Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Brave

Authors: Hayley & Michael DiMarco
Publisher: Revell
July 2012
ISBN: 978-0800733056
Genre: Inspirational/young adult/Christian living

What are you afraid of? Failure? Bullies? Pop quizzes? Natural disasters? Embarrassing yourself?

There’s a ton of stuff in the world that make us scared, stressed out, and worried. Things that make us want to hide. Things that make us doubt that God cares.

But Hayley & Michael DiMarco show us that the Brave people around us aren’t superhumans, they just learned how to have faith. Not in themselves, but in Someone much bigger than their fears.

Are you tired of being afraid? Want to be one of the Brave?

Even adults get worried, scared, or stressed out. So even though pop quizzes don’t scare me any more, and I learned to laugh over embarrassing incidents, I still get scared when the phone rings. Is it bad news? Is someone calling to cause problems or disrupt my life in some way? Or when a police car pulls into the driveway and your teenage son isn’t home… was there an accident? Fear happens, to every one. But the DiMarcos show us in THE BRAVE how we can turn our fears over to God and let Him handle them.

Pretty in blue, THE BRAVE includes pop quizzes, but the fun kind, where you learn if you are brave or scared. And it has five facts that they discuss. They include:

. The Brave have faith
. The Brave fear the right thing
. The Brave know the truth
. The Brave know pain
. The Brave conquer their fear

Full of truth, biblical advice, and personal stories, THE BRAVE is perfect for the tweener, teenager, and even adult who wants to be one of the Brave. The blue print is kind of hard to read (though pretty) but that’s my only complaint. Recommended. $12.99. 167 pages.

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