
When Bromm and Gayle start investigating Bromm’s aunt’s business, they discover that B’s Gourmet Foods has a lot of mystery surrounding it. Why is Bromm’s aunt so secretive?
OF ICE AND ICING is a fun mystery written by a new author, Cassie Vlk. Cassie was one of the young author finalists in Baker Trittin Press’ 2007 writing contest. Number three in the Tweener Time Championship Series, it easily stands alone.
OF ICE AND ICING is sure to appeal to tweeners (ages 8 – 12) who love hockey, or just plain love to read. The story has a lot of interesting twists and turns, and while I figured out where it was going fairly early on, I was still surprised by some of the events in the book. Make sure you pick up OF ICE AND ICING for your favorite tweener. $10.95. 100 pages.
Friday, February 13, 2009
The Flower of Grass
Author: James E. Robinson
Publisher: Monarch Books
August 2008
ISBN: 978-0-8254-6286-3
Genre: Inspirational/contemporary
John Allen had come back to say goodbye. But he was too late; there would be no atonement.” (from the back cover)
When John Allen’s abusive alcoholic father dies, John reluctantly makes the trek back to his hometown, a place that seeming has not changed one bit in the sixteen years he’s been gone. Now John is a successful writer, but he has some addiction problems of his own. Too late for the funeral, John’s hopes is to make amends with his sister and brother, and perhaps renew his teen love affair with Jessie.
Jessie is busy caring for her mother who is dying of cancer, and tired of waiting from letters from John that never came. She married another man, and is satisfied with her life, though not happy. And she has always wonders “what if…”
I did feel for Jessie and John. John really struggled with coming back into the town of his childhood, and being amazed at how much things changed, yet they stayed the same. Jessie has really had a hard life, and anyone who has ever been a caregiver can relate to her situation.
THE FLOWER OF GRASS is a beautifully written novel that will stay in your thoughts for a long time after you finish it. Kind of sad at times; the story touches on mortality and passing of time. $13.99. 256 pages.
Author: James E. Robinson
Publisher: Monarch Books
August 2008
ISBN: 978-0-8254-6286-3
Genre: Inspirational/contemporary
John Allen had come back to say goodbye. But he was too late; there would be no atonement.” (from the back cover)
When John Allen’s abusive alcoholic father dies, John reluctantly makes the trek back to his hometown, a place that seeming has not changed one bit in the sixteen years he’s been gone. Now John is a successful writer, but he has some addiction problems of his own. Too late for the funeral, John’s hopes is to make amends with his sister and brother, and perhaps renew his teen love affair with Jessie.
Jessie is busy caring for her mother who is dying of cancer, and tired of waiting from letters from John that never came. She married another man, and is satisfied with her life, though not happy. And she has always wonders “what if…”
I did feel for Jessie and John. John really struggled with coming back into the town of his childhood, and being amazed at how much things changed, yet they stayed the same. Jessie has really had a hard life, and anyone who has ever been a caregiver can relate to her situation.
THE FLOWER OF GRASS is a beautifully written novel that will stay in your thoughts for a long time after you finish it. Kind of sad at times; the story touches on mortality and passing of time. $13.99. 256 pages.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
This Side of Heaven
Author: Karen Kingsbury
Publisher: Center Street
ISBN: 978-1-59995-678-7
Genre: Inspirational/women’s fiction
Josh Warren was a dreamer. An every-day hero, he makes a living as a tow truck driver, but he dreams of the time when he will own a chain of shops. But when giving directions to a couple young girls, a drunk driver careened out of control and hit Josh. Now on medical disability, Josh has put his life on hold. Worse, he believes the story of a scheming woman who claims he has a seven-year-old daughter named Savannah. Despite the lack of evidence, Josh dreams of being a father and wants partial custody, but Savannah’s mother refuses to let him even see her, unless he pays $4,000 a month first.
Annie Warren wants the best for her son, Josh, but he has always made bad decisions. Now he seems to be just wasting his life. She wants Josh to turn back to God, and start trusting Him, for answers and healing, instead of living on pain medicines that could eventually kill him. But she’s heard all Josh’s lies before, and she isn’t excited when Josh begins to make some steps in that direction.
When the settlement that belongs to Josh is threatened, Annie tries to defend her son. But she finds an unexpected treasure more valuable than money. And it turns out to be the greatest gift her son could give her.
THIS SIDE OF HEAVEN is a sad story about broken relationships and family secrets. My heart broke for Savannah, and when my teen children saw me reading this book and asked for an overview what it was about “so far” I told them about the little girl, and they were shocked and dismayed the people would treat little girls the way Savannah was treated in the book. I guess out of all the characters in the book, I really felt the strongest pull toward Annie and Savannah.
However, more than just a sad story, THIS SIDE OF HEAVEN is also the story about love. The love of a mother toward her hurting, wayward son. The love of a father toward a daughter he never knew – and that might not even be his. And the love of God for his imperfect and all too human children. Discussion questions are included at the end of the book. $14.99. 320 pages.
