Author: Joyce S. Oglesby
Publisher: ACW Press
March 2008
ISBN: 978-1934668-00-9
Genre: Inspirational/relationships/nonfiction
KEEPING HIS PANTS ON…UNTIL HE GETS HOME has a controversial cover, but inside the covers is anything but controversial. Who doesn’t want to affair proof their marriage? Most women want to know that their husband will be 100% faithful to them and true to their marriage vows. If only it were as simple as a vaccine, administered on the wedding day.
Pastor’s wife Joyce Oglesby says that the demands of today’s woman can distract her from fulfilling her husband’s sexual needs. Loosing focus of this responsibility has caused many women to face the maladies of matrimony, because you are too tired, too stressed, too mad, too sad, too depressed, or whatever.
Ms. Oglesby helps us to learn how to get past the dangers of boredom and staleness and how to insert passion into an unfulfilled relationship, removing husband’s from outside temptation.
Top 10 Ways to Affair-Proof Your Marriage
1. Lose your inhibitions
2. Be creative and spontaneous
3. Be available for quick intimate moments
4. Don't compare
5. Praise him'
6. Be available for intimacy especially during times of adversity.
7. Don't stop caring
8. Look as good asyou can!
9. Don't keep score
10. Keep your mouth shut about your sex life.
Remember When and Why
Before you marry, take time to undertake this small task:Make a list in rank and order of what you love the most aboutyour future husband. Think back to what you were first attracted to and fast forward to today. After the wedding, place this list in a private placefor you to refer to often. The list will be a great reminder of his attributes you love the most. This list will be a great motivator and will serveas a sedative at times as well, to spur you on to placin' a lovin' on your man. These are the reasons you chose him as a lifetime mate. You certainlywant the world to know you made a wise choice.
KEEPING HIS PANTS ON…UNTIL HE GETS HOME was a bit uncomfortable reading at times, as I was raised by parents who didn’t talk about sex. I still feel that is a bit taboo, so reading a book dedicated solely to this issue did cause some embarrassment. However, it is a topic that needs to be discussed among married couples as sexual drives diminishes over time, and with all the demands on a woman’s time, months or even years go by between sexual encounters.
Intercourse is a gift God has given to married couples, and we need to learn how to enjoy it, how to reach out to your husband sexually and be there when ever he wants it, no matter what our mood. Ms. Oglesby also suggests keeping a supply of sexy pajamas on hand to stimulate your man’s sexual drive. KEEPING HIS PANTS ON…UNTIL HE GETS HOME is a must read for every wife who hopes to affair proof their marriage. $24.95. 160 pages.
A Contest for Romantics:We are pleased to announce a special contest created. On July 5, 2008 we will have a grand prize drawing for a special gift basket which will include: Keeping His Pants on Until He Gets Home Book, 12 Pillow Talk Love Notes, 2 Glasses, 1 bottle of sparkling apple-cranberry, 1 Beanpod Candles melter, Beach Walk wax soy beads, Bird of Paradise wax soy beads, and 9 tea lights.
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