Authors: Sue Edwards and Kelley Mathews
Publisher: Moody Publishers
ISBN: 978-0-8024-8153-5
Genre: Inspirational/women’s ministry/people skills
“My mentors equipped me with ministry skills—but not one over taught me to expect conflict. No one ever told me that every ministry leader experiences criticism, personal attacks, and church politics.” –Sue Edwards
Given the nature of humans and the complexities of personalities, conflict is unavoidable. But how do we handle our emotions when other women are insensitive, manipulative, or mean? In LEADING WOMEN WHO WOUND, the authors teach us that we must understand and practice strategies specifically related to women.
Drawing from the Bible as well as their own experiences, the authors will teach women to:
Ø Expect Women Who Wound
Ø Women’s Ways of Whacking
Ø Prepare Personally for Women Who Wound
Ø Spot Women Who Wound
Ø Love Women Who Wound
And much more. There is even a chapter completely written for the male minister, so he can better solve disputes between women instead of expecting them to act like men in their problem solving skills.
There are discussion questions included at the end of each chapter (you could write answers in a notebook) making the book perfect for individual or group studies. They will also help you to be able to get the most from each chapter.
LEADING WOMEN WHO WOUND: Strategies for an Effective Ministry is an excellent guide for women in ministry who will eventually run into difficult women. It is also the perfect guide for pastor’s as a lot of them are fired or forced to resign from their positions, due to a difficult woman. Make sure you pick up a copy today – whether you are a pastor’s family, a church resource member, or just a lay member involved in the church in any form of ministry. $13.99. 177 pages.
Leading Women Who Wound on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0802481531
Kelley Mathews and Sue Edwards’ Website: http://www.newdoors.info/
Kelley Mathews’s Blog: http://www.geaux2girl.blogspot.com/
Kelley Mathews’s Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/people/Kelley-Maranto-Mathews/1645202187
List of all participating bloggers: http://blogtourspot.com/leading-blog-tour/leading-blog-tour-stops
1 comment:
Thanks for taking the time to post such a great review of our book. Sue and I appreciate you spreading the word to your readers.
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