Author: Karen Kingsbury
Publisher: Center Street
ISBN: 978-1-59995-678-7
Genre: Inspirational/women’s fiction
Josh Warren was a dreamer. An every-day hero, he makes a living as a tow truck driver, but he dreams of the time when he will own a chain of shops. But when giving directions to a couple young girls, a drunk driver careened out of control and hit Josh. Now on medical disability, Josh has put his life on hold. Worse, he believes the story of a scheming woman who claims he has a seven-year-old daughter named Savannah. Despite the lack of evidence, Josh dreams of being a father and wants partial custody, but Savannah’s mother refuses to let him even see her, unless he pays $4,000 a month first.
Annie Warren wants the best for her son, Josh, but he has always made bad decisions. Now he seems to be just wasting his life. She wants Josh to turn back to God, and start trusting Him, for answers and healing, instead of living on pain medicines that could eventually kill him. But she’s heard all Josh’s lies before, and she isn’t excited when Josh begins to make some steps in that direction.
When the settlement that belongs to Josh is threatened, Annie tries to defend her son. But she finds an unexpected treasure more valuable than money. And it turns out to be the greatest gift her son could give her.
THIS SIDE OF HEAVEN is a sad story about broken relationships and family secrets. My heart broke for Savannah, and when my teen children saw me reading this book and asked for an overview what it was about “so far” I told them about the little girl, and they were shocked and dismayed the people would treat little girls the way Savannah was treated in the book. I guess out of all the characters in the book, I really felt the strongest pull toward Annie and Savannah.
However, more than just a sad story, THIS SIDE OF HEAVEN is also the story about love. The love of a mother toward her hurting, wayward son. The love of a father toward a daughter he never knew – and that might not even be his. And the love of God for his imperfect and all too human children. Discussion questions are included at the end of the book. $14.99. 320 pages.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Journey of a Strong-Willed Child
Authors: Kendra Smiley with Dr. Aaron Smiley and John Smiley
Publisher: Moody Publishers
ISBN: 978-0-8024-4353-3
Genre: Inspirational/parenting
One of us may not live through your childhood. (from the back cover)
If you have ever said that to your child, you might be raising a strong-willed child (not to be confused with stubborn.) And the authors know all about strong-willed children. Kendra Smiley is married to John—a former strong-willed child turned responsible adult—and parent to Aaron, who is now a successful veterinarian.
The authors define the meaning of stubborn and strong-willed, and explain the differences, so a parent will know if they are parenting a strong-willed child, or one who is simply stubborn.
Topics included in the book are:
• The Journey Begins: Birth to Pre-Kindergarten
• The Journey Continues: Kindergarten to Grade Six
• The Junior High Journey
• The Journey Goes On: High School
• It Goes On and On: College and Beyond
Plus much more.
The book is very informative and includes true life stories from Aaron, John, and other parents of strong-willed children. Written with honesty and humor, the story will be sure to provide insight into your children’s behavior as well as encouragement for parents struggling through this with their children.
JOURNEY OF A STRONG-WILLED CHILD is an excellent resource for parents, teachers, grandparents, care-givers, and anyone else who might come in contact with a strong-willed child. It will help you know how to handle them and yourself, and to survive the encounter. Free study guides are available from www.ParentingLikeaPro.com. $13.99. 135 pages.
Journey of a Strong-Willed Child on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0802443532
Kendra Smiley’s Website: http://kendrasmiley.com/
Kendra Smiley’s Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/profile.php?id=1297887688&ref=ts
Follow Kendra Smiley on Twitter: http://twitter.com/KendraSmiley
List of all participating bloggers: http://blogtourspot.com/smiley-blog-tour/smiley-blog-tour-stops
Authors: Kendra Smiley with Dr. Aaron Smiley and John Smiley
Publisher: Moody Publishers
ISBN: 978-0-8024-4353-3
Genre: Inspirational/parenting
One of us may not live through your childhood. (from the back cover)
If you have ever said that to your child, you might be raising a strong-willed child (not to be confused with stubborn.) And the authors know all about strong-willed children. Kendra Smiley is married to John—a former strong-willed child turned responsible adult—and parent to Aaron, who is now a successful veterinarian.
The authors define the meaning of stubborn and strong-willed, and explain the differences, so a parent will know if they are parenting a strong-willed child, or one who is simply stubborn.
Topics included in the book are:
• The Journey Begins: Birth to Pre-Kindergarten
• The Journey Continues: Kindergarten to Grade Six
• The Junior High Journey
• The Journey Goes On: High School
• It Goes On and On: College and Beyond
Plus much more.
The book is very informative and includes true life stories from Aaron, John, and other parents of strong-willed children. Written with honesty and humor, the story will be sure to provide insight into your children’s behavior as well as encouragement for parents struggling through this with their children.
