Friday, September 23, 2011

A Woman's Walk in Truth

Title: A WOMAN’S WALK IN TRUTH: Devotions for Living a Confident Faith
Author: Vonette Bright
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
August 2011
ISBN: 978-0-7369-3929-4
Genre: Inspirational/devotional

You can experience God’s joy every day.

God is always with us, in good times and in bad. In A WOMAN’S WALK IN TRUTH, Vonette Bright gives us short (five minute or less) devotionals that explore God’s Word and strengthens your heart.

Some of the things that Ms. Bright shares include:

. God loves you and wants a personal relationship with you
. He is always with you; He will never forsake you
. He offers you strength and hope
. He wants to bless you and meet your needs
. He will guide you and support you if you ask Him

I enjoy reviewing devotionals and this was a short one that made it easy to read in small bits of time. This one is encouraging and upbeat, and included a verse to meditate on as well as a faith-building story, and affirmations that will help to brighten your day.

This is a great book to keep for quick five-minute bursts of time with God, when you don’t have the time to give to a more in-depth study. I have devotions several times a day and enjoyed making this one part of my time with God. Attractively done, this book is also excellent for gift-giving. $9.99 hardcover. 288 pages.

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