Friday, July 17, 2020

Being Known: A Novel (Haven Makers)

Being Known: A Novel 

(Haven Makers #2) 

Paperback – ebook

April 28, 2020

My thoughts (lvh): Ms. Gunn is a hit or miss author for me, and sadly this one was a miss.  Grief does do things to affect a person's thought process and usually the spouse doesn't know how to respond. I get this, but she opened doors that should've remained shut and locked.

I'm also not a huge fan of women's fiction, and I love a strong faith message.... this is women's fiction and the  faith message was very weak. However, fans of Ms. Gunn's Christy Miller series and spin-offs will love revisiting old friends...

A mixed review that may just be me and my tastes, so check it out for yourself. Ms. Gunn is a best-selling author for a reason.

I was given a copy free. All opinions are my own.

1 comment:

Marilyn R. said...

I prefer a strong faith message in Christian fiction books.