JOURNEY OF A STRONG-WILLED CHILD is an excellent resource for parents, teachers, grandparents, care-givers, and anyone else who might come in contact with a strong-willed child. It will help you know how to handle them and yourself, and to survive the encounter. Free study guides are available from www.ParentingLikeaPro.com. $13.99. 135 pages.
Journey of a Strong-Willed Child on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0802443532
Kendra Smiley’s Website: http://kendrasmiley.com/
Kendra Smiley’s Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/profile.php?id=1297887688&ref=ts
Follow Kendra Smiley on Twitter: http://twitter.com/KendraSmiley
List of all participating bloggers: http://blogtourspot.com/smiley-blog-tour/smiley-blog-tour-stops
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Stepping Into Sunlight
Author: Sharon Hinck
Publisher: Bethany House
ISBN: 978-0-7642-0283-4
Genre: Inspirational/women’s fiction
Penny Sullivan thought she was up to the challenge of a cross-country move to a naval base when her husband goes on his first deployment as a Navy chaplain. But after she witnesses a violent crime, her world caves in, leaving her barely able to function, much less care for her energetic seven-year-old son.
As much as Penny wants to hide in the closet, the world marches on, and she struggles with such tasks as buying groceries, filling the car with gas, and even returning phone calls.
When Penny is encouraged to join a victim support group, she reluctantly agrees to go one time. But what good is a “support group” full of misfits? A goth-wanna-be, a man who collects gum wrappers, and a woman who can’t decide whether or not to go back to her abusive husband…
STEPPING INTO SUNLIGHT is a poignant story about a woman who struggles to go on as usual when everything is no longer normal. Penny wants to be supportive of her husband in his new career, and to be the energetic, into everything mom that her young son deserves, but what is she to do when fate has dealt her a horrible blow.
The faith message is expertly woven in and I couldn’t help but fall in love with the missionaries who run the mission that Penny stumbles into. They are so totally developed they could have walked out of the book. The setting is an important essence of the book, and while parts of the story could have happened anywhere, the scenes are so well set into the story that it would be a totally different book if that were the case. Don’t miss STEPPING INTO SUNLIGHT. It will help you embrace normalcy in a whole new and wonderful way. And if you suffered a trauma, it might even help you through that too. $13.99. 320 pages.
Author: Sharon Hinck
Publisher: Bethany House
ISBN: 978-0-7642-0283-4
Genre: Inspirational/women’s fiction
Penny Sullivan thought she was up to the challenge of a cross-country move to a naval base when her husband goes on his first deployment as a Navy chaplain. But after she witnesses a violent crime, her world caves in, leaving her barely able to function, much less care for her energetic seven-year-old son.
As much as Penny wants to hide in the closet, the world marches on, and she struggles with such tasks as buying groceries, filling the car with gas, and even returning phone calls.
When Penny is encouraged to join a victim support group, she reluctantly agrees to go one time. But what good is a “support group” full of misfits? A goth-wanna-be, a man who collects gum wrappers, and a woman who can’t decide whether or not to go back to her abusive husband…
STEPPING INTO SUNLIGHT is a poignant story about a woman who struggles to go on as usual when everything is no longer normal. Penny wants to be supportive of her husband in his new career, and to be the energetic, into everything mom that her young son deserves, but what is she to do when fate has dealt her a horrible blow.
The faith message is expertly woven in and I couldn’t help but fall in love with the missionaries who run the mission that Penny stumbles into. They are so totally developed they could have walked out of the book. The setting is an important essence of the book, and while parts of the story could have happened anywhere, the scenes are so well set into the story that it would be a totally different book if that were the case. Don’t miss STEPPING INTO SUNLIGHT. It will help you embrace normalcy in a whole new and wonderful way. And if you suffered a trauma, it might even help you through that too. $13.99. 320 pages.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Guided By HIm
Title: GUIDED BY HIM to a thinner, not so stressed-out you!
Authors: Julie Morris, R.N. and Sarah Morris Cherry, M.Ed., L.P.C.
Published by: GBH Press
ISBN: 978-1-60702-886-4
Genre: Inspirational/diet/health
GUIDED BY HIM is a book stock full of ideas to help you lose the weight and worries that weigh you down.
Packed full of Bible studies (one for five days of the week), practical weight-loss tips, and inspiring success stories, GUIDED BY HIM is perfect for individual Bible study, family meetings, Sunday Schoool classes, Bible study groups, lunch breaks at work or friendly neighborhood get-togethers.
GUIDED BY HIM is designed with leaders guides, including the words and music to two songs that are to be sung at every meeting, places to write the answers to the questions that are included, Bible verses written out so you don’t have to look them up, and answer keys so you know what the correct answers are.
With fun titles such as:
Ø Tripped on a Twinkie
Ø Are Doughnuts My Bread of Life?
Ø Do Broken Cookies Count?
Ø Resentments are Fattening
Ø Is Fudge my Fortress?
you know the chapters are going to be humorous as it helps you get to the heart of your overeating.
