Author: Tamera Alexander
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
June 2008
ISBN: 978-0-7642-0389-3
Genre: Inspirational/historical
Elizabeth Westbrook is determined to become on of the nations premier newspaper photographers. She is hired to travel to the Colorado Territory to capture the grandeur of the mountains and wildlife surrounding the remote town of Timber Ridge, and her employers hope that her photographs will lure tourists and hunters out to the Colorado Territory. Elizabeth is hoping that the mountain air will help cure the mysterious illness that threatens her life.
Daniel Ranslett is kind of a hermit. A former Confederate soldier, he has a past that is painful. He is not real impressed with Elizabeth when they meet, with a dispute over a bull elk Daniel shot, and is equally put out when Elizabeth insists he makes restitution by taking her hunting.
A photograph Elizabeth takes may be key to solving a crime, thus putting herself in danger. When she calls upon Daniel to help, they are forced on a perilous journey. Secrets are laid bare, and dreams may not be all that are imagined…
FROM A DISTANCE is the best book I’ve read by Ms. Alexander, and I’m sure I’ll read many more by this talented author. I couldn’t help but admire feisty Elizabeth from page one, and Daniel was a sweet hero, even if he did take a bit more time to get to know.
The faith message is expertly woven in and isn’t preachy. The setting is very much a part of this story. And the secondary characters are well developed. I enjoyed reading FROM A DISTANCE. If you are a historical reader, and love strong heroines, you cannot miss FROM A DISTANCE. $13.99. 377 pages.
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