Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Interview with Ada Brownell

Today we welcome Ada Brownell to my blog. Ada, glad to have you stop by. Tell us about your new book. 

Love’s Delicate Blossom, an historical suspense
By Ada Brownell

Sequel to The Lady Fugitive and Peach Blossom Rancher

Edmund Pritchett III wants to marry Ritah Irene O’Casey, but she says wait. The beautiful redhead is trying to rescue Tulip, a 14-year-old orphan kidnapped by Henry Hunter to work in his brothel, and Ritah doesn’t have much time. She has a train ticket to go to college and hopes to fulfill her dreams, but then she meets a handsome farmer and everything changes.

 What is your favorite Christmas song?

 O Holy Night.
What are you reading right now?

 Island Refuge by Kimberly Rose Johnson
What would be your dream vacation?

Maybe Ireland, definitely Israel, or on second thought, to be able to pay our whole family’s way on a cruise to Panama!
 How do you choose your settings for each book?

 I choose where I know the story could happen, and perhaps did.

Will we know what happens to your character after the end of the book?

There’s a wide open window that reveals what did happen in the future, connected to the miracle in a peach blossom—a tiny flower filled with life!

  Where do you like to write? 

 I have a nice office in our home, a large desk and many bookshelves that that display my love for books. But I started writing at the kitchen table.

How do you handle distractions?

 I had five children, so you learn to tune out some sounds and tune into others. I also worked many years in a noisy newsroom. You harness your thoughts, and point them to the way you need to go Once I get start, it’s fairly easy.

What’s on the horizon for you?  What will you be writing next? 

 I will immerse myself in marketing and doing blog tours, but I already have an agenda. I plan to make my e-book, Facts, Faith, and Propaganda, into a paperback. Then I want to make some of my lesson series, Dynamite Decisions for Youth into books. One is God in American History, and another is Love is Dynamite.

Share a holiday tradition or recipe

Our holidays have always been about family. Many years in my youth we had no  presents, but we had great fun and joy with all the brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles and shirt-tail relatives that sometimes showed up for our big events. My mom and dad invited anyone who had a link to the family to come to our holiday happenings. When more people showed up, they just killed another chicken and brought up more food from the cellar.

Now, we like to have a good meal, open presents, and play table games. A time or two we went down the street caroling to our neighbors, and I’d love to do that again. We did the “guess the name of the carol” game, and my immediate family is all about singing. I love it when grandchildren come and sing.

Share your bio and links.


A redhead and the eighth child in her family, Ada Brownell looks at things from a different angle. Ever thought about what’s in a fertilized egg? She knows when she eats her breakfast egg, there’s the feathers, the rooster’s crow, the scratchy feet, the capacity to grow, walk, peck, fly short distances, digest food, and even create eggs and other chickens in the DNA in that egg.

So when Ada wrote Love’s Delicate Blossom, she took a good look at peach flowers and noticed they’re as amazing as a chicken, even if they don’t talk. Like the egg, the most important thing in a blossom is life, if it’s still attached to the tree. That’s just the beginning of the awesome blossom. Love also is a living substance, born, nurtured, and sometimes everlasting. Joe Nichols explains more about that in the book, Love’s Delicate Blossom.

The author of nine books, hundreds of articles and stories in Christian publications, and even  more as news articles when she worked as a journalist at The Pueblo Chieftain.

She’s been married sixty-five years, has five children, nine grandchildren and six great-grandchildren—plus some amazing daughters, sons, and grandchildren who married into the family.

Ada has played the piano or organ for churches, sang in choirs, trios, as a soloist; plus taught church youth for at least thirty years.

Ada’s Amazon author page—
Love’s Delicate Blossom—
Brand: Stick-to-Your-Soul Encouragement
Twitter: @adabrownell

1 comment:

Marilyn R. said...

I enjoyed this interview with Ada Brownell. Her books are wonderful to read with some still on my TBR list.