Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Mother and Son: The Respect Effect and Giveaway!!!

Dr. Eggerichs and the publisher are giving away one hardcover copy of Mother and Son: The Respect Effect to one lucky commenter! Be sure to leave contact information to enter so we can notify you if you win!  

Available in Hardcover, paperback, ebook, audio

 April 5, 2016

by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs (Author)

  • Hardcover: 304 pages
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson 
  • ISBN-13: 978-0849948213
Love is important, but it is respect that is the key to your son’s heart.
The idea of moms respecting their sons may sound alien to some, but it seems to ignite curiosity across the board. It is easy to relate to the need for all of us to feel a mother’s love, but is that the same thing as respect? Even for young boys, the effect of respect is nothing short of astounding when applied properly.
Moms yearn to learn anything that better helps them with their sons. After all, they love their boys, but many find them more difficult to parent than their girls, especially from age four and up.
What makes this all the more urgent is that moms are coaching fathers to love their daughters, but no one has said boo to moms on specific ways to show respect to their sons, at least not in a way that is applicable and fully explained. All realize that little girls need daddy’s love, but who is strongly promoting the truth that little boys (and big ones) need Mom's respect? No wonder mothers feel left in the dark on this topic.
Just as Emerson Eggerichs transformed millions of marital relationships with a biblical understanding of love and respect, he now turns these principles to one of the most important relationships of all, a mother and her son.

My thoughts: MOTHER & SON: THE RESPECT EFFECT is a book that seems to be spot-on, biblically. I have two sons, both young adults. One son is honest and trustworthy, makes wise decisions, thinks things through and behaves maturely. The other is impulsive, easily led to make bad decisions by his friends, and is floating through life unemployed more than employed, homeless more often than not, and well, sigh. It is so easy to respect the one and not the other.  

MOTHER & SON  has shown me that just as I need to respect my husband I also need to respect the son that is more of a trial.  I am trying to be more respectful in my comments toward him and will try to remember to try to calm disagreements with the words, "I am not trying to disrespect you..." and see if Dr. Eggerichs' advice there works.  

I read the book, hoping for some wise nuggets and there are a lot, but I feel that most of the book is geared toward mothers of boys, not mothers of men. It probably would've been more beneficial to me if I'd read it when my son was five, maybe, instead of twenty-five. But there are still things I learned, and will be putting into effect immediately. 

The first five chapters are mostly testimonials, the last five chapters are more testimonials. Recommended. The introduction is more of a sales pitch than an intro. But he is right. Males are different than females. And we need to respect those differences and be more understanding and respectful when the male responds differently than the female wants him to. 4 stars. 


Marilyn R. said...

Sounds like a great book for mothers with sons to read. Thank you for sharing. God bless.

Annie B. Stronge AKA Diane Theiler said...

Sounds like a great and needed book. Would love to read. Annieban53@gmail.com