Readers who are trying to lose weight and have tried other diet programs out there with little to no success will be thrilled with GUIDED BY HIM. It will let God be in control, and that with Him guiding that you CAN succeed. Be sure to visit the website at: http://www.guidedbyhim.com/. $14.99. 216 pages.
About Guided by Him
Lose the Weight...Lose the Worry!
Mother and Daughter Team Up to
Share the Plan
(Birmingham, AL) - Does the idea of starting a diet make you hungry? Can you eat more than your children's combined weight in twinkies? Don't worry! Help is on the way. Author Julie Morris, RN, and her daughter, Sarah Morris Cherry, have developed a proven method for losing weight and keeping it off permanently. The Guided By Him method not only helps people lose weight, it also helps participants learn how to cope with stress. After years of struggling with her weight, Julie has developed a strategic, humor-filled plan designed to keep participants motivated, laughing, learning and yes, even eating.
In Guided By Him, readers embark on an adventure in weight loss. Julie and Sarah use uplifting scriptures, thought-provoking questions, daily devotionals and fun-filled food facts to ensure readers keep a positive, light attitude toward learning a leaner lifestyle. Julie's experience as a nurse and Sarah's knowledge as a certified counselor, make this a pair of enthusiastic, highly qualified coaches. This study could be used alone in the comfort of home or led in a group setting. It's great for casual girlfriend meetings, church small groups and even the lunchroom at work! Accountability questions keep participants honest and real with themselves and others.
About the Authors
Julie Morris and Sarah Morris Cherry
Julie Morris is a wife, mother, nurse, author and teacher. Since 8 years of age Julie has struggled to control her weight. That struggle of overeating, along with high blood pressure, sent her searching for a solution. After discovering the Christian 12 steps she began seeking God's guidance toward health and wholeness. Now, 25 years later, she's excited to share these tips with others. She is the founder of the Step Forward weight loss program. Guided by Him is a lighter, easier version of Step Forward, for today's busier lifestyles.
Sarah Morris Cherry is a wife, new mother and Licensed Professional Counselor. She has counseled people from two to 92. Whatever the age, she enjoys teaching people new ways to deal with stress as well as facts for healthy living. She coaches them with simple things they can do to become more like the people they want to be. She speaks from experience, having overcome many overwhelming health problems by putting these concepts into practice.
Blog Tour Questions
It seems like everyone is endorsing, writing or following some kind of diet plan these days. What prompted you to write Guided By Him, when there are already so many programs out there?
Julie- I wanted to share a fun and easy way to lose weight--especially designed for busy people who overeat when they feel stressed out. I know personally that this program works. It helps overwhelmed overeaters lose the weight... and worries... that weigh them down. Guided By Him (GBH) is encouraging, inspiring and can be done in just a few minutes a day!
You introduce 12 Steps for weight-loss in your book. Briefly describe the process and importance of these steps.
Julie In 1982, when I first read AA's 12 Steps, I knew they were the answer! I had been trying to figure out how to rely on God's power when I lacked willpower with my eating and the 12 Steps showed me how to do that. The 12 Steps were written by Christians over 70 years ago and have helped millions of people around the world to overcome their weaknesses. GBH steps are similar to AA's, but ours are shorter and they focus on Jesus helping us to quit overeating.
You offer many practical tips, called Stepping Stones, to encourage participants to make intentional choices regarding food. Share a few of these with us.
Sarah We teach you how to spend 10 minutes having a daily Quiet Time that will literally change your life. In those few short minutes you will learn how to draw closer to Jesus, recognize things that are driving you to the refrigerator that day, and surrender them to Him. We also teach you how to use a Prayer Journal so you will learn to cast your cares on the Lord, not the refrigerator, and Food Cards that will help you to eat in a well-balanced way without having to count calories. Other Stepping Stones provide practical ideas that help you to lose weight. Here are some simple weight-loss tips:
A good way to decide how much a serving of meat is: look at a deck of cards.
Never eat while standing.
Make eating a meal a relaxing event (I'm finding that's really hard with a toddler!).
Brush your teeth frequently. It helps you reduce snacking.
As much as possible, stay away from foods that trigger your cravings (mine is peanut butter).
Chew gum or wear a mask if you're tempted to nibble while you're cooking.
You're a mother/daughter duo. You both bring years of experience to the writing table. How did your careers help you in the writing process of Guided By Him?
Julie I am a wife, mother and new grandmother. I have been a secretary at the Pentagon, Spanish teacher, lay counselor, and RN. But the experience that helped me most in writing GBH was doing things WRONG for so many years, and then watching amazed as God helped me to change. I lost my extra pounds over 25 years ago and have kept them off. And God has changed my misery to ministry. I've been writing, speaking across the country and leading weight-loss groups since 1992.
