Monday, September 14, 2015

Reconciliation, Replication and Kingdom Impact Movement Day Offers New Interactive Tracks for Ministry and Marketplace Leaders

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Reconciliation, Replication and Kingdom Impact
Movement Day Offers New Interactive Tracks for Ministry and Marketplace Leaders

New York – For the past five years, Movement Day, a leadership initiative from The New York City Leadership Center (The NYCLC), has convened over 6,500 leaders in order to serve the world’s largest cities more effectively by advancing high-level, city-changing collaborative partnerships. OnOctober 29, 2015, leaders will once again gather at the New York Hilton Midtown to further advance Gospel Movements in cities across the globe. By promoting unity and fostering collaboration among a diverse spectrum of Christian leaders, the event will address some of today’s most urgent urban issues.
With a unique approach compared to many conferences, attendees will not only hear from a diverse panel of leading experts in the morning plenary, but they will also have the opportunity to share best practices in various interactive learning tracks that will be held during the afternoon. The topics covered focus on current urban issues or population groups and are led by experts and practitioners in that field. While The NYCLC has always been intentional in reflecting the
diversity of the world’s constituency, this year’s event underscores even further its intent on bridging the spiritual, economic and racial divides in our cities as well as the role of Millennials in accomplishing that task.

According to Director of Movement Day & Events, Ebony Small, “The issues of racial unity and kingdom impact on our cities have never been greater. We have brought together a faculty that represents racial, gender and generational diversity in order to insure a representative perspective on matters of unity and kingdom impact. I am particularly excited about the new additions to our interactive tracks and to hear from the millennial leaders we have enlisted for this year’s event.”

Five new tracks are being conducted this year that particularly address the matter of racial reconciliation, replicating Gospel Movements in other major cities and maximizing the impact that the kingdom of God can have on our cities.

This year’s new additions are:

Racial Reconciliation
The complexities of race, class, and culture often lead to superficial, short-term, programmatic solutions rather than transformational change. This session will offer practical tools and recommendations to enable leaders, both in church and the marketplace, to use their influence to serve as reconcilers.

Movement Day Replication Cities
Since January 2014, Movement Day has convened 3,400 leaders with 525 agencies working together in Pretoria (South Africa), London (United Kingdom), Chennai (India), Columbus (Ohio), Toronto (Canada) and a number of other cities have since communicated interest in hosting their own Movement Day expression within the next 12-24 months. Key success factors of Movement Day in New York and Dallas will be shared during this session and leaders will investigate the path toward launching a Movement Day in their own city – all in an effort to expand Gospel Movements to other major cities in the U.S. and around the world.

This track is designed to develop Kingdom citizens who are skilled in the theology and practice of winsomely sharing the Gospel and grounding others in their faith and to encourage the pursuit of evangelism and personal discipleship along with addressing social well-being issues.

Crossing Campus Lines
In this track, college students will wrestle with the perception challenge of viewing the city as a place to consume or a place to engage. More than preparing for post-college life, track participants will explore how to weave their college experience together now with gospel engagement in a city near campus.

Leadership Development
This track will look at New York City as a case study, to see how the city hosts large scale inspirational leadership training (The Global Leadership Summit at 13 Host Sites) and small scale practical leadership training (The Leadership Fellows Program) benefitting thousands of leaders each year.

Dr. Mac Pier, founder and CEO of The New York City Leadership Center comments, “The history and theory of missions tell us that whole cities or cultures can be reached with the Gospel. ‘Reached’ doesn’t mean that everyone becomes a Christian, but that a ‘tipping point’ can be achieved where Christianity begins to have a disproportionate effect on the population’s values and beliefs, and their faith grows spontaneously, without external control. We believe that Movement Day will play a vital role in seeing that come to fruition.”

For a complete description of all of this year’s interactive learning tracks, go to Track Overview.

Join the Movement
Early Bird Registration Ends September 14
October 29, 2015
8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
New York Hilton Midtown, 1335 Avenue of the Americas NY, NY

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