Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Bride Wore Coveralls

Author: Debra Ullrick
Publisher: Heartsong Presents
June 2008
ISBN: 978-1-60260-031-7
Genre: Inspirational/contemporary romance

Camara Cole wants to win the mud-bog racing championship—and she’s worked hard to overcome deep prejudice against her unfortunate gender. She’s a tough girl, prepared to do whatever it takes to win in this male dominated world, hopefully both a title and respect.

Chase Lamar has been a mud-bog racer for as long as Camara, and before he became a Christian, he was also the biggest bully in the circuit, taunting Camara, and also “fixing” her truck so she’d lose the races. But now, Chase wants to help Camara. He reaches out to her, and in spite of her deep seated hatred towards him, Chase begins to have feelings toward her.

When Camara’s truck is sabotaged, Camara naturally blames Chase. He claims his innocents, but more and more evidence points his direction. What will it take for Chase to prove his innocence to Camara, and win her love and trust?

THE BRIDE WORE COVERALLS starts out with the hero and heroine deep-seated enemies. Camara hates Chase for everything he’s ever done to her, and Chase has been raised hating Camara—in fact, his father loses his temper whenever Chase is even caught talking with her.

Camara wasn’t real likeable at first, while Chase turned into a true romance book hero—even tempered and loving. I wondered for a while how he could even be attracted to Camara. But as the pages turned, Camara began softening and became a much more likeable character. I hoped they would be able to overcome their hostile past. This is not your typical romance. $4.95.170 pages.

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