Sarah I am a wife, new mother and Licensed Professional Counselor. I have counseled people from two to 92. I have worked a lot with overweight people who desperately need to lose weight, but are overwhelmed at the thought of doing it. I love teaching them new ways to deal with stress, facts about healthy living and easy things they can do to help them become more like the people they want to be.
Sarah, how do you incorporate the principles in Guided by Him in your counseling ministry?
Sarah I use them in many ways. I teach my clients how to use Anger Busters, Victory Lists, and Prayer Journals. And I teach them the fun-filled food facts and fitness facts in GBH. I talk to my clients about how quitting their Stinkin' Thinkin' can change their behaviors. One example of Stinkin' Thinkin' might be: "I have already blown it today so I can eat anything I want." I encourage changing that to "Shrinkin' Thinkin': "I need to plan a healthy, filling meal tonight because I am starving!"
When tempted to cheat on your healthy habits, what snack do you each reach for?
Sarah When I'm snacking, I try to balance carbs and proteins so my body stays balanced. And I drink a lot of water with lemon or lime slices.
Because scripture is emphasized in this method of weight-loss, what is your favorite verse to use as a defense against overeating?
Julie There are so many! I guess my favorite is 1 Corinthians 10:13 "...God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." For many years I thought the only way out of my temptation to overeat would be in heaven because I was sure that I'd always be tempted by unbearable food cravings while on earth.
How do you reward yourself for achieving your goals?
Julie This sounds really goofy, but I'll tell you anyway. Every week, I tell my friend Sue how I have done with my eating, exercising and other goals (like not being grumpy). If I have achieved more than 80% of my goals, she gives me a pretty colored sticker. I love having a sticker on my Victory List each week. And I HATE having to tell Sue that I've done badly! But the biggest reward is that I feel so much better when I'm on track with my eating and exercising, and I really feel crummy when I'm not.
Sarah For my rewards, I make extra time for myself to give myself a manicure/pedicure or to watch a favorite TV show. Sometimes I do "Wal-Mart Therapy" where I buy $10 worth of things that I don't normally buy at the grocery store (shower gels, an unusual tropical fruit, a new nail polish).
For moms out there trying to help their children to lose weight, what advice do you have for them?
Sarah- I have a two-year-old so I am finding ways to reward him with things other than food. They include hugs and kisses (of course!) praising him when he obeys and Play-Dough time (his favorite reward right now). I think it is super important to keep kids active, limit TV, computer and game time. Those things are privileges--not requirements--for kids. Other advice to help your child lose weight: exercise and eat in a healthy way as a family. They will do what you do. No pressure!
Authors: Julie Morris, R.N. and Sarah Morris Cherry, M.Ed., L.P.C.
Published by: GBH Press
ISBN: 978-1-60702-886-4
Genre: Inspirational/diet/health
GUIDED BY HIM is a book stock full of ideas to help you lose the weight and worries that weigh you down.
Packed full of Bible studies (one for five days of the week), practical weight-loss tips, and inspiring success stories, GUIDED BY HIM is perfect for individual Bible study, family meetings, Sunday Schoool classes, Bible study groups, lunch breaks at work or friendly neighborhood get-togethers.
GUIDED BY HIM is designed with leaders guides, including the words and music to two songs that are to be sung at every meeting, places to write the answers to the questions that are included, Bible verses written out so you don’t have to look them up, and answer keys so you know what the correct answers are.
With fun titles such as:
Ø Tripped on a Twinkie
Ø Are Doughnuts My Bread of Life?
Ø Do Broken Cookies Count?
Ø Resentments are Fattening
Ø Is Fudge my Fortress?
you know the chapters are going to be humorous as it helps you get to the heart of your overeating.
Readers who are trying to lose weight and have tried other diet programs out there with little to no success will be thrilled with GUIDED BY HIM. It will let God be in control, and that with Him guiding that you CAN succeed. Be sure to visit the website at: http://www.guidedbyhim.com/. $14.99. 216 pages.
About Guided by Him
Lose the Weight...Lose the Worry!
Mother and Daughter Team Up to
Share the Plan
(Birmingham, AL) - Does the idea of starting a diet make you hungry? Can you eat more than your children's combined weight in twinkies? Don't worry! Help is on the way. Author Julie Morris, RN, and her daughter, Sarah Morris Cherry, have developed a proven method for losing weight and keeping it off permanently. The Guided By Him method not only helps people lose weight, it also helps participants learn how to cope with stress. After years of struggling with her weight, Julie has developed a strategic, humor-filled plan designed to keep participants motivated, laughing, learning and yes, even eating.
In Guided By Him, readers embark on an adventure in weight loss. Julie and Sarah use uplifting scriptures, thought-provoking questions, daily devotionals and fun-filled food facts to ensure readers keep a positive, light attitude toward learning a leaner lifestyle. Julie's experience as a nurse and Sarah's knowledge as a certified counselor, make this a pair of enthusiastic, highly qualified coaches. This study could be used alone in the comfort of home or led in a group setting. It's great for casual girlfriend meetings, church small groups and even the lunchroom at work! Accountability questions keep participants honest and real with themselves and others.
