About the Book
Book: HE IS! Knowing God through Fifty Scriptural Meditations
Author: Mark R. Worden
Genre: Devotional – Personal Growth, Devotional Theology
Release Date: July 27, 2022
HE IS! Knowing God through Fifty Scriptural Meditations is devotional theology that is inspirational in nature, coming right out of the Scriptures. The devotionals are practical and relatable as the author shares from his own stories of life and ministry like a grandpa would share with his grandchildren. Other edifying features at the end of each devotional are the reflection questions, Scripture verses for further reading for personal meditation and spiritual growth, and space for the reader’s own thoughts.
Through a decade-plus of his life, the author took on the challenge of Hebrew 11:6 to seek God purposefully by looking for all the “God is…” statements that he could find in the Bible. He discovered that God clearly reveals who HE IS throughout the history and stories of the Bible. Each chapter is a HE IS statement about God that helps us to know Him better as we meditate on each attribute or work of God.
The author suggests a slow reading of HE IS throughout the year to have time to pause and think about who God is by taking one chapter each week. However, many readers are choosing a daily read and finding the devotionals enlightening as they are exposed to approximately 800 quoted verses of Scripture through the fifty, HE IS meditations. Each chapter can be read independently; however, there is a flow to the order of the chapters with some chapters building upon the preceding ones. After reading the book post-publication in preparation for a speaking engagement, the author realized that there was an unplanned sub-theme of God the Heavenly Father and we, His children through faith, that runs like a thread through the chapters, tying the truths about God together. The crescendo of the book is Chapter 47: “HE IS OUR FATHER.”
The writing of the book HE IS was part of God’s healing and growing process in the author’s life as he encountered faith-challenging trials. He shares his spiritual journey briefly in the Preface of the book. He is thankful for the promise of Philippians 1:6, “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”
Click here to get your copy!
About the Author
Mark R. Worden is a lifelong learner and a student of the Bible. He received his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Bible and Teaching Bible. He has served as youth pastor, missionary, professor at a Bible institute in Manaus, Brazil, and pastor of a local Montana church for six years. Along with being a licensed property manager, he is a self-employed handyman and a fly-fishing guide. Mark also enjoys woodworking in his home shop in Dillon, Montana.
Book Awards:
- American Writing Awards 2022 Finalist in the Religion Category
- Readers Views, Reviewer’s Choice Award 2022-2023, Bronze Medal Winner
- Ames Award Winner 2023, for courageous faith in Devotional – Personal Growth
- Christian Indie Awards, 2023 Finalist – Devotional
More from Mark
God’s Providence in some of the History of HE IS!
Do you read the Acknowledgements and the Preface of books you read? I do! They often give the reader insight into the life of the author and possibly more understanding of his or her message. God’s grace and providence are thick in my life. Read about it from the Preface to the last page of the book, “HE IS!”
We know that God intervenes in our lives when we have a heart to recognize His work.
Providence in my salvation story!
In the Acknowledgement and the Preface of “HE IS!” I mention a friend by name. He was a fellow classmate in High School whom God used to encourage me to think about God. I didn’t really like it at the time because I was running away from God during those days. However, presently, I am eternally grateful for Jim’s life, for God used him to turn my life around to run towards God. Read more of the story in the Preface.
Providence in rewriting chapter 10, HE IS LOVE!
About three years ago, when I was rewriting each chapter of the manuscript, I was stuck on chapter 10, HE IS LOVE. Taking a break from writing to drive out to my hometown of Roseburg, Oregon, I participated in a Memorial Fun Run in honor of Jim who had months earlier passed into eternity. Sunday, I attended a worship service and sat with Jim’s widow by her invitation and heard a Bible message where the messenger defined love. I took notes. With his permission, I used his definition in Chapter 10. God providentially gave me the help I needed to get past some writer’s block.
Providence in the publication date!
Jim’s widow became a precious sister in Christ since his passing into eternity and she posted a comment on Facebook that shocked me into a big smile. I was in awe of God’s timing in the publication date of “HE IS!” She pointed out that the “HE IS!” paperback publication date of July 27, 2022, printed in the actual book, was Jim’s Birthday! I remember at one point in the publication process having to surrender my expectations to the timing of the publication where I said, “Lord, I give up; it’s in your hands!” Then I was surprised how quickly it got published and, unbeknownst to me, perfectly timed on Jim’s Birthday! Simply amazing! Jim had been one of God’s major human instruments in bringing me to faith in Jesus Christ! Seems so fitting! Providential!
Providence to come!
Before my mom passed into eternity to be face-to-face with her Savior in September of 2022, she told me, “Mark, don’t worry about this book you have written; God will get it into the hands of those who need to read it!” What trust and what peace those words brought me. While I am working on letting others know about “HE IS!” I can let go and let God take control. Amen! I look forward and expect to hear some more stories of God’s providence in regard to this book He led and helped me to write. All glory be to God because HE IS!
Providence in 2023!
It was through the publication and my offering of a free PDF of “HE IS!” in an online Christian author group on Facebook that a single, attractive, and fascinating author, by the name of Connie Cook, asked for a copy, saying, “This looks good!” I wondered who would say my book looked good and read her insightful apologetic work, Look Around! Ten Observations that Leads to one Conclusion. We were soon writing emails back and forth to each other, author style, and had a budding friendship started. By the time I had finished reading a self-autobiographical mixed with historical fiction work about Connie and her mother, entitled, Mae and Me, I had totally fallen in love with Connie. But would she choose me in return as I had chosen to lover her for as far as she would love me? Of course, there is a lot more to the story which we plan to tell in a sequel to Connie’s book, Mae and Me entitled, Mark and Me. I won’t leave you hanging too long; we do believe that God is calling us together in marriage to coauthor some books in the future. Yes, we believe in the providence of God and answers to prayer.
Blessings, Mark R. Worden
Blog Stops
Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, December 13
It’s Mama Safe, December 14
Locks, Hooks and Books, December 15
Lighthouse Academy Blog, December 16 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 17
Texas Book-aholic, December 18
Fiction Book Lover, December 19 (Author Interview)
Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 20
Artistic Nobody, December 21 (Author Interview)
Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, December 21
Cover Lover Book Review, December 22
Happily Managing a Household of Boys, December 23
A Modern Day Fairy Tale, December 24 (Author Interview)
For the Love of Literature, December 25 (Author Interview)
Mary Hake, December 25
Lily’s Corner, December 26

To celebrate his tour, Mark is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card, a signed paperback copy of HE IS! and a signed paperback copy of Look Around: Ten Observations that Leads to One Conclusion by Connie Cook!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.