Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Book Spotlight: A Time To Heal

A Time to Heal 

Paperback, ebook, hardcover 

April 30, 2015

by Seye Oke

  • Paperback: 246 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 
  • ISBN-13: 978-1511738576

Two worlds collide in a heated battle between past and future. Chidi must decide between his love for his wife Tori and his call to duty to save his kindred when a civil war threatens to destroy his home. Will this threefold cord stand the test as the realities of a cross cultural marriage dawns? As life happens, these young lovers beg…in to wonder if they truly understood the gravity of the vows they exchanged on their wedding day…"With this ring I wed thee…Where you go I will go and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God".

More About the Author


An inspirational writer and published author of A Time to Heal, Love's Lie and Debbie's Diary. Her creative works are usually based on biblical principles told in a contemporary African style. Her latest book 'A Time to Heal' was nominated for the International Book Awards - Religious Fiction Category. 
Follow @seyeoke
Blog www.hersides.com

1 comment:

Seye Oke said...

Thanks for the spotlight Laura