Sunday, October 17, 2021

Here We Go Again! By Jenna V Hilton #devotional

It's Fall again. To some, it's flu season, to others, it's spider/snake season. To my pitbull black labrador mix, Skye, it's the time of year where leaves, dead sticks, and acorns fall from the trees. But I've noticed something. Skye only reacted to RFO's (Random Flying Objects) for the first two years we had her. After that, Skye was just like, "okay. It's that time of year. Just gotta be careful not to lie down under or around trees." Skye's no longer fazed by that stuff. But we can't STOP being fazed by change! We either celebrate or mourn the changing seasons, depending on our preference. Some people have never felt more alive. Some people have never felt so empty. But God's got the whole world in his hands! (Shout out to lil sis's favorite song when she was like, five.) God is in control of the season's. And yeah, I get it. Change can be upsetting. I feel that more than ever as a "baby adult" just trying my best. I don't WANT to be in charge, but at the same time, I'm kinda ready. It's confusing. But God has numbered our days. God has a separate CALENDAR with each of our names on it! He knows our schedule LONG before we do! Let's trust Him with it.

Dear heavenly father, thank you for your wisdom in planning the season's. This world sure ain't perfect, but you made it perfect for sustaining life. Help us to trust you with everything. In Jesus name, amen.

Jenna V. Hilton is nineteen, and lives in Arkansas with her parents, two sisters, a brother, and dog.  She is a senior in high school and planning to attend college to become a veterinarian.

1 comment:

Marilyn R. said...

Thank you for the reminder God is in control and have each one of our days numbered. Blessings Jenna as you follow God's will for your life and writing.