About the Authors
Julie Morris and Sarah Morris Cherry
Julie Morris is a wife, mother, nurse, author and teacher. Since 8 years of age Julie has struggled to control her weight. That struggle of overeating, along with high blood pressure, sent her searching for a solution. After discovering the Christian 12 steps she began seeking God's guidance toward health and wholeness. Now, 25 years later, she's excited to share these tips with others. She is the founder of the Step Forward weight loss program. Guided by Him is a lighter, easier version of Step Forward, for today's busier lifestyles.
Sarah Morris Cherry is a wife, new mother and Licensed Professional Counselor. She has counseled people from two to 92. Whatever the age, she enjoys teaching people new ways to deal with stress as well as facts for healthy living. She coaches them with simple things they can do to become more like the people they want to be. She speaks from experience, having overcome many overwhelming health problems by putting these concepts into practice.
Blog Tour Questions
It seems like everyone is endorsing, writing or following some kind of diet plan these days. What prompted you to write Guided By Him, when there are already so many programs out there?
Julie- I wanted to share a fun and easy way to lose weight--especially designed for busy people who overeat when they feel stressed out. I know personally that this program works. It helps overwhelmed overeaters lose the weight... and worries... that weigh them down. Guided By Him (GBH) is encouraging, inspiring and can be done in just a few minutes a day!
You introduce 12 Steps for weight-loss in your book. Briefly describe the process and importance of these steps.
Julie In 1982, when I first read AA's 12 Steps, I knew they were the answer! I had been trying to figure out how to rely on God's power when I lacked willpower with my eating and the 12 Steps showed me how to do that. The 12 Steps were written by Christians over 70 years ago and have helped millions of people around the world to overcome their weaknesses. GBH steps are similar to AA's, but ours are shorter and they focus on Jesus helping us to quit overeating.
You offer many practical tips, called Stepping Stones, to encourage participants to make intentional choices regarding food. Share a few of these with us.
Sarah We teach you how to spend 10 minutes having a daily Quiet Time that will literally change your life. In those few short minutes you will learn how to draw closer to Jesus, recognize things that are driving you to the refrigerator that day, and surrender them to Him. We also teach you how to use a Prayer Journal so you will learn to cast your cares on the Lord, not the refrigerator, and Food Cards that will help you to eat in a well-balanced way without having to count calories. Other Stepping Stones provide practical ideas that help you to lose weight. Here are some simple weight-loss tips:
A good way to decide how much a serving of meat is: look at a deck of cards.
Never eat while standing.
Make eating a meal a relaxing event (I'm finding that's really hard with a toddler!).
Brush your teeth frequently. It helps you reduce snacking.
As much as possible, stay away from foods that trigger your cravings (mine is peanut butter).
Chew gum or wear a mask if you're tempted to nibble while you're cooking.
You're a mother/daughter duo. You both bring years of experience to the writing table. How did your careers help you in the writing process of Guided By Him?
Julie I am a wife, mother and new grandmother. I have been a secretary at the Pentagon, Spanish teacher, lay counselor, and RN. But the experience that helped me most in writing GBH was doing things WRONG for so many years, and then watching amazed as God helped me to change. I lost my extra pounds over 25 years ago and have kept them off. And God has changed my misery to ministry. I've been writing, speaking across the country and leading weight-loss groups since 1992.
Sarah I am a wife, new mother and Licensed Professional Counselor. I have counseled people from two to 92. I have worked a lot with overweight people who desperately need to lose weight, but are overwhelmed at the thought of doing it. I love teaching them new ways to deal with stress, facts about healthy living and easy things they can do to help them become more like the people they want to be.
Sarah, how do you incorporate the principles in Guided by Him in your counseling ministry?
Sarah I use them in many ways. I teach my clients how to use Anger Busters, Victory Lists, and Prayer Journals. And I teach them the fun-filled food facts and fitness facts in GBH. I talk to my clients about how quitting their Stinkin' Thinkin' can change their behaviors. One example of Stinkin' Thinkin' might be: "I have already blown it today so I can eat anything I want." I encourage changing that to "Shrinkin' Thinkin': "I need to plan a healthy, filling meal tonight because I am starving!"
When tempted to cheat on your healthy habits, what snack do you each reach for?
Sarah When I'm snacking, I try to balance carbs and proteins so my body stays balanced. And I drink a lot of water with lemon or lime slices.
Because scripture is emphasized in this method of weight-loss, what is your favorite verse to use as a defense against overeating?
Julie There are so many! I guess my favorite is 1 Corinthians 10:13 "...God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." For many years I thought the only way out of my temptation to overeat would be in heaven because I was sure that I'd always be tempted by unbearable food cravings while on earth.
How do you reward yourself for achieving your goals?
