1. From the Inside…Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You
Blurb: Have you always wanted to write a novel, but didn’t know where to start? This book is for you. With proven techniques, easy to understand explanations and practical steps, From The Inside...Out will teach you how a story is structured then take you through the process of creating and marketing your novel. Topics include: Character-driven plotting, How to HOOK your reader, The elements and flow of SCENES, How to build STORYWORLD, Secrets to Sizzling Dialogue, Proven Self-Editing techniques, Synopsis and Query letter writing, How to manage your writing career ...and everything in between!
Link to buy the book: http://stores.lulu.com/mybooktherapy
2. Blog-A-Book!
Blurb: Write a book with My Book Therapy Voices in 2009!
Remember those games you used to play where your friend started the story, and you finished it? Or the “Choose your own ending” books? Ever wanted to be a part of the story process, giving input on the character’s decisions, learning how to write a book as you go? Me too!
Here at My Book Therapy, we love to write, and we love to teach writers how to find their voice. So, in 2009 we’ll be writing a book together! Starting in January, we’ll create characters, a plot, develop conflict, the black moment, the epiphany and finally…the happy ending. Then, week by week, you’ll be a part of the creation process, voting on the next step of our hero’s journey, watching the book take life, and learning the nuances of crafting a story. You’ll Blog-A-Book with the My Book Therapy authors and get tools to help you how to write your own novel.
And, at the end of the year, we’ll have a book we’ve all created, something that we’ll publish! And, best of all, the proceeds will go to support IJM, an organization that fights human trafficking around the world.
I’m really excited about our new project, and can’t wait to see what the collective mind put together.
So, Come and Blog-A-Book. Learn. Fellowship. Bless.
My Book Therapy…Discover the writer in you.
3. My Book Therapy Therapists and Services:
The site is: My Book Therapy http://www.mybooktherapy.com/
The Therapists are: Susan May Warren, Rachel Hauck and Sarah Sumpolec
Writing a Book while working a full-time job?
Q: Do you think it is possible to write a book if you are a homeschooling mom?
A: I was a homeschooling mom for eleven years, during which I wrote 24 books, so I know how overwhelming it can be. I was fortunate – my children supported me and frankly, after spending six hours with me in school, they were ready to let me have my time alone! However, admittedly it isn’t easy, and there are definitely some techniques to help make this an easier task.
Here are some of the things I do to carve out productive time.
Establish a set time every day, or every other day to write and keep this time sacred. Block it out on your calendar. If you only write “when you can,” then there will always be things that will get in the way…from walking the dog to making chocolate chip cookies… Set a time, and keep that appointment with yourself, telling yourself you are investing in your dreams.
Keep a writing Journal and every day log what you have done, and establish your goals for the next day. You will access different sides of your brain as you are writing than you do when you are working, and instead of always keeping both sides active, if you write down where you were and where you want to go each day, you can let your creative side “rest” while you are teaching, knowing you can pick right back up when you return to your writing enclave.
Keep a notepad handy. Even though you have made notes for yourself to keep your creative side from overloading, your subconscious will still be working…and I guarantee that you will be right in the middle of lesson, or an email, or even lunch, and suddenly you will hear/see/dream up your next scene. Quick – grab your notebook before you lose your thought and write down just enough words to trigger the memory again, later. Then, you won’t have lost it, but will have put it into its appropriate place to be pulled out during your writing time.
Involve your family in your dream. I created mini-celebrations – when I finished a chapter, or a scene, or even a book, we’d have mini-party – ice-cream, or cookies, or a trip to the park. Also, I promised my children that if/when I ever sold a book, I’d take them to Disney world! And I kept that promise. Involving them in the process allowed them to invest in the dream with me, and made them a vital part of my writing life. And, most of all, they didn’t feel left out.
It’s not easy to homeschool and write – many were the days when I held my two year old on my lap and typed around him. But the reward is when they introduce you to others as, “my mom (or dad) the author!”
God Bless you on your writing journey!
Susan May Warren
Founder, http://www.mybooktherapy.com/
Enter the contests for the LOVE TO WRITE blog tour! http://www.litfusegroup.com/latest/current-blog-tours/71-the-love-to-write-blog-tour-for-my-book-therapy
You have two chances to win!
Want to win a copy of From the Inside…Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You (http://www.lulu.com/content/5272647) for your very own? Leave a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) and tell us what kind of novel you have in YOU.
Do you already have your novel down on the page? Does it need a little THERAPY? Enter to win 10% off a Book Therapy Session (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=188 ) (that’s a savings of $30+) by leaving a comment here (http://www.mybooktherapy.com/index2.php/?page_id=177) telling us a brief synopsis of your story!
All winners will be chosen at random. Contest ends 2/28 and the winners will be announced on March 2nd!
Susan has created a video trailer JUST for the book: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbfR__NsnBQ
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