Sunday, June 2, 2024

A Closer Walk by BJ Bassett #devotional


A Closer Walk

Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. James 4:8 KJV

A faithful follower of Jesus, my husband, read his Bible and his devotion book, "My Utmost for His Highest" every morning. After his eternal homecoming, I offered his copy of his favorite devotional underlined with colored pens and highlighters to our daughter Kathy. She reads it every day.

Oswald Chambers, author of "My Utmost for His Highest," was a preacher and a teacher. He taught in the USA and Japan and founded the Bible Training College in London in 1911. At one point, his reputation and career were shattered by a lie. A young woman falsely accused him of sexual assault. (She later recanted.) Although forced out of the church, he refused to become bitter.

After her husband's homecoming, Mrs. Chambers transcribed her notes from his sermons into a collection: the  popular devotional book, "My Utmost for His Highest."

Out of a scandalous lie, God raised a man whose closer walk with his Savior benefited millions.

What about us? Will we seek a closer walk with our Savior?

Precious Savior, like Oswald Chambers, I too long for a closer walk with You. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Reprinted from

The King’s Daughters

By BJ Bassett



B. J. Bassett encourages others as an author, teacher and speaker. Her books include a contemporary novel, Gillian’s Heart; a historical novel Lily; Sweet Charity; A Touch of Grace—The G.R.A.C.E. Ministries Story; and coauthor of a children’s devotional My Time with God, Focus on the Family, Heritage Builders, with over 55,000 copies sold.


As a contributing writer, publications consist of Writer’s Handbook 2000, The Writer, and The Focus on the Family Guide to Growing a Healthy Home, Wolgemuth& Hyatt, Publishers, Inc.—consistently on Bookstore Journal’s Best-selling Christian Books List from November 1990 - February 1991, and voted the 10 Best Books for 1990 by Today’s Christian Woman.


Magazines, devotional booklets, curriculum and newspaper publishers include Focus on the Family, Woman’s World, The Quiet Hour, Pathways to God, Devotions, Harcourt Brace, WordAction, Gospel Publishing and Times Standard (newspaper).


She teaches writing workshops at Umpqua Community College, Roseburg, OR and at writer’s conferences. As a speaker for Stonecroft Ministries, she tells her story of rejection and acceptance, not only in life, but as a writer as well. She also offers book talks, including discussion questions and shares the journey -- from the seed of an idea to a published book.


She enjoys reading, jigsaw puzzles, knitting, munching warm scones oozing with butter and strawberry jam and sipping earl grey tea.

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