Julie This sounds really goofy, but I'll tell you anyway. Every week, I tell my friend Sue how I have done with my eating, exercising and other goals (like not being grumpy). If I have achieved more than 80% of my goals, she gives me a pretty colored sticker. I love having a sticker on my Victory List each week. And I HATE having to tell Sue that I've done badly! But the biggest reward is that I feel so much better when I'm on track with my eating and exercising, and I really feel crummy when I'm not.
Sarah For my rewards, I make extra time for myself to give myself a manicure/pedicure or to watch a favorite TV show. Sometimes I do "Wal-Mart Therapy" where I buy $10 worth of things that I don't normally buy at the grocery store (shower gels, an unusual tropical fruit, a new nail polish).
For moms out there trying to help their children to lose weight, what advice do you have for them?
Sarah- I have a two-year-old so I am finding ways to reward him with things other than food. They include hugs and kisses (of course!) praising him when he obeys and Play-Dough time (his favorite reward right now). I think it is super important to keep kids active, limit TV, computer and game time. Those things are privileges--not requirements--for kids. Other advice to help your child lose weight: exercise and eat in a healthy way as a family. They will do what you do. No pressure!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Making it Real
Author: T. Suzanne Eller
Publisher: Kregel Publications
ISBN: 978-0-8254-2543-1
Genre: Inspirational/devotional/teens
Teens who grew up in church have probably heard every Bible story and been taught everything they are supposed to believe. But what happens when they leave home and attend college and their faith is challenged at every turn? Do they KNOW what they really believe, or are they relying on their pastor and parents for the answers? MAKING IT REAL will help teens decide whether they are living a hand-me-down faith, or whether they believe it with their heart.
Ms. Eller helps teens discover answers to questions such as:
Ø Is my faith more than a habit?
Ø Who is God to me?
Ø Do I trust God when life is unfair?
Ø Does God choose me?
Ø Am I ready to trust?
MAKING IT REAL is packed with stories from real teens, practical Bible teaching, space for journaling, and includes five devotions to go along with each chapter. Written for both guys and girls, MAKING IT REAL will help your favorite teen to discover what they really believe and to get to the heart of their faith. 160 pages.
Author: T. Suzanne Eller
Publisher: Kregel Publications
ISBN: 978-0-8254-2543-1
Genre: Inspirational/devotional/teens
Teens who grew up in church have probably heard every Bible story and been taught everything they are supposed to believe. But what happens when they leave home and attend college and their faith is challenged at every turn? Do they KNOW what they really believe, or are they relying on their pastor and parents for the answers? MAKING IT REAL will help teens decide whether they are living a hand-me-down faith, or whether they believe it with their heart.
Ms. Eller helps teens discover answers to questions such as:
Ø Is my faith more than a habit?
Ø Who is God to me?
Ø Do I trust God when life is unfair?
Ø Does God choose me?
Ø Am I ready to trust?
MAKING IT REAL is packed with stories from real teens, practical Bible teaching, space for journaling, and includes five devotions to go along with each chapter. Written for both guys and girls, MAKING IT REAL will help your favorite teen to discover what they really believe and to get to the heart of their faith. 160 pages.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Whisper of the Bayou
Author: Mindy Starns Clark
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
ISBN: 978-0-7369-1879-4
Genre: Inspirational/suspense
Miranda Miller, as far as she knows, has always lived with her aunt AJ in Manhattan. She has a father in Arizona who touches base with her once a year, but otherwise, as far as she knows, Miranda doesn’t have a past, other than New York. Now she has a fulfilling job as an art restorer at a Manhattan museum, a loving husband, and an adorable five-year-old daughter, Tess.
When Miranda is summoned to the bedside of a dying man in Louisiana, she discovers a terrible tragedy that cut her off from family and had erased the first five years of her life from her memory entirely. Willy Pedreaux is the caretaker of Miranda’s grandparents’ antebellum estate, and when he passes, the estate is supposed to go into Miranda’s care. But Willy has secrets to share with Miranda first. Secrets about a tattoo that was branded on Miranda’s skull sometime as a child. Secrets about her mother. But before Willy can share his knowledge, his premature death sends Miranda into a nightmare of buried secrets, priceless treasures, and unknown enemies.
I have read all of Mindy Starns Clark’s books to date, and as much as I loved her Smartchick series, I think WHISPERS OF THE BAYOU is my favorite book of hers so far. Rich with the history of the Acadians who settled in Louisiana and became known as Cajun, the book is stock full of their heritage, beliefs, lore, and the mysterious area in which they live.
Miranda is a loveable heroine, seemingly very strong and courageous, but also fearful in many ways. I couldn’t help but fall in love with some of the colorful characters introduced in this book, especially Miranda’s Uncle Holt, who works with service dogs to see which service they would be best suited for. WISHPERS OF THE BAYOU held my interest all the way through, and as the electric was out due to a severe ice storm, I even read this book by candle light. I had to see what happened. I was very surprised at some of the twists and turns this book had, though I did have some suspicious who the “bad guys” were going to be. $13.99. 337 pages.
