Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tea for Two

Author: Trish Perry
Publisher: Harvest House
April 2011
ISBN: 978-0-7369-3016-1
Genre: Inspirational/women’s fiction

Zack Cooper is a farmer, and sells his local produce to Milly’s Tea Shoppe among other places. Milly is like an older friend, and is sensitive to Zack’s moods, so when she notices something is up, she asks. Unfortunately, Zack’s teenagers are getting into trouble, minor scrapes with the law, and other things and Zack wants to curtail it before they land in even deeper water. Milly suggests that Zack talk with a therapist she knows to give him parental advice. Zack isn’t interested.

Tina Milano is a therapist, and when Milly approaches her about helping a man, pro bono, who is having some problems, Tina agrees, but on a not-exactly professional level. They were going to act as friends, so she could get to know the teenagers. But Zack doesn’t call.

At least not until something else happens and he realizes things are out of control. But then the romantic sparks fly between him and Tina, and when her friends notice, they decide to help things along.

TEA FOR TWO is the second book in The Teashop Series, but it easily stands alone. I enjoyed getting to know both Zack, Tina and Milly and was amazed how accurately Ms. Perry did the therapist character. Tina was definitely a therapist, on and off the clock. Zack was a true father, and like most parents out of his league with teenagers, but in a more difficult position as a single father.

I enjoyed TEA FOR TWO immensely and couldn’t put it down. I enjoyed the sparks between Zack and Tina, evident from the moment they met, the gentle, caring way Millie has with her characters, and I even liked the real-to-life teenagers giving Zack so much trouble. I highly recommend this book. Discussion questions and some wonderful sounding recipes are included at the end of the book. $9.99. 256 pages.

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