Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Title: ROOMS
Author: James L. Rubart
Publisher: B&H Publishing Group
April 2010
ISBN 978-0-8054-4888-7
Genre: Christian Fiction
Reviewed by Steve Hilton

This book will change you. You’ve been warned. Author Robert Liparulo comments that this is “Part The Screwtape Letters, part The Shack.” I agree, but I would also add another comparison. Years ago, my mother-in-law gave me a cassette tape of a wonderful sermon-story entitled, My Heart, Christ’s Home. This book is that sermon-story, in print.

Micah Taylor seems to have it all. A multi-millionaire software CEO at the age of 25, a penthouse on the 21st floor, the requisite BMW and drop-dead-gorgeous girlfriend who is expecting a ring any day now. Then, he receives The Letter.

It seems that Micah has inherited a beach-front mansion on Cannon Beach. The scene of the most horrific events of his young life, Cannon Beach is the last place in the world that Micah would be interested in visiting, much less retiring. And yet, the letter draws him as nothing else could. A casual visit, just to satisfy his curiosity, sends Micah’s world into chaos.

I’m not going to share anymore in this review, because to do so would necessitate telling the whole story. And this story cannot be told. It has to be experienced. And it’s not a book that I could review by simply skimming the first three chapters. This book has changed me. This book will change you. You’ve been warned. 385 pages. $14.99.

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