Author: Mindy Starns Clark
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
ISBN: 978-0-7369-1879-4
Genre: Inspirational/suspense
Miranda Miller, as far as she knows, has always lived with her aunt AJ in Manhattan. She has a father in Arizona who touches base with her once a year, but otherwise, as far as she knows, Miranda doesn’t have a past, other than New York. Now she has a fulfilling job as an art restorer at a Manhattan museum, a loving husband, and an adorable five-year-old daughter, Tess.
When Miranda is summoned to the bedside of a dying man in Louisiana, she discovers a terrible tragedy that cut her off from family and had erased the first five years of her life from her memory entirely. Willy Pedreaux is the caretaker of Miranda’s grandparents’ antebellum estate, and when he passes, the estate is supposed to go into Miranda’s care. But Willy has secrets to share with Miranda first. Secrets about a tattoo that was branded on Miranda’s skull sometime as a child. Secrets about her mother. But before Willy can share his knowledge, his premature death sends Miranda into a nightmare of buried secrets, priceless treasures, and unknown enemies.
I have read all of Mindy Starns Clark’s books to date, and as much as I loved her Smartchick series, I think WHISPERS OF THE BAYOU is my favorite book of hers so far. Rich with the history of the Acadians who settled in Louisiana and became known as Cajun, the book is stock full of their heritage, beliefs, lore, and the mysterious area in which they live.
Miranda is a loveable heroine, seemingly very strong and courageous, but also fearful in many ways. I couldn’t help but fall in love with some of the colorful characters introduced in this book, especially Miranda’s Uncle Holt, who works with service dogs to see which service they would be best suited for. WISHPERS OF THE BAYOU held my interest all the way through, and as the electric was out due to a severe ice storm, I even read this book by candle light. I had to see what happened. I was very surprised at some of the twists and turns this book had, though I did have some suspicious who the “bad guys” were going to be. $13.99. 337 pages.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Out of Her Hands
Author: Megan DiMaria
Publisher: Tyndale Fiction
ISBN: 978-1-4143-1888-2
Genre: Inspirational/women’s fiction
Linda Revere’s life is spiraling out of control. Her children are grown and launching into a life filled with exciting choices. Linda is stunned when her college-student son, Nick, starts failing classes and hanging out with a beautiful girl who doesn’t share his faith. And horrified when she overhears Amber broadcasts her plans to seduce Nick.
When Linda’s best friend announces plans to sell her house and move out East, Linda is lost. She will be losing her sounding board, the one who keeps her sane. When Linda’s father-in-law brings home a lovely widow, Linda’s teen daughter attempts to break them up. What will Linda do when she realizes it’s all out of her control?
OUT OF HER HANDS is a charming story about a middle aged woman, struggling to make sense of life, her demanding job, and two teens that are leaving the nest. I enjoyed reconnecting with Linda from the first book, Searching for Spice, and seeing how her life has changed since that first book ended.
I felt for Linda as her son insisted on flaunting his girlfriend in front of the family, especially when his girlfriend was less than friendly to his mother. I applauded Linda’s efforts to try to get to know the girl and to accept her, even though it was clear that the girl didn’t hold any of the family’s values. I hope there will be a third book in this series, as I would like to see what happens later with Josh, the father-in-law, and Linda’s daughter. Don’t miss OUT OF HER HANDS. It is a wonderful read. 368 pages. $12.99
Author: Megan DiMaria
Publisher: Tyndale Fiction
ISBN: 978-1-4143-1888-2
Genre: Inspirational/women’s fiction
Linda Revere’s life is spiraling out of control. Her children are grown and launching into a life filled with exciting choices. Linda is stunned when her college-student son, Nick, starts failing classes and hanging out with a beautiful girl who doesn’t share his faith. And horrified when she overhears Amber broadcasts her plans to seduce Nick.
When Linda’s best friend announces plans to sell her house and move out East, Linda is lost. She will be losing her sounding board, the one who keeps her sane. When Linda’s father-in-law brings home a lovely widow, Linda’s teen daughter attempts to break them up. What will Linda do when she realizes it’s all out of her control?
OUT OF HER HANDS is a charming story about a middle aged woman, struggling to make sense of life, her demanding job, and two teens that are leaving the nest. I enjoyed reconnecting with Linda from the first book, Searching for Spice, and seeing how her life has changed since that first book ended.
I felt for Linda as her son insisted on flaunting his girlfriend in front of the family, especially when his girlfriend was less than friendly to his mother. I applauded Linda’s efforts to try to get to know the girl and to accept her, even though it was clear that the girl didn’t hold any of the family’s values. I hope there will be a third book in this series, as I would like to see what happens later with Josh, the father-in-law, and Linda’s daughter. Don’t miss OUT OF HER HANDS. It is a wonderful read. 368 pages. $12.99
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