Friday, February 16, 2018

The Me I Want to Be Student Edition: Becoming God's Best Version of You


Paperback, ebook, hardcover

Student Edition, September 16, 2014

  • Paperback: 192 pages
  • Publisher: Zondervan; Student edition 
  • ISBN-13: 978-0310748632

Maybe you’ve gone to church and just not felt like you were connecting to the service like everyone else. Perhaps you have been trying to get closer to God but simply hit block after block and feel more frustrated than faith-filled each time you sit down to pray or worship. Or maybe you feel like you are doing okay spiritually, but feel you’re missing something you can’t quite define. And on top of everything else, you’re simply trying to figure out who you really are inside and what you’re supposed to be doing with your life.
The good news is you’re not alone, and you don’t have to feel discouraged. Though in the pages of The Me I Want to Be Teen Edition, bestselling author John Ortberg focuses on what makes you who you are, looking at how you spend your time, your unique experiences, your relationships, and your overall world to help you see where you are now, as well as providing exercises and quizzes that help uncover God’s plan for you and the positive directions you can now go. Find out what it can look like when you discover what the best version of you looks like, as well as the life God has always desired you to have.

My thoughts:  (reviewed by Jenna) THE ME I WANT TO BE is a book for teens to learn to find themselves. There are some good things ln there, like learning styles and personality types, but a lot of it was technical sounding and maybe not meant for the normal person.  I didn't get all the graphs and stuff.  

The first two chapters started slow and I didn't see the point of them. There was an interesting story about a four year old who was strong willed and a mental patient who led doctors in song, but that was about all I got out of them.

There are a few bordered sections that are helpful and draw the reader in, and a couple quizzes (like one to see how connected you are) and it is very definitely biblically based, but overall, the tone is dry, educational, and probably geared to a totally different learning style than me.  I found the book overwhelmingly dry and I don't know that I learned anything.  

I'd recommend thumbing through a copy or reading a sample chapter to see if it fits your learning style before purchasing, because some may find it very helpful. 

I was given a copy free. All opinions are my own. 

1 comment:

Marilyn R. said...

Jenna, you touched on a topic that is so true for each one, learning style of the reader. Thank you for sharing.