Sunday, May 24, 2015

In Firefly Valley

Author: Amanda Cabot             
Publisher: Revell
May 2015
ISBN 978-0800734350
Genre: Contemporary romance
Series: Texas Crossroads book 2

  She's lost her dream job--but has she found the man of her dreams?

Devastated by a downsizing, Marisa St. George has no choice but to return to the small Texas town where she grew up. Though it means a giant step backward, she accepts a position as business manager at the struggling Rainbow's End resort. The only silver lining: Blake Kendall, a new guest who might make her believe in love at first sight. But will Marisa's dreams of happily-ever-after be turned upside down when she discovers Blake's real identity?

This warm and witty story of dreams deferred and mistaken identity will have you believing in second chances.

IN FIREFLY VALLEY is book 2 in Ms. Cabot’s Texas Crossroads Series, and though these books do stand alone, readers will want to read the previous books. The first book is At Bluebonnet Lake.

There are three different stories going on in this book: Marissa and Blake, Marissa’s parents, and Laurel and Drew. Still, readers won’t have any problem keeping people straight.

I read IN FIREFLY VALLEY through to the end, though parts of it were skim worthy. I love contemporary romance, so am glad that it is popular right now. The faith message in this book is weak, not preachy at all, so non-Christians who read it shouldn’t be offended unless phrases like “You should pray” bothers them. The characters actually do pray once. They don’t attend church. However, there is growth, both with Marissa’s anger issues and Blake’s secretive ways.

This wasn’t my favorite book by Ms. Cabot, but all in all, IN FIREFLY VALLEY was a good read, one I enjoyed and I would recommend it to fans of contemporary romance.

4 stars. Available in ebook, hardcover, and paperback. 368 pages